0314 Thursday Week 8


<h3>Teaching functions; </h3> <h3>century</h3> <h3>a poem</h3> <h3>explanation</h3> <h3>objectives</h3> <h3>what is function</h3> <h3>语言使用的合适场景</h3> <h3>match the definition</h3><h3>phonoly, </h3> <h3>saying to Frisbond: It's so hot and He opens the door. She says it's a drama.</h3> <h3>one form many functions</h3> <h3>Rachel's Teaching stuff, Ring is the highlight</h3> <h3>"Can" function: ability, request, possibility, suggestion or advice, permission, invitation.</h3><h3>You can cook But you can't cook now because I am using the kitchen now.第一个can表示能力,第二个表示允许!一词多意是很多英语笑话的原因!</h3> <h3>Context is very important. E.g It's time for bed to her husband and grandchildren. hot funny jokes</h3> <h3>phonology: 发音have to</h3> <h3>more examples</h3> <h3>definition of function</h3> <h3>at 发音有变化</h3> <h3>用不同的语言和句子来表达"打开窗子"</h3> <h3>Rachel让我们用小白板来写,是亮点!</h3> <h3>summary</h3> <h3>What are the stages of Teaching functions?Group Discussion.</h3> <h3>MFPA: Meaning, Form, Pronunciation and Appropriacy</h3> <h3>Session 2:</h3> <h3>tip Top to Show whether ss un</h3> <h3>concept checking Qs: </h3> <h3>蓝色的问的好,绿色的问的不好!</h3> <h3>simple; yes/no; relevant; one or Two words meaning; use the target Language- concept question: Yes or no Qs to check the meaning of words.</h3> <h3>write 3 or 4 concept Questions for each sentence</h3> <h3>meaning checking Qs-concept Qs.</h3><h3>meaning and grammar are ed when asking the Qs</h3> <h3>answer</h3> <h3>read for Homework: timelines</h3> <h3>Use CCQs to check whether ss understand or not.</h3> <h3>the third session: Model Teaching</h3> <h3>details, Please refer to the videos on 0314 in computer.</h3> <h3>Afternoon Session by Sharon</h3> <h3>翻页笔,买一个,挺结实的!</h3> <h3>Writing skills有哪些?google 找答案!拍同学笔记!</h3> <h3>老师要做足够的 scaffolding, 学生才不会觉得难!process Writing 有几个步骤?Reading linked to Writing as Sharon does the Gere Writing.</h3> <h3>Feedback is more important than correction.</h3> <h3>marking ladder</h3> <h3>初中</h3> <h3>高中</h3> <h3>Read before sleep</h3> <h3>Teaching Function</h3> <h3>Please, may I have a cup of coffee? 很好的要咖啡的礼貌方式。Please非常实用!!!</h3> <h3>Chinglish</h3> <h3>manage to do means succeed to do sth with difficulties</h3> <h3>别乱soar</h3> <h3>不要为了soar 而soar</h3> <h3>录喜马拉雅</h3>