(Day 55, 0304, Monday,Week7)Memory and Listening by Sharon in the morning


<h3>a warmer: How often do you...?</h3> <h3>today's morning session topic</h3> <h3>Written speech and oral speech are different.</h3> <h3>objectives</h3> <h3>a funny activity, intonation is very important</h3> <h3>How to operate it?</h3> <h3>I can't on because my mind is still on the Portrush Beach.Whatever!</h3> <h3>解释北爱的war issue</h3> <h3>answer</h3> <h3>memory: short and long term memory</h3> <h3>7 plus or minus 2</h3> <h3>a film showing how Sharon remembered 20 items within 3 minutes</h3> <h3>the two films</h3> <h3>how our memory works</h3> <h3>terms: automaticity, working memory, short and long memory</h3> <h3>inspiration: buy a book on how to be a good listener. You are not a good listener.</h3> <h3>connected speech</h3> <h3>good girl like google, next spring, my apple, to identity, vegetable, menory</h3> <h3>Note: Coco's action plan is about English learning apps.</h3> <h3>Note: ask the colleagues in China </h3> <h3>after break slide</h3> <h3>以前是贬义词,现在是褒义词,you are wiched 你坏坏的!</h3> <h3>after break</h3> <h3>task of listening</h3> <h3>我们都会做错,学生更不用说了!</h3> <h3>sth very beautiful, check whether you can open it or not by asking Amanda.See the videos for details</h3> <h3>网络上有的设计好的听力材料,记得去找!</h3> <h3>how to operate</h3> <h3>app of 6 minute English in Jojo's phone</h3> <h3>a good word now</h3> <h3>a book of Chinglish</h3> <h3>afternoon session: Language development 7 by Fran on multi-word verbs</h3> <h3>what's multi-word verbs</h3> <h3>Discussion to warm up</h3> <h3>Read the passage about Fran; note: personalization.</h3> <h3>check the answer</h3> <h3>  on meaning</h3> <h3>12比较特别</h3> <h3>我问了Fran孟主席问我的问题:</h3> <h3>To Meng</h3> <h3>如何用词典?</h3> <h3>本节课的stages</h3> <h3>Fran说她重视MW verbs 的meaning 而不是form,是因为她觉得用更重要,form比较boring.</h3> <h3>answers to the former slide</h3> <h3>it's a questionaire</h3> <h3>Fran, an excellent teacher with very logic stages of teaching; really benefit a lot in her class; cheers, Fran!</h3>