Arbor Day 植树节


<h3> 四季更迭</h3><h3> 春天来临,和煦的阳光把大地晒得暖乎乎的。从睡梦中醒来的小种子们,伸了一下懒腰。“嘭--”一颗颗嫩芽居然从土里钻了出来。</h3><h3> 春雨淅淅沥沥的下着,小嫩芽们咕咚咕咚喝着甜甜的雨水,一点儿都不嫌多。它们需要更多的水分,这样它们的根才能将泥土抓得更牢。</h3><h3>阳光也必不可少。喝饱了水的嫩芽再被太阳一晒,更是卯足了劲儿往上长。</h3><h3> 等到夏天过完的时候,这些嫩芽已经变成了一颗颗大树。秋天的风又将它们的树叶染成了金黄色。</h3><h3> 到了冬天的时候,树上的叶子全都掉光了,只剩下光秃秃的树枝。可是它们一点儿都不难过,安静的等待着春天…</h3> <h3>Chinese Arbor Day falls on 12th, March.</h3><h3>3月12号是中国的植树节。</h3> <h3>Little seed,what will you need to grow into a</h3><h3> tree?</h3><h3>小小的种子,长成一棵树,你需要什么?</h3><h3>I will need soil 我需要土壤</h3><h3>I will need water 我需要水</h3><h3>I will need sunlight and air to grow.</h3><h3>我需要阳光和空气</h3> <h3>  Spring has come, and the young trees have become stronger after the baptism of </h3><h3>winter. The warm spring breeze made them sprout new buds, and soon they all grew</h3><h3>dense leaves. Of course, that's not all. </h3><h3>Among the dense leaves, small pink flowers quietly blossom.</h3><h3> 春天来了,小树们经过了冬天的洗礼变得更加粗壮。温暖的春风让它们发出了新芽,很快,又都长出了茂密的树叶。当然,还不止这些。在茂密的树叶间,一朵朵粉色的小花悄然绽放。<br></h3> <h3>Arbor planting Festival is a festival that </h3><h3>publicizes and protects trees in accordance with the law, and organizes and mobilizes </h3><h3>the masses to take an active part in</h3><h3> afforestation activities.</h3><h3>植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。</h3> <h3>tree planting day 植树日</h3><h3>tree planting week 植树周</h3><h3>tree planting month 植树月</h3><h3>统称:</h3><h3>International Tree Planting Day 国际植树节</h3> <h3>1.Tree shape means that the whole people </h3><h3>are obligated to plant 3 to 5 trees, everyone </h3><h3>starts to green the motherland.</h3><h3>1. 树形,表示全民义务植树3至5棵,人人动手,绿化祖国大地。</h3><h3>2."China Tree Planting Festival" and "3.12" </h3><h3>express the determination to transform </h3><h3>nature, benefit mankind, plant trees every </h3><h3>year and persevere.</h3><h3>2. “中国植树节”和“3.12”,表示改造自然,造福人类,年年植树,坚韧不拔的决心。</h3><h3>3.Five trees can be interpreted as "forest", </h3><h3>which extends and connects the outer circle, showing the greening of the motherland and realizing a virtuous circle of the natural </h3><h3>ecological system with forest as the main </h3><h3>body.</h3><h3>3. 五棵树可会意为“森林”,由此引伸连接着外圈,显示着绿化祖国,实现以森林为主体的自然生态体系的良性循环。</h3>