<h3>第48天,0225 Monday(Morning: teaching writing by Sharon & afternoon session by Fran: process writing)week six</h3> <h3>warmer: 练习句型,Walter likes ...But He doesn't like ...可以练口语,也可以练写作</h3> <h3>this Morning's session learning topic</h3> <h3>Today's objectives</h3> <h3>tasks</h3> <h3>What should ss know how to write well</h3> <h3>task</h3> <h3>写完句子后反思</h3> <h3>Sharon 解读刚做的几个tasks</h3> <h3>你使用了什么策略?如何改spelling,I can show you later. Spelling is not very important, ss can do it.</h3> <h3>a hot discussion</h3> <h3>naughty Barry is taking a pic. Every Day a pic of the tree to See its change</h3> <h3>Sharon's engagement</h3> <h3>Sharon asks to read this</h3> <h3>compare process and product Writing</h3> <h3>product approach</h3> <h3>process approach: time consuming But worthwhile. T can have Some ideas from the ss. Ask ss to hand in and go through Mark the mistakes and ss to rewrite and go through again and Ask ss to rewrite and build a file for ss' mistakes. Men, If you always correct, your wives will divorce you.</h3> <h3>after break: task</h3> <h3>学生作文改错</h3> <h3>oh, my Allah, mine correction code is not right.</h3> <h3>post task comments: 中国老师很累,那么多学生要改作文那么久!</h3> <h3>视频: 如何改作文</h3> <h3>If you read more, you will write better. </h3> <h3>afternoon session: Language Development 5(process Writing)by Fran</h3> <h3>Fran, blue Group</h3> <h3>Activity(10 mins): what do the animals or people in the Pics say?</h3> <h3>post acticity : (Fran: which sentence is yourfavourite?)Mine is the underlined</h3> <h3>Fran: What's the point of doing this? Practise their Writing and imagination.</h3> <h3>Fran: process Writing, the whole text. Anything that you want to know in Dec. of 2018 before you came? Think of at least Two things and share with your partner. (Later Fran Ask someone to Share table by table ). Point of this task: brainstorm and for the teachers to be trained in RU.</h3> <h3>write one within 7 minutes</h3> <h3>Fran: Be very careful in case of being stolen. Barry: no security check in stations, terrible.</h3> <h3>write in details </h3> <h3>comment other pairs Writing: clear , practical, well organized (swap your Writing)优点:ss can learn a lot not only from pair But also from others while Reading and giving advice to others </h3> <h3>Jonny and Elian's </h3> <h3>Fran 总结上课的Stages</h3> <h3>stage 6: second draft; stage 7: hand in to teacher. stage 8: read teacher's feedback and final draft. Fran: You can use it to Ask ss to write how to raise a pet or sth else.</h3> <h3>features. Ss can not only learn from the teacher But also from the peers</h3> <h3>Ask yourself these Qs</h3> <h3>explain the handout</h3> <h3>uation checklist for learners</h3> <h3>the textbook passage</h3> <h3>the task of Writing. Is it a process Writing? No, there is a Model provided when ss are Writing. There should be an example not a Model . Ss will be limited in imagination in Writing by the model. T of Fran Just quickly showed us the example.</h3> <h3>process or product Writing?</h3> <h3>more of a product Writing? no process, no brainstorm, no draft, no uation etc.</h3> <h3>be a critical thinker of your textbook</h3> <h3> on the journey not the destination--process Writing. Don't on the accuracy But the points and ideas.</h3> <h3>今天主要学了什么是product Writing 和process Writing? 我们平时给学生上的是product Writing, 给学生提供范文!我们上的写作公开课是 process Writing, 有brainstorm, uation等过程!</h3> <h3>过程性写作是个很好的上公开课的内容,同伴学习在这个写作中得到很好体现,我在今天的课上就感受很深,我的peers在说的时候我就学到了很多,这对以后的教学很启发!让学生动起来,老师要学会偷懒!老师“越懒‘’,学生学到的越多!</h3>