<h3><h3>👑 The Little Prince</h3><h3>👑 小王子</h3><h3>“古往今来人们开始探索,都应起源于对自然万物的惊异”。人们通过探索来发现世界,来活的更精彩,就像小王子一样。</h3><h3>小王子从一颗星球飞到另一颗星球,他渴望离开他的小行星和玫瑰花,去发现,去探索。在这期间,他看到了不同的人,而最后,他遇到了小狐狸。</h3><h3>成长,让我们变得圆滑,这是所谓的成熟,却也让我们遮蔽了双眼,无法直面自己的内心,当年自己眼中的特殊与唯一,如今泯然众人。真的就如此吗?</h3><h3>总有一天,当我们回眸细想,还是会发现漫天微笑的星星</h3></h3> <h3>In the sky, there was a tiny star.</h3><h3>天空中有一颗小星球。</h3> <h3>There was a little prince in the tiny star.</h3><h3>小星球里有位小王子。</h3><h3>A rose was there, too.</h3><h3>那里有也一朵玫瑰。</h3> <h3>The little prince took care of the rose.</h3><h3>小王子照料着玫瑰。</h3><h3>He watered it every day.</h3><h3>他每天给它浇水。</h3><h3>He caught worms every day.</h3><h3>他每天都抓虫子。</h3><h3>He blocked wind every day.</h3><h3>他每天都挡风。</h3> <h3>But the rose complained.</h3><h3>但是玫瑰还抱怨。</h3><h3>“I’m different from other flowers. I’m special!”</h3><h3>“我和其它花不同。我很特别!”</h3> <h3>The little prince felt hurt.</h3><h3>小王子内心受伤了。</h3><h3>“The rose always complains. It doesn’t need me anymore.”</h3><h3>“玫瑰总是抱怨。它不再需要我了。”</h3><h3>He made up his mind to leave the star.</h3><h3>他决定离开那颗星星。</h3> <h3>The little prince looked at the neighboring stars.</h3><h3>小王子看着周围的星星。</h3><h3>In the first star, there was a braggart.</h3><h3>在第一颗星球上,有一位吹牛者。</h3><h3>“I’m the best and the smartest in this star.”</h3><h3>“我是这颗星球上最优秀最聪明的人。”</h3> <h3>In the second star, there was a rich man.</h3><h3>在第二颗星球上有一位富有的人。</h3><h3>“Hello, sir?”</h3><h3>“你好,先生?”</h3><h3>The little prince said hello.</h3><h3>小王子打招呼。</h3><h3>But the rich man didn’t even pretend to listen.</h3><h3>但富人甚至没有没有假装听。</h3><h3>“Go away. I need to count money.”</h3><h3>“走开。我需要数钱。”</h3> <h3>In the third star, there was a scholar.</h3><h3>在第三颗星球上,有一位学者。</h3><h3>“Sir, what is in this star?”</h3><h3>“先生,这颗星球上有什么?”</h3><h3>“I don’t know about that kind of thing. I just study.”</h3><h3>“我不知道这类事情。我只是学习。”</h3><h3>“What do you study about?”</h3><h3>“您研究什么?”</h3><h3>“I study about what is here in this star.”</h3><h3>“我研究这颗星球里的事物。”</h3><h3>The little prince couldn’t understand what the man said.</h3><h3>小王子听不懂这位男人所说的。</h3> <h3>The little prince arrived on Earth.</h3><h3>小王子来到了地球。</h3><h3>The Earth was wide and beautiful.</h3><h3>地球又大又美丽。</h3><h3>The little prince sat on a hill and thought.</h3><h3>小王子坐在山上沉思。</h3><h3>‘Can I meet a friend here?’</h3><h3>“我能在这里见到朋友么?”</h3> <h3>The little prince saw a rose garden.</h3><h3>小王子看到了一个玫瑰花园。</h3><h3>He was surprised.</h3><h3>他很惊讶。</h3><h3>“It’s the same as the rose in my star.”</h3><h3>它和我星球上的玫瑰一样。</h3> <h3>The prince lay on the grass, crying.</h3><h3>王子躺在草地上哭泣。</h3><h3>Then, a fox showed up.</h3><h3>然后一只狐狸出现了。</h3><h3>“Why are you crying?” A fox asked.</h3><h3>狐狸问:“你为什么哭?”</h3><h3>“I’m so sad now.”</h3><h3>“我现在很难过。”</h3><h3>“Then, I’ll be your friend,” the fox said.</h3><h3>“那么,我将成为你的朋友。”狐狸说。</h3> <h3>“I thought the rose in my star was the only one. But there are many flowers just like my rose,” the little prince said.</h3><h3>“我以为我星球上的玫瑰是唯一的,但是这里有许多玫瑰像我的玫瑰。”小王子说。</h3><h3>“No, it is not the same. Only the flower in your star will remember you.”</h3><h3>“不,它们不一样。只有你星球上的花才会记得你。”</h3> <h3>“Do you think my flower will really remember me? Fox! I need to go back to my rose.”</h3><h3>“你认为我的花会记得我吗? 狐狸! 我要回去看看我的玫瑰。”</h3><h3>“Yes. Goodbye.”</h3><h3>“是的。再见。”</h3><h3>The fox smiled and said goodbye.</h3><h3>狐狸微笑着说再见。</h3> <h3>The little prince went back to his star.</h3><h3>小王子回到了他的星球上。</h3><h3>Now the prince will be happy.</h3><h3>现在王子会很高兴。</h3><h3>Because he will meet his only friend, the rose.</h3><h3>因为他看见了他唯一的朋友,玫瑰。</h3>