<h3>👸 Snow White</h3><h3>👸 白雪公主</h3><h3> 白雪公主是一个漂亮善良的小女孩,漂亮是公认的,但善良却并不太聪明,因为她是公主,所以不需要工作,也没有什么和人交流的经验,她的善良就体现在对待花花草草虫虫鸟鸟上,她的善良并没有给她带来应对灾难和解决问题的能力,她一次次的靠着自己的漂亮和善良获取了别人的友善和爱意,从而替她化险为夷直到遇到王子。</h3><h3> 这是一个美好的童话故事,但我们可爱的小宝宝们,你们要长大,要能够获取足够的应对问题的能力,而不是仅仅依靠漂亮的皮囊和天真可爱来面对这个复杂的世界,我们的小公主小王子们,你们要保持童真且理解现实,要友善待人且善于保护自己,要聪明好学且明辨是非,你们都会成为更加优秀的依靠自己就能赢得世界的好孩子。</h3> <h3>A long time ago, Snow White lived.</h3><h3>很久以前,白雪公主出生了。</h3><h3>The king and queen loved her very much.</h3><h3>国王和王后非常爱她。</h3><h3>But the queen got sick and died.</h3><h3>但是王后病逝了。</h3><h3>The king got a new queen.</h3><h3>国王有了新王后。</h3> <h3>The new queen was so beautiful, but in fact, she was a bad witch.</h3><h3>新王后很美丽,但事实是,她是一个坏女巫。</h3><h3>She had a magic talking mirror.</h3><h3>她有一面会说话的神奇镜子。</h3><h3>“Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most beautiful in the whole world?”</h3><h3>“镜子,墙上的镜子。谁是这个世界上最美丽的人?”</h3><h3>“You are the most beautiful.”</h3><h3>“您是最漂亮的。”</h3><h3>She was very happy with the answer.</h3><h3>她对答案很满意。</h3> <h3>Snow White grew up well and became very beautiful.</h3><h3>白雪公主长大了,变得非常漂亮。</h3><h3>The new queen asked to the mirror, as usual.</h3><h3>新王后和平时一样问镜子。</h3><h3>“Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most beautiful in the whole world?”</h3><h3>“镜子,墙上的镜子。谁是这个世界上最美丽的人?”</h3><h3>“It’s Snow White.”</h3><h3>“白雪公主。”</h3><h3>The new queen got angry.</h3><h3>新王后生气了。</h3><h3>So she asked a hunter to kill Snow White.</h3><h3>所以,她要求猎人杀掉白雪公主。</h3> <h3>But the hunter couldn’t kill Snow White.</h3><h3>但是猎人不想杀死白雪公主。</h3><h3>“Princess, run far away. The queen wants to kill you.”</h3><h3>“公主,跑远点。王后想要杀您。”</h3> <h3>Snow White lost her way in the woods.</h3><h3>白雪公主在森林里迷路了。</h3><h3>Then she found a small cabin.</h3><h3>她找到了一个小木屋。</h3> <h3>Snow White went in.</h3><h3>白雪公主进屋。</h3><h3>There was food on the small table.</h3><h3>小桌子上有食物。</h3><h3>She was very hungry so she ate all the food on the table.</h3><h3>她很饿所以把桌子上的食物都吃光了。</h3><h3>There were seven little beds as well.</h3><h3>那儿有七张小床。</h3><h3>She was very tired so she slept in a bed.</h3><h3>她很累所以在床上睡下了。</h3> <h3>The cabin belonged to the seven dwarfs.</h3><h3>小木屋属于七个小矮人。</h3><h3>They decided to live together with her.</h3><h3>他们决定和她住在一起。</h3> <h3>The new queen asked to the mirror again.</h3><h3>新王后又问镜子。</h3><h3>“Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most beautiful in the whole world?”