<h3>🐣汉三 U1 little bee 早春呈水部十八员外</h3><h3>🐣bee 系列</h3> <h3>醋vinegar ['vInige]酱油soy sauce [sos]</h3><h3>1.家长和宝贝当小蜜蜂<br></h3><h3>P: Amy, look, I'm a ittlee bee. bzzz (边说边扇动翅膀) .K: I'm a itte bee, too.<br></h3><h3>2.小蜜蜂饿了,决定飞出去找吃的<br></h3><h3>P: Ah, I'm hungry. (揉肚) Are you hungry?K: Yes, I'm hungry, too.<br></h3><h3>P: Let's find some food. Follow me. "Litle be... (边飞边唱)<br></h3><h3>3.家长把宝贝引到了卧室门口,发现了放在卧室椅子上的醋<br></h3><h3>P: Oh, look, what's that? Is that food? Let's fly to the chair.</h3><h3>4.品尝醋</h3><h3>P: What's this? Let's taste it It's vinegar. It's sour (酸的) .Bees don't like sour taste.</h3><h3>5.家长引导宝贝去找其他食物,发现了放在桌子上的酱油,品尝酱油</h3><h3>P: Look, there is something on the table. Let's fly to the table.“ittle bee..”</h3><h3>P: Let's try this one. It's soy sauce. It's salty (咸的),Bees don't like salty taste.</h3><h3>6.家长引导宝贝去找其他食物,发现了放在厨房里的蜂蜜,品尝蜂蜜</h3><h3>P: Let's fly to the kitchen. "ittle be..". Oh, look. What's this?K: Honey.</h3><h3>P: Let's try the honey. Em, so sweet. Is it sweet?K: Yes. Sweet. Yummy.Tips:</h3> <h3>游戏里面引导孩子是小蜜蜂,本想告诉他蜜蜂尝了这些之后最喜欢的是蜂蜜,谁知道孩子最喜欢的是酱油,重口味,还告诉我妈妈酱油是甜的🤣</h3> 才发现有一整本描写春天的诗,先从第一首开始吧。<br><h3><br></h3> <h3>汉二复习,里面的字差不多都认识了,有几个不认识的,在多来几遍就会了,任务拆解很重要!!</h3> <h3>百花:了解天平,后面自己往上面放砝码,5+6和10的比较 直观看到天平向5+6一侧倾斜,后面自己跑到黑板面前,画了5个⭕️ 又画了6个⭕️,告诉我等于11👏🏻</h3> <h3>幼儿园学到的儿歌</h3>