
太阳 · 正晴

<h3>  俄罗斯,简称俄国。是联邦共和立宪制国家。国旗为白、蓝、红三色旗。国徽主体为双头鹰图案。俄罗斯位于欧亚大陆北部,地跨欧亚两大洲,国土面积为1709.82万平方公里,是世界上面积最大的国家。</h3><h3>Russia, or Russia for short, is a federal republic. The national flag is a tricolor of white, blue and red. The main body of the national emblem is a double-headed eagle pattern. Russia is located in the north of Eurasia, which straddles the two continents. With a land area of 17,098,200 square kilometers, Russia is the largest country in the world.</h3> <h3>  红场位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科市中心,临莫斯科河。是重大历史事件的见证场所,更是俄罗斯重要节日、大型庆典和阅兵的场所,是世界著名旅游景点。</h3><h3>Red square is in the heart of the Russian capital, Moscow, on the Moscow river. It is a place to witness major historical events, as well as important festivals, large-scale celebrations and military parades in Russia. It is a world famous tourist attraction.</h3> <h3> 红场南北长695米,东西宽130米,总面积9.035万平方米,呈不规则的长方形。</h3><h3>The Red square is 695 meters long from north to south and 130 meters wide from east to west.</h3> <h3>  列宁墓位于莫斯科红场西侧,由红色花岗石和黑色长石建成。列宁的遗体安放于建筑内部的水晶棺中。</h3><h3> 1994年,列宁墓被联合国教科文组织确认为“世界历史文化遗产”。</h3><h3>Lenin's tomb, on the west side of Moscow's Red square, is made of red granite and black feldspar. Lenin's body lies in a crystal coffin inside the building.</h3><h3>In 1994, Lenin's tomb was recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site.</h3> <h3>  俄罗斯外交部及周围的建筑。</h3><h3>Russian foreign ministry and surrounding buildings</h3> <h3> 彼得大帝夏宫,距圣彼得堡市约30公里,占地近千公顷,是历代俄国沙皇的郊外离宫,被联合国教科文组织列为《世界遗产名录》。</h3><h3>The Summer Palace of Peter the great, about 30 kilometers away from st. Petersburg city and covering an area of nearly 1000 hectares, is the palace of the tsars of Russia in the past dynasties. It has been listed on the world heritage list by UNESCO.</h3> <h3>  冬宫坐落在圣彼得堡宫殿广场上,原为俄罗斯沙皇的皇宫,其博物馆与伦敦的大英博物馆、巴黎的罗浮宫、纽约的大都会艺术博物馆一起,称为世界四大博物馆。</h3><h3>The Winter palace is located on the palace square in st. Petersburg, the former imperial palace of the Russian czar. Its museum, together with the British museum in London, the Louvre in Paris and the metropolitan museum of art in New York, is known as the four major museums in the world.</h3> <h3> 冬宫博物馆有百万件藏品,个个价值连城。</h3><h3>The winter Palace Museum has a collection of millions of pieces, each worth millions of dollars.</h3> <h3>  毕加索的画。</h3><h3>A painting by Picasso.</h3> <h3> 站在金树枝上的这只金孔雀,是冬宫博物馆的镇馆之宝。如果上了发条它能奏响音乐,孔雀可以开屏。</h3><h3>The golden peacock on the golden branch is the treasure of the winter Palace Museum. If wound it can play music, the peacock can spread.</h3> <h3> 达.芬奇的这副《圣母玛丽》名画也是镇馆之宝。画中端庄秀美的圣母正在为耶稣哺乳,脸上露出温馨、宁静、美丽的微笑。</h3><h3> Da.Vinci"s famous painting of the virgin Mary is also a treasure of the town hall. In the painting, the dignified and beautiful virgin is breast-feeding Jesus, with a warm, quiet and beautiful smile on her face.</h3> <h3>  克里姆林宫是俄罗斯国家的象征、总统府所在地。克里姆林宫享有“世界第八奇景”的美誉。</h3><h3>The Kremlin is the symbol of Russia and the seat of the presidential palace. The Kremlin has a reputation as the eighth wonder of the world.</h3> <h3>  普希金,1799年6月6日生人,是俄罗斯著名文学家、诗人、小说家,现代俄国文学的创始人。1837年1月29日在一次决斗中遇害。他的创作对俄罗斯文学和语言的发展影响深刻。</h3><h3>Pushkin, born on June 6, 1799, is a famous Russian writer, poet, novelist and founder of modern Russian literature. He was killed in a duel on January 29, 1837. His works had a profound influence on the development of Russian literature and language</h3> <h3>  俄罗斯人。</h3><h3>Russian.</h3> <h3>  俄罗斯的车。</h3><h3>Russian car.</h3> <h3> 在圣彼得堡的小剧场,看了一场《天鹅湖》。</h3><h3>In st. Petersburg's small theater, saw a "swan lake".</h3> <h3>  圣彼得堡,位于俄罗斯西北部,波罗的海沿岸,涅瓦河口,列宁格勒州的首府。市名源自耶稣的弟子圣徒彼得。圣彼得堡古迹群构成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。</h3><h3>St. Petersburg, northwest Russia, on the Baltic sea, at the mouth of the Neva river, capital of Leningrad state. The city got its name from saint Peter, a disciple of Jesus. St. Petersburg is a UNESCO world heritage site.</h3> <h3>  涅瓦河游船。</h3><h3>A cruise ship on the Neva river.</h3> <h3> 在莫斯科大学遇到了这些俄罗斯波罗的海舰队的士兵,由于我的语言问题,交流的不是很好。</h3><h3>I met these soldiers of the Russian Baltic fleet in Moscow university. Due to my language problem, I could not communicate very well.</h3> <h3> END</h3>