</h3><h3>“镜子,墙上的镜子。谁是这个世界上最美丽的人?”</h3><h3>“It’s Snow White.”</h3><h3>“白雪公主。”</h3><h3>“What? She is still alive?”</h3><h3>“什么?她还活着?”</h3> <h3>The new queen went into the secret room.</h3><h3>新王后走进密室。</h3><h3>There, she made a magic apple.</h3><h3>在那儿,她做了一个神奇的苹果。</h3><h3>She changed into an apple seller and went to the cabin.</h3><h3>她变身为卖苹果的人去小木屋。</h3> <h3>“Buy apples. Buy apples!”</h3><h3>“买苹果。买苹果!”</h3><h3>The new queen knocked on the door of the cabin.</h3><h3>新王后敲了敲小木屋的门。</h3><h3>But Snow White didn’t open the door.</h3><h3>但是白雪公主没有开门。</h3> <h3>“Beautiful girl! Just taste this apple. It’s yummy.”</h3><h3>“漂亮的女孩!来尝尝这个苹果。很好吃。”</h3><h3>The new queen gave the poisoned apple to Snow White.</h3><h3>新王后把有毒的苹果给了白雪公主。</h3><h3>She took a bite and fell down.</h3><h3>她咬了一口然后倒了下去。</h3> <h3>When the seven dwarfs came back home, they found Snow White had fallen to the ground.</h3><h3>当七个小矮人回家后,他们发现倒在地上的白雪公主。</h3><h3>“Princess! Wake up.”</h3><h3>“公主!醒醒。”</h3><h3>But she didn’t wake up.</h3><h3>但是她没有醒来。</h3><h3>The dwarfs laid her down in a glass tube.</h3><h3>小矮人把她放进玻璃棺材里。</h3> <h3>A neighboring prince came to hunt in the forest.</h3><h3>一位邻国的王子来森林里打猎。</h3><h3>He saw Snow White lying in the glass tube.</h3><h3>他看到躺在玻璃棺材里的白雪公主。</h3><h3>“Please, allow me to take her. If she goes to the castle, someone will be able to save her.”</h3><h3>“请让我带走她。如果她去城堡里,会有救她。”</h3><h3>When the followers carried the glass tube, they dropped it by mistake.</h3><h3>当随从搬运玻璃棺材时,他们不小心让它掉了下来。</h3> <h3>At that time, the poisoned apple came out.</h3><h3>那时,毒苹果出来了。</h3><h3>She opened her eyes.</h3><h3>她睁开了眼睛。</h3><h3>“Wow~ She is alive!”</h3><h3>“哇~她还活着!”</h3><h3>Snow White went to the castle with the prince.</h3><h3>白雪公主和王子一起去了城堡。</h3><h3>And they lived happily.</h3><h3>他们过着幸福的生活。</h3> <h3>cabin [ˈkæbɪn]</h3><h3>n.</h3><h3>客舱; <美>小木屋; (轮船上工作或生活的)隔间; </h3><h3>vt.</h3><h3>把…关在小屋里; 使受拘束;</h3><h3>dwarf [dwɔ:f]</h3><h3>n.</h3><h3>侏儒,矮子; 矮小的动物(植物); [天]矮星; </h3><h3>vt.</h3><h3>(使)显得矮小; 使(发育,智能等)受阻碍; 使相形见绌;</h3><h3>poison [ˈpɔɪzn]</h3><h3>n.</h3><h3>毒药; 酒; 极糟的食物; 极有害的思想(或心情等); </h3><h3>vt.</h3><h3>毒死; 污染; 放毒于; 对…有不良影响;</h3><h3>bite [baɪt]</h3><h3>vt.& vi.</h3><h3>咬; 叮; </h3><h3>n.</h3><h3>咬; 咬伤; 疼痛; 受骗;</h3><h3>tube [tju:b]</h3><h3>n.</h3><h3>管,管状物; 电子管; 地铁; 电视机; </h3><h3>vt.</h3><h3>把…装管; 把…弄成管状; 用管输送;</h3>