【欢喜过大年】 欢乐新年 多彩贵州 Happy new year colourful Guizhou.


<h3><b><i><font color="#ed2308">  2019年二月九日下午,在悉尼環形碼頭附近的第一艦隊公園上演了一場來自中國貴州省歌舞團的文藝演出,共慶中國農曆新年的到來.在約40分鐘的演出中,其優美的服飾,精湛的表演,濃厚的苗族風情給悉尼人帶來一場難得的視覺盛宴.On the afternoon of February 9, 2019, a performance from the Guizhou Provincial Song and Dance Troupe was held at the First Fleet Park near Sydney Circular Quay to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. In the 40-minute performance, its beautiful Costumes, superb performances, and a strong Miao style bring a rare visual feast to Sydney people.</font></i></b></h3> <h3><b>後記: 我母親生前係貴州安順人,我的童年是在貴州度過的.出於對母親的懷念和對童年的回憶,我堅持看完該團的節目,並做了這個美篇,給自己留下一個永遠的記憶.Post: My mother was born in Anshun, Guizhou. My childhood was spent in Guizhou. Out of my mother's memory and memories of my childhood, I insisted on watching the group's program and made this beauty to myself. Leave a memory forever.</b></h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><b>歡迎轉載,謝謝分享</b></h3><p style="text-align: center; "><b>Welcome to reprint, thank you for sharing</b></h3>