(Day 56, 0305, Tuesday,Week7 Teching Writing by Sharon, Buffet in Cosmo, Pancake Day in Jackie's)


<h3>Erhan and Deniz are teachers from Turkey. See the videos in computer</h3> <h3>Warmer</h3> <h3>How to operate</h3> <h3>Genre</h3> <h3>newspaper</h3> <h3>ads of Coca Cola: friendly, people all over the World drinking Cola are friendly. Penny: 可口可乐,宝马,奔驰,路虎。</h3> <h3>why, who, what</h3> <h3>the second one</h3> <h3>read for why, who, what Questions</h3> <h3>以省集体写作</h3> <h3>underline the words that your ss may haVe problems with</h3> <h3>elicit the vocabulary, very vivid and impressive to teach vocabulary</h3> <h3>after break</h3> <h3>continue eliciting</h3> <h3>play a game to 巩固单词,画单词,谁猜对谁找老师要下一个单词画纸上!</h3> <h3>集体写作,介绍宁夏,写作方式与模式与今天学的介绍Britain's only herd of free-ranging reindeer一样: 沙漠绿洲,骆驼—美景!</h3> <h3>Writing</h3> <h3>half done work</h3> <h3>read for Homework</h3> <h3>Genre Writing is a very good way to Write ads.</h3> <h3>Our great teacher, Sharon</h3> <h3>ENJOY buffet in Cosmo</h3> <h3>Wandering in Town Centre</h3> <h3>Happy Pancake Day in Jackie's house</h3> <h3>Chris, Elizabeth, David, and </h3> <h3>David's younger sister</h3> <h3>What a night!</h3> <h3>It was Just opened today and owned by Chris's friend! Unbelievable!!! Really a small world!</h3>