

<h3>  怀着期待的心情,经过一天的长途跋涉,我和我的同伴们来到了我的母校的姊妹学校——西斯特里安中学。</h3> <h3>With anticipation, after a long day's journey, my companions and I came to my sister school in my alma mater,Cistercian College Roscrea。</h3> <h3> 这是一所拥有120年悠久历史的中学,面积多达3平方公里。</h3> <h3>This is a 120-year-old middle school with an area of up to 3 square kilometers.</h3> <h3>这里的用餐环境良好,采用的是自助餐的形式。</h3> <h3>The dining environment here is good, using the form of buffet.</h3> <h3>粗略地参观了一下校园,我们便启程至这趟旅程的第一个景点——cashel。</h3> <h3>After a brief tour of the campus, we set off to cashel, the first attraction of the trip.</h3> <h3>cashel是一座古堡,历史悠久,是旧时一些国王的家。这里先后发生过几场战争,士兵可以从塔楼的洞中来回穿梭,向敌人射击,可以说是牢不可摧。1840年间这里发生了饥荒,没有钱来维修城堡,所以塔顶被风吹掉了一块,没能完好地保存下来。</h3> <h3>Cashel is an old castle with a long history. It is the home of some old kings. There have been several wars here. Soldiers can shuttle back and forth from the holes in the tower and shoot at the enemy, which can be said to be indestructible. There was a famine in 1840 and there was no money to repair the castle, so the top of the tower was blown off by the wind and could not be well preserved.</h3> <h3>这次的旅行还会持续,我十分期待这次旅行,同时希望这次旅行能增强我的自理能力,让我能很好地领略爱尔兰文化。</h3> <h3>This trip will continue, and I am looking forward to it very much. At the same time, I hope that this trip will enhance my self-care ability and enable me to have a good understanding of Irish culture.</h3>