

<h3>【司馬台傳說】 經年未傳狼煙起,蒼茫卻見思鄉意, 少年奮勇阻鐵騎,花甲已經無歸期, 古道雖有故人跡,原鄉人影卻已稀, 今站台上望故里,景色依舊淚孤寂。<br></h3> <h3>There is no war for a long time, but the scenario let me think about the hometown. We struggled to resist the enemy when we were young, but it is no possible to return to the hometown while we are old. Although the ancient road has some familiar traces, the shadows of familiar friends are blurred. Today, stand at the wall to see the hometown. The scenario is the same but tears are lonely.<br></h3>