

<h3>“Coming to Changshu from time to time” — A record of 2019 Ouqu Middle School Spring Exchange Program in Changshu</h3> <h3>在这个催人奋进,令人回味的春天,澳洲阳光海岸中学,延续美丽的约定,再次来到藕渠中学,进行为期4天的学术文化修学营,这也是两校自2017年缔结友好学校关系以来的第6次师生交流。</h3><h3>In this urging and unforgettable spring, 24 students and 3 leading teachers (Ms. Leyden, Mr. Lennox, Ms. Dohnt) from our Australian sister school— Sunshine Beach State High School paid a 4-day visit (April 10-14) to our Changshu Ouqu Middle School based on the blessed appointment. This is also the sixth time of successful Sino-Australian exchange between students and staff since two schools established sister school relationship in 2017.</h3> <h3>题为“阳光海岸中学赴藕渠中学2019交流访问” 常熟修学营,赋予了两校学生无限的满足感和幸福感。</h3><h3>The program, titled “Sunshine Beach State High schools &amp; Ouqu Middle School Exchange Program 2019 in Changshu” gives infinite sense of gains and happiness to two sister schools.</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">学贯中西,雅俗共赏</h3><p style="text-align: center;">A thorough cultural bridge</h3><h3>这是一场语言与文化的饕餮盛宴。中澳师生“中西礼仪差异”的英语课,“画京剧脸谱”的艺术课,非遗大师的剪纸、唱京剧活动,实现语言交流,体验文化共享。</h3><h3>This is a gluttonous feast of language and culture. Curriculum for students like “Different etiquette in China and western countries” by Ms. Yao, “Peking Opera makeups painting” by Mr. Wang, Ms. Tang &amp; Ms. Jin, “Chinese paper-cutting” combined with “Peking opera singing” by Mr. Cui, master of none-material world heritage, play a significant part in students’ both verbal communication and cultural inheritance.</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">锦绣江南,湖光山色</h3><p style="text-align: center;">A picturesque Jiangnan Landscape</h3><h3>这是一个花团锦簇的踏春季节。中澳师生参观城市展馆,目睹常熟历史发展。游南湖湿地,赏湖景,观街景。领略江南园林,聆听名城轶事。</h3><h3>This is a flowery season for sightseeing and exploration. Activities such as “Visiting City Exhibition Hall”, “Excursions to South Lake wetland”, “Cityscape tour on a coach”, provide students an opportunity of appreciating typical gardens and getting to learn anecdotes of the city.</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">中澳友谊,万古长青</h3><p style="text-align: center;">A lasting profound friendship</h3><h3>这是一段载歌载舞的兴奋时刻。中澳篮球友谊赛,中澳艺术联谊会,学生专注的表情,惊喜的眼神和满意的笑容,拥抱了这份鲜活的友谊。</h3><h3>This is a memorable moment for singing and dancing. Sino-Australian basketball match, Sino-Australian musical cultural performances fill students’ expressions with preoccupation, eyes with surprise and smiles with satisfaction. The friendship lives in the embrace and will continue to keep alive.</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">纸短情长,不舍离别</h3><p style="text-align: center;">A sentimental unwilling departure</h3><h3>这是一张沉醉依恋的合影留念。欢送仪式上的互赠礼物,互诉衷肠,中澳师生、住家结下深厚友谊与情谊,热情好客的藕中师生与家长将被永远铭记。</h3><h3>This is a memorable photo of farewell. We share joys and tears, we exchange gifts and contacts. Students will long remember the warmth and hospitality of host families and achievements we witnessed here in Ouqu.</h3> <h3>就如中国古诗所说:“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。”让我们踏实推进更宽更广的合作与交流,共同期盼两校更为灿烂的明天。</h3><h3>As the ancient Chinese poem goes: Long distance never separates bosom friends. Let us take solid steps to promote a broader and more dynamic cooperation and look forward to an even brighter future for two schools.</h3><p style="text-align: right;">Todd, on April 14,2019.</h3>