<h3>为了给孩子展示更好的英文课堂,我们每时每刻都在不断的研究进步互相学习。</h3><h3>We are constantly improving our teaching skills and learning from each other for our kids every moment.</h3> <h3>at 13:00 this noon,all our foreign teachers and the English teachers have studied the meaning Games for the English games.东方剑桥湖滨国际幼儿园全体英文老师一起讨论研究了英文游戏在课堂上英语意义。</h3> <h3>Firstly,we make an interesting game together.it is a happy warming up for us.首先我们一起跟老师一起玩了一个热身英文游戏。</h3> <h3>Everyone played very happy ,like the kids.每一个老师玩的都很开心地像孩子们。</h3> <h3>After the warming up,it our turn to show our own games.热身活动后是时候展示自我了!</h3> <h3>Andre always likes a good brother to help everyone and loves evey kid ,he has bought many toys for our kids。</h3><h3>I want to say "thank you Andre."</h3> <h3>Natasha is our biggest Baby in our kindergarden.all kids like her and grow up together.</h3> <h3>Stefan and Carisha is a best couple ,which i have seen ,they have mutual affinity。</h3> <h3>Linda play the letters games.</h3> <h3>YoYo played a cup tower Game.</h3> <h3>Amy played the game with singing the boat song.</h3> <h3>Top class Sara showed us the Games with music.</h3> <h3>Cici showed me a big sceret.</h3> <h3>Happy and Carisha Cooperted a cicle game.</h3> <h3>Sara has showed us a happy game.</h3> <h3>Emily show she.how to play with the youngest kids of our kindergarten.</h3> <h3>We will make more efforts to help our children to Learn English .</h3>