<h3>在北京胡同里长大的各位老街坊们,特别是曾住在宣武区和崇文区的朋友们,您们想家了吗?还记得家乡是什么样儿吗?您是否和我一样儿身在北京却时常有找不到家乡的感觉?来北京左安门角楼看展吧。画家王德庆(北京胡同记忆)个人画展,将带您找回失去的故乡。</h3><h3>The old neighbors who grew up in Beijing hutong, especially the friends who used to live in Xuanwu District and Chongwen District, are you homesick? Remember what your hometown was like? Do you feel like me in Beijing but often can't find your hometown? Come to Beijing Zuoanmen Corner Tower to see the exhibition. Painter Wang Deqing (Beijing Hutong memory) solo painting exhibition, will take you back to the lost hometown.<br></h3> <h3>时间:2019年3月3日-3.月17日</h3> <h3>地点:左安门角楼图书馆一层(龙潭东路9号)</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>王德庆,1962年生于北京。中国戏剧家协会会员。任职于北京人民艺术剧院。多年从事舞台美术工作,对北京胡同文化有很深的感情和研究</h3><h3>Mr. Wang Deqing was born in Beijing in 1962. He is a member of Dramatists Association of China and works for Beijing People's Art Theater. He dedicates himself in the stage art work and is passionate about Beijing Hutong culture. He grew up in a Hutong in Beijing.</h3> <h3>他自幼在北京的胡同中成长,在回旋的鸽哨下体验过北京胡同居民多彩多姿的生活风情,却也目睹了北京快速现代化的过程中,老胡同被高楼大厦所替代。随着一座座旧式王府花园、文宅武第、平民杂院的逐日消失,带走的是充满朴素美学的民居。他以一个艺术家的胸怀,以他的记忆、眼光和手笔,把北京胡同所孕育的那份儿被人淡忘的美和爱,展现到我们的面前。</h3><h3>Mr. Wang Deqing was born in Beijing in 1962. He is a member of Dramatists Association of China and works for Beijing People's Art Theater. He dedicates himself in the stage art work and is passionate about Beijing Hutong culture. He grew up in a Hutong in Beijing. Over the years, he has not only experienced the colorful traditional life, but also witnessed the rapid modernization of the city. The old hutongs were replaced by high-rise buildings. The disappearance of old royal gardens, cultural houses and civilian courtyards has really brought a great wake-up call ever to each resident in Beijing. From an artist point of view, with his memory, vision and handwriting, his artworks show us the forgotten beauty and love bred by Beijing Hutong.</h3> <h3>在他的画中,胡同里的老墙、残瓦、旧门楼、都散发着独特韵味和美感。中西结合的画法,恰如其分的表现出了胡同的历史和灿烂。</h3><h3>In his paintings, the old walls, residual tiles and old gatehouses in the hutongs exude a unique charm and aesthetic feeling. The combination of Chinese and Western painting properly demonstrates the history and brilliance of the Hutong.</h3> <h3>为了留住胡同的记忆,他走遍了北京的每一条胡同。首次突破了传统水墨画的固定模式,巧妙的运用西洋画的透视方法,与水墨画皴、擦、点、染等技法相结合。恰到好处地表达出北京老胡同的韵味。</h3><h3>n order to keep the memory of hutongs, he has traveled every Hutong in Beijing. For the first time, he breaks through the fixed mode of ink painting, skillfully uses the perspective method of western painting, combined with the techniques of chapped, rubbed, dotted, dyed and so on to fully illustrate the beauty of Beijing Hutong.</h3>