<h3>TREES</h3><h3>Trees just stand around all day</h3><h3>and sun themselves and rest.</h3><h3>They never walk or run away</h3><h3>and surely that is best.</h3><h3>For otherwise how would a</h3><h3>squirrel or robin find its nest?</h3><h3>–Aileen Fisher</h3> <h3>FALL</h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The last of October</h3><h3>We lock the garden gate.</h3><h3>"The flowers alive all withered</h3><h3>That used to stand straight.</h3><h3>The last of October</h3><h3>We put the swings away</h3><h3>And the porch looks deserted</h3><h3>Where we like to play.</h3><h3>The last of October</h3><h3>The birds have all flown,</h3><h3>The screens are in the attic,</h3><h3>The sand pile's all gone;</h3><h3>Everything is put away</h3><h3>Before it starts to snow---</h3><h3>I wonder if the ladybugs</h3><h3>Have any place to go.</h3> <h3>A LEAF</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>If I were a leaf</h3><h3>(but I wouldn't be)</h3><h3>I'd have to be tied</h3><h3>to a tree, tree, tree.</h3><h3>I couldn't walk off</h3><h3>(or skip or run)</h3><h3>and my nose would get burned</h3><h3>by the sun, sun, sun.</h3><h3>In summer I'd roast,</h3><h3>(in winter I'd freeze)</h3><h3>and all through October</h3><h3>I'd sneeze, sneeze, sneeze.</h3> <h3>Butterfly Wings</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>How would it be</h3><h3>on a day in June</h3><h3>to open your eyes</h3><h3>in a dark cocoon,</h3><h3>And soften one end</h3><h3>and crawl outside,</h3><h3>and find you had wings</h3><h3>to open wide,</h3><h3>butterfly-on-a-red-flowerAnd find you could fly</h3><h3>to a bush or tree</h3><h3>or float on the air</h3><h3>like a boat at sea…</h3><h3>How would it BE?</h3> <h3>Noses : </h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher</h3><h3>I looked in the mirror</h3><h3>and looked at my nose: </h3><h3>it’s the funniest thing, </h3><h3>the way it grows</h3><h3>stuck right out where all of it shows</h3><h3>with two little holes where the</h3><h3>breathing goes. </h3><h3>I looked in the mirror</h3><h3>and saw in there</h3><h3>the end of my chin</h3><h3>and the start of my hair</h3><h3>and between there</h3><h3>isn’t much space to spare with my nose, </h3><h3>like a handle, sticking there. </h3><h3>If ever you want</h3><h3>to giggle and shout</h3><h3>and can’t think of what</h3><h3>to do it about, </h3><h3>just look in the mirror and then, no doubt, </h3><h3>you’ll see how funny YOUR nose</h3><h3>sticks out! </h3> <h3>Upside Down </h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher</h3><h3>It's funny how beetles </h3><h3>and creatures like that </h3><h3>can walk upside down </h3><h3>as well as walk flat.</h3><h3>They crawl on a ceiling </h3><h3>and climb on a wall </h3><h3>without any practice </h3><h3>or trouble at all.</h3><h3>While I have been trying </h3><h3>for a year (maybe more)</h3><h3>and still I can't stand </h3><h3>with my head on the floor.</h3> <h3>Little Talk</h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Don't you think it's probable </h3><h3>that beetles, bugs, and bees </h3><h3>talk about a lot of things -</h3><h3>you know, such things as these:</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The kind of weather where they live </h3><h3>in jungles tall with grass,</h3><h3>and earthquakes in their villages </h3><h3>whenever people pass.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Of course, we'll never know if bugs </h3><h3>talk very much at all -</h3><h3>because our rears are far too big </h3><h3>for talk that is so small. </h3> <h3>All in a Word </h3><h3> by Aileen Fisher</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>T for time to be together, turkey,talk and tangy weather</h3><h3>H for harvest stored away, home and hearth and holiday</h3><h3>A for Autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart</h3><h3>N for neighbors and November, nice things, new things to remember</h3><h3>K for kitchen, kettle's croon, kith and kin expected soon</h3><h3>S for sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special that abounds</h3><h3>That spells THANKS for joy in living</h3><h3>And a jolly good Thanksgiving. </h3> <h3>Fly Fly Butterfly</h3><h3>by Aileