<h3>这两天我们要开始上学了,我第一次遇见了我的伙伴——kyle hamany。</h3> <h3>We are going to start school these two days. I met my partner Kyle hamany for the first time.</h3> <h3>他向我介绍校园,并且带我去了教室。我们一起上课,一起吃饭,一起共享书本。</h3> <h3>He introduced the campus to me and took me to the classroom. We have classes, meals and books together.</h3> <h3>其中我最喜欢的科目是科学课,上课的老师十分幽默风趣,他会带我们做各种各样有趣的实验,令我大开眼界。</h3> <h3>Among them, my favorite subject is science. The teacher in class is very humorous and interesting. He will take us to do all kinds of interesting experiments, which will open my eyes.</h3> <h3>晚上,我们参加了一场音乐会。我们等待了很久,音乐会才开始。合奏,合唱,独唱,齐唱,独奏,各种声音,七彩的灯光,眼花缭乱,目眩神迷。我们学校的节目也十分给力,两人齐奏《赛马》。明朗的节奏,优美的旋律,直接将晚会推向了最高潮。</h3> <h3>In the evening, we attended a concert. We waited a long time before the concert began. Chorus, chorus, solo, chorus, solo, various voices, colorful lights, dazzling, dazzling. Our school program is also very powerful. Two people play the horse race. Clear rhythm and beautiful melody directly pushed the party to its climax.</h3>