音你而唱——Sing for Youth广益实验中学初2017级英语歌曲比赛


<h3>To feel the flame of dreaming, </h3><h3>and to feel the moment of dancing,</h3><h3>My sweet songs are only for you.</h3> <h3>湖南广益实验中学初2017级英语歌唱比赛在校园的大舞台上隆重拉开帷幕。为激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,寓教于乐,浓厚校园英语学习氛围,八年级全体英语老师精心策划组织了本次活动,经过老师们的精心指导和层层筛选,选手们脱颖而出,晋级决赛。</h3><h3>晚会上,选手们才华横溢,尽情演绎,淋漓尽致地展示了各自的英文风采和广益学子的精神风貌。选手们精彩的表演深深感染了在场的观众,博得阵阵喝彩,现场掌声不断。评委老师们根据选手的歌唱内容、舞台表现、英文发音,及歌词音律的准确性来打分。经过激烈角逐,评出6组特等奖,8组一等奖,和13组二等奖。</h3> <h3>A friend is never known till a man has need.</h3><h3>特等奖 C1708 方格 Everything I Need</h3> <h3>Behind the clouds is still a bright sunny day. Hello, my world.</h3><h3>特等奖C1722 刘语心 Hello </h3> <h3>Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it.</h3><h3>特等奖 C1724 易子宇、刘龄泽 Fade Yourself</h3> <h3>To the world you may be one person , but to one person you may be the world.</h3><h3>特等奖C1704 李鑫毅、陈云飞、张雅淇、蒋希沅Closer</h3> <h3>Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go,just enjoy the show.</h3><h3>特等奖C1707&amp;1728 苏静雨、赵心卓、王昳 The Show</h3> <h3>You're my end and my beginning.</h3><h3>Even when I lose I'm winning.</h3><h3>Cause I give you all of me.</h3><h3>And you give me all of you.</h3><h3>特等奖C1717 汤若儒 All Of Me</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>We never give up; We keep on working; We never regret; This is our beautiful youth!</h3><h3>一等奖C1709 易言 唐瑞敏 张瀞匀 周歆怡 We Can’t Stop </h3> <h3>It's been a long day without you, my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again. </h3><h3>一等奖C1723&amp;C1730 张馨文、邓伊然、肖宗晖、李想、谢邹琪、周思妤 See You Again</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>The past may hurt, but you can either run from it or learn from it. If all falls down, what will back you up?</h3><h3>一等奖C1701&amp;1715 唐越、刘欣媛、黄璐、昌靖怡 All Falls Down</h3> <h3>Everybody wants to love and everybody wants to be loved. </h3><h3>Love is all around, if you just look for it. Let love begin!</h3><h3>一等奖C1702 范天勤、曹文静、吴娱、彭喆妍、张闻睿Everybody </h3> <h3>Failure or success,brave and fearless.</h3><h3>一等奖 C1731 黄昕语、李依玲 Monsters</h3> <h3>Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride,</h3><h3>Everything, everything will be just fine.</h3><h3>Everything, everything will be alright, alright.</h3><h3>一等奖C1721 文捷、周彦宇、谭宇轩、邱嘉词The Middle</h3> <h3>True love is the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven. I just want something like this.</h3><h3>一等奖C1720 朱遵熹 Something Like This</h3> <h3>My legs are weary but I still walk</h3><h3>My hands are sown and broken but I still clutch</h3><h3>My cup is empty but I still pour</h3><h3>Even if the stars are dim, we will still keep on seeking for the light.</h3><h3>一等奖C1716 刘文、廖丝雨 Never Enough</h3> <h3></h3><h3>When I love</h3><h3>I feel that I am the king of time</h3><h3>I possess the earth and ever</h3><h3>二等奖 C1703 尹婧雯、王子竣 We Don't Talk Anymore</h3> <h3></h3><h3>二等奖 C1706 杨亮华 Far Away &amp; Love Warriors<br></h3> <h3></h3><h3>二等奖C1710 李可涵Youth</h3> <h3></h3><h3>When I love</h3><h3>I become liquid light</h3><h3>invisible to the eye</h3>二等奖C1711 胡骞文、潘思远 Yesterday Once More <h3></h3><h3>二等奖C1712 陆逸然、崔智秀 Lemon Tree<br></h3> <h3>二等奖C1713 张馨然 Someone like you</h3> <h3>and the poems in my notebooks</h3><h3>become fields of mimosa and poppy.</h3><h3>二等奖C1714 曹钧宜 Blank Space</h3> <h3></h3><h3>二等奖C1718 张巍耀、欧阳思思、袁金妮 Fox&amp;All of Me&amp;Diamond </h3> <h3>二等奖C1719 张诺熙、袁姜玥You Raise Me Up&amp;Not Every Hero Wears Cap</h3> <h3>When I love</h3><h3>the water gushes from my fingers</h3><h3>grass grows on my tongue</h3><h3>二等奖C1725 余博涵 Someone Like You</h3> <h3></h3><h3>二等奖C1726 毛茜 You Raise Me Up</h3> <h3>二等奖C1727 吴乐欣、何聪昕 How Far I Will Go</h3> <h3>when I love</h3><h3>I become time outside all time.</h3><h3>二等奖C1729 张琛屹 Dream It Possible</h3> <h3></h3><h3>学生演唱完后,我们漂亮迷人的英语老师们为全体学生献上了一首“You Are My sunshine”。</h3><h3>Smile, be sunshine, it can eliminate the face of winter color.</h3> <h3>The&nbsp;lucky&nbsp;draw!</h3><h3>晚会现场开展了观众幸运抽奖环节,五位“Lucky Dogs”光荣诞生!</h3> <h3>还有我们美丽可爱的晚会主持人们~</h3> <h3>获奖选手大合影。</h3><h3>愿这段美好的影像永远存留于我们心中,愿以梦为马的你,为理想努力拼搏。</h3> <h3>最后,由我们年级组长彭珊老师发言,彭老师热情地呼吁全体同学:</h3><h3>“Be interested in study; </h3><h3> Be liable for life; </h3><h3> Be good to family; </h3><h3> Be yearning for future!”</h3> <h3>活动承办:湖南广益实验中学初2017级英语备课组全体英语老师<br></h3><h3>特别感谢:彭乂蓂妈妈、黄昕语妈妈、曹嘉炼妈妈</h3>