<h5>这是一本充满爱的绘本,这本绘本能第一时间抓住孩子的注意力,他生动,明快,把孩子带入到一份充满惊奇和幻想的世界中去。让幼儿从“袋鼠也有妈妈吗?”这句话开始,然后不断地改换动物的名称。他用图画,为孩子介绍了十一种迷人可爱的小动物。本书的主题是“爱”,看看他们是如何表达的吧。 <br>Does a kangaroo have a mother, too?</h5><div ad-empty="middle_insert" style="line-height: 1; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: 'PingFang SC', Arial, '\\5FAE软雅黑', '\\5B8B体', simsun, sans-serif; font-size: 51px; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);"></div> <h3>《袋鼠也有妈妈吗》是艾瑞·卡尔(Eric Carle)的经典绘本,他的其他代表作还有《棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什么?》。这本绘本描述了一位妈妈耐心的回答她的孩子好奇的问题,动物们是都有妈妈的</h3><h3>作者介绍:</h3><h5><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: -apple-system, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align: justify; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);">艾瑞卡尔(Eric Carle),国际儿童文学大师,绘本专家,他创作了超过70本作品,他荣获纽约时报年度最佳童书、意大利波隆那书展设计大奖,并在英国、法国、日本等获得70余次国际性大奖。</span></h5><h3><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: -apple-system, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align: justify; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);"><br></span></h3><p style="margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 18px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: -apple-system, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align: justify; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);">艾瑞·卡尔是兼具写作与插画能力的绘本创作作家。艾瑞的画风鲜明独特,他采用拼贴的方式,层叠出明亮欢乐的图样,许多书中带有特殊的立体、摺页设计,赋予书本阅读和游戏游戏双重特性。他的创作流露出童稚般的天真,表达出对自然的了解与关爱,指导小朋友从周遭事物中学习。</h3><p style="margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 18px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: -apple-system, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align: justify; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);">卡爷爷在儿童绘本界的地位可谓德高望重,尤其是在幼儿启蒙认知绘本方面更是贡献突出。他极其善于把一系列的认知内容融入一个简单却有趣的小故事,同时还为绘本配上绝妙的页面形式,将绘本的内容更立体地呈现出来,这也深深地吸引了小朋友的注意。</h3> <h5>Does a kangaroo have a mother, too?<br>袋鼠也有妈妈么?<br>Yes! A kangaroo has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!袋鼠有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a lion have a mother, too?<br>狮子也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A lion has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!狮子有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a giraffe have a mother, too?<br>长颈鹿也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A giraffe has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!长颈鹿有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a penguin have a mother, too?<br>企鹅也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A penguin has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!企鹅有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a swan have a mother, too?<br>天鹅也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A swan has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!天鹅有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a fox have a mother, too?<br>狐狸也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A fox has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!狐狸有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a dolphin have a mother, too?<br>海豚也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A dolphin has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!海豚有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a sheep have a mother, too?<br>绵羊也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A sheep has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!绵羊有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a bear have a mother, too?<br>熊也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A bear has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!熊有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does an elephant have a mother, too?<br>大象也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! An elephant has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!大象有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>Does a monkey have a mother, too?<br>猴子也有妈妈么?</h5> <h5>Yes! A monkey has a mother. Just like me and you.<br>对!猴子有妈妈,就像我和你一样。<br>And do animal mothers love their babies?<br>还有,动物妈妈们都爱他们的小孩吗?<br>Yes! Yes! Of course they do.<br>对!对!他们当然爱着。<br>Animal mothers love their babies, just as yours loves you.<br>动物妈妈们爱着他们的小孩,就像你的妈妈爱着你一样。</h5>