<h3>2019年4月11日下午,刘娟、曹淑娟英语名师工作室2019年教学能手赛前微型课同课异构第一轮磨课交流研讨活动在华星初级中学举行。本次活动共分为两个阶段,第一阶段微型课同课异构展示;第二阶段专家点评并由张娅老师进行全英说课及答辩展示。</h3><h3>On April 11th, a teaching seminar on mini course design before teaching competition organized by Liujuan workshop and Cao Shujuan workshop, was held in Huaxing Middle School. The seminar contains two sessions, the first session is mini course presentation; the second part is lesson interpretation presented by Zhang Ya and the overall comments on the courses from the instructors.</h3> <h3>本次活动中共有7位老师进行微型课展示。来自刘娟老师名师工作室的四位老师同台教学,共同演绎八年级下册Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet。来自曹淑娟英语名师工作室的3位老师同台展示八年级下册阅读课Lesson 18 Friendship between Animals。</h3><h3>7 teachers presented their courses for Grade 8, volume 2 today including four teachers who shared their designs about Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet from Liu Juan workshop, and three teachers presented Lesson 18 Friendship between Animals from Cao Shujuan workshop.</h3> <h3>活动安排</h3><h3>Here came the schedule.</h3> <h3>第一位执教的是来自刘娟老师工作室的张娅老师。张老师课堂活动丰富,充分调动了学生学习的积极性,最终实现了以读促写,达到了预期的教学目标。</h3><h3>The first lecturer is Zhang Ya from Liu Juan workshop. Miss Zhang motivated students through a variety of activities and she walked students from reading to writing.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>第二位执教的是张敏敏老师。她口语流利,板书精美,注重培养学生整体感知文本的能力。</h3><h3>With fluent English and exquite blackboard design, Zhang Minmin, the second lecturer from Liu Juan workshop, attached great importance on developing students' comprehensive ability in reading.</h3> <h3>第三位执教的是田丽丽老师。她使用鱼骨图,带领学生理解课文内容,注重学生对重点词汇的掌握。</h3><h3>The third lecturer is Tian Lili. Through fishbone diagram, she guided students to go through the passage in detail and she paid attention to the new words learning.</h3> <h3>第四位是由何芳琦老师带来的一节微型课。何老师注重词汇教学,课堂组织得当。</h3><h3>The fourth lecturer is He Fangqi. Miss He cared much about the new words learning, her class was presented in a well organized way.</h3> <h3>第五位执教的是来自曹淑娟英语名师工作室的唐芳芳老师。唐老师激情四射,思路清晰,教学中注重使用激励性的语言评价学生,调动了学生的积极性。</h3><h3>The fifth lecturer is Tang Fangfang from Cao Shujuan workshop. Miss Tang is passionate and reasonable enough, students were influenced and triggered by her encouraging languages.</h3> <h3>第六位执教的是白艳妮老师。白老师对教材的解读精准,问题设置有梯度,有助于学生的消化吸收。</h3><h3>The sixth lecturer is Bai Yanni. By accurate and precise analysis to the passage, Miss Bai introduced her class step by step with a gradual challenging tasks, which were in line with students understanding.</h3> <h3>最后由吴肖娟老师压轴出场。吴老师的课堂直观,生动。通过展示图片点燃了学生学习的热情,同时扫清了单词障碍,为课文的理解的学习做好了铺垫。</h3><h3>The last one is Miss Wu Xiaoni. Miss Wu provided a vivid class to us all. She showed some pictures to the students. Those pictures on one hand lighted students enthuasim to learning; on the other hand they erased the blocks in understanding the text.</h3> <h3>看,老师们听的多认真!</h3><h3>Look, how absorbed the teachers were!</h3> <h3>老师们的板书,棒棒哒!</h3><h3>The terrific blackboard designs, thumbs up!👍👍👍👍</h3> <h3>优雅漂亮的板书设计!</h3><h3>What a graceful handwriting!</h3> <h3>微型课结束后由张娅老师按照赛教要求分别进行全英说课及答辩展示。张老师口语流利,为我们全英说课做了一个很好的例子!</h3><h3>After the mini courses, Miss Zhang Ya examplized how to make a lesson interpretation and how to do the oral defense in the final competiton with excellent English.</h3> <h3>最后各位专家对各节课进行了点评。在肯定优点的同时各位导师也指出了课程设计中的不足。王建敏老师为前四位老师提供了可供参考借鉴的解决方案。岳老师从细节入手,希望各位老师在今后的设计中能将细节设计的更加精致。刘老师指出大家在认真研读教材,准确把握教材内容的同时要不断变化活动形式,最大限度的调动学生的学习热情,充分体现学生的主体地位。最后曹老师从整体上进行点评。曹老师从课堂导入、活动安排、板书设计、情感升华等方面进行了指导和小结,最后还分享了参赛的心得体会,大家都受益匪浅!</h3><h3>At last, our distinguished judges gave comments to the above courses.Miss Wang Jianmin offered some hints to the former 4 teachers to perfect their courses. Miss Yue started from detail, she hopes everyone of us can spend more time to make our class exquisite. Miss Liu pointed out that we should varify our activities and try our best to interest students based on our precise analysis to the books in order to show students subjectivity. Miss Cao gave a comment on the whole. She summarized from leading in to activities arrangements, blackboard design and emotional education. After that she shared her experience and feelings while she participated in the competition, we all benifited a lot, thank you for your generous sharing!</h3> <h3>一个人走的更快,一群人走的更远。相信我们在专家的引领下,在智者的帮助下,在同伴的互助下,我们会碰撞出更多思维的火花,遇见更优秀的自己!</h3><h3>A man may go faster but a team goes further. We strongly believe that under the guidance of the experts and the wise, and with the help of our colleagues, we can have more insightful ideas, we will become better and better !</h3>