<h3>消极的人制造问题,无为的人回避问题,积极的人挑战问题。</h3><h3>一个人面对问题的态度无非也是这三种:消极、无为、积极。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>不同态度就会有不同的行为,不同的行为就会有不同的结果。</h3><h3>这就是因果关系,有因有果,循环往复,所以,起好因,出好果。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>而一个人的心态是可以调整的,所以,无论此时此刻的你,心情如何,面对怎样的问题,只要你下意识的问一问自已,当下选择什么样的心态来面对,你就可以推导出结果了。不信我们一起来看看吧。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>消极的心态制造出问题,就想尽快与问题分手,从此问题石沉大海。</h3><h3>无为的心态遇到问题,就想问题不是自已的,从此事不关已高高挂起。</h3><h3>积极的心态挑战问题,就想既然与问题有缘,从此为爱勇敢,无论前方多么迷茫,至少我在寻找办法解决问题,积极的走在路上。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> Attitude is everything.</h3><h3>The pessimist made problems. The inaction escapes problems.The optimist challenges problems. </h3><h3>It is nothing but the same three kinds of attitudes adopted by a person in facing problems: pessimism, inaction, optimism.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Different attitudes will cause different actions, for the same reason, different actions will surely lead to different results.</h3><h3>This is know as the cause-and-effect relationship.</h3><h3>Cause-and-effect can be repeated in a circle. So where there is a seed of kindness in our heart, there will be its fruit in our world.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>But the attitude of a person can be adjusted. No matter what mood you are now, what problems you are facing, you just ask yourself the underlying issue what is your attitude at this very moment when facing troubles, you will deduce the result naturally. If you don’t believe it, let’s see what will happen.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Leading a problem, the pessimist wants to wave goodbye to the problem as soon as possible. Since then, the why will never be known.</h3><h3>Experiencing a problem, the inaction wants to draw a clear line between them. From there, the issue has null to do with you and will be put beyond approaching.</h3><h3>Challenging a problem, the optimist wants to treasure the fate with the problem. After that, the mission to find a solution for the problem is carried out with courage. It doesn’t matter how uncertain ahead, I am at least on the way to actively find the reason and solution.</h3>