<h3><b> 2019年2月15日,是悉尼中國農曆新年燈會開幕式的喜慶日子.借此機會在情人港周邊拍攝了一些帶有中國元素的照片,希望朋友們喜歡.同時祝朋友們家庭幸福,萬事如意.On February 15th, 2019, it was a happy day for the opening ceremony of the Chinese Lunar New Year Lantern Festival in Sydney. I took the opportunity to photograph some photos with Chinese elements around the Lover Harbor, hoping that my friends would like it. I wish my friends a happy family and good luck.</b></h3> <h3><b>悉尼喜洋洋民乐团是一支来自祖国各地民乐爱者组成的团体, 为弘扬祖国民族文化、参赛第七届世界乐队艺术节他们勤学苦练终于在这次比赛中获得了金牌。</b></h3> <h3><b> 歡迎轉載,謝謝分享.</b></h3><h3><b>Welcome to reprint, thank you for sharing.</b></h3>