加拿大之旅The trip to the Canada


<h3><font color="#39b54a">来到加拿大的第一刻,我们就遇见了一场雪。这一场雪是我今年的第一场雪。让我十分喜欢。这一场雪不大不小,就好似梦一般的感觉,也许是我太久没见过雪了。当时有一些紧张,只拍了这一张。 我们来到了温哥华。下午我们本来可以去渔人码头的,可是因为时间紧,就没去成,有点儿遗憾。 &nbsp;The first moment we came to Canada, we met a snow. This snow is my first snow this year. I like it very much. This snow is not too big. It's like a dream. Maybe I haven't seen snow for a long time. There was some nervousness at that time, and only this one was taken. We came to Vancouver. We could have gone to the Fisherman's Wharf in the afternoon, but we didn't because of the tight time. It's a little regrettable. </font></h3> <h3><font color="#39b54a">伊丽莎白女王公园&amp;斯坦利公园 here we go !在这白雪皑皑的一片中,我们并没有感觉无趣,因为我们可以玩雪。我还团了一个跟脸一样大的雪球。在那里,我们玩得不亦乐乎的。 &nbsp;Queen Elizabeth Park &amp; Stanley Park here we go! In this snow-covered area, we do not feel bored, because we can play with snow. I also had a snowball as big as my face. We had a lot of fun there. </font></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb">温哥华水族馆 we are coming。 来到了这里,我们仿佛到了另一个世界一一是在水下的世界。在这里我见到了许多自己没有见过的水生生物。大的鱼比五个人还要大,小的鱼比指甲盖还要小。对于这些小东西来说,我们不得不赞叹道:"好可爱。"。 Vancouver Aquarium we are coming. Coming here, we seem to have arrived at another world, one underwater world. Here I saw many aquatic creatures that I had never seen before. Big fish are bigger than five people, and small fish are smaller than nail caps. For these little things, we have to admire: "lovely. ”</font></h3> <h3><font color="#ed2308">我们来到了TELUS科学世界。科学,是我的向往,在那里,我得了前所未有的神秘感。好多东西都是在中国没有见到的。我最喜欢的是热感相机。 We have come to the TELUS scientific world. Science is my yearning, where I get an unprecedented sense of mystery. Many things are not seen in China. My favorite is the thermal camera.</font></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb">这是我花了好久才拼出来的小鱼。 It took me a long time to make this little fish. </font></h3> <h3><font color="#808080">小人儿。 </font><span style="white-space: nowrap; font-family: 'PingFang SC', 'Droid Sans', Helvetica, 'Heiti SC', Arial, 'LiHei Pro Medium', sans-serif;">short person</span></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb">之后我们又去了卡皮拉诺吊桥公园。这是我见过吊桥最长最多而又最陡的一个吊桥公园。</font></h3><h3><font color="#b04fbb">Then we went to Capellano Suspension Bridge Park. This is the longest and steepest Suspension Bridge Park I have ever seen.</font><br></h3><h3></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb">这是在松鸡山一一温哥华最大的滑雪胜地。这里的海拔非常的高。我们在那天,穿着雪鞋在松鸡山上漫步。当时我怕把手机给摔了,所以我就没把它拿出来。还是老师把我们录的视频。我们在那里了解到了,当时印第安土著居民的一些生活还有历史,还跟他们跳舞。之后我们又看了一个关于滑雪的小电影。 This is the largest ski resort in Songji Mountain, Vancouver. The altitude here is very high. We were walking on Grouse Hill in snowshoes that day. I was afraid of falling my cell phone, so I didn't take it out. It was the teacher who recorded our video. We learned there that some of the lives of the Native Americans at that time had a history and danced with them. Then we saw a little film about skiing.</font></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa">我们乘坐渡轮去了维多利亚一一BC省省会。 We took a ferry to Victoria-BC provincial capital.</font></h3> <h3><font color="#39b54a">我们到了维多利亚后又去了BC省会议大厦,这张图是BC省的省徽。加拿大的国家领导人是贾斯汀土豆,而一国君主却是伊丽莎白女王。 When we got to Victoria, we went to the BC Provincial Conference Building. This picture is the provincial emblem of BC Province. Canada's national leader is Justin Potato, while the monarch is Queen Elizabeth.</font></h3> <h3><font color="#ff8a00">我们去了布查特私人花园一一世界上最大的私人花园。在这里我找到了三个在中国没有见过的植物。可是,当时下雪,四周一片都是白雪皑皑的。 We went to Buchart Private Garden, the largest private garden in the world. Here I found three plants that I had never seen in China. However, it was snowing at that time, and all around it were covered with white snow.</font></h3> <h3><font color="#808080">厚厚的一层雪。 A thick layer of snow</font></h3> <h3>我们渡轮返回了温哥华。 We returned to Vancouver by ferry.</h3> <h3>我们又去了极限蹦床公园,可是在这里面的一切行动中不允许带手机。 We went to the Extreme Trampoline Park again, but mobile phones were not allowed in all the operations.</h3> <h3>好嗨哟。我们去了冰壶馆,体验了自己没有体验过的体育项目。刚一开始感觉很难呢!可是后来感觉越来越好玩了。 Ho-ho We went to the curling house and experienced sports we had never experienced. It was hard at first! But then it became more and more interesting.</h3> <h3>最后,我们乘坐飞机返回到中国。 Finally, we flew back to China. </h3> <h3>感谢学校给我们提供了可以到加拿大游学的机会,也感谢爸爸妈妈省吃俭用能让我出国游学、感受异国风情。在我去加拿大之前,我以为它身为一个发达国家,应该比我们中国强很多,但是去了之后我发现我们中国也很强大,我们跟它们的差距也没什么,我们没什么两样。</h3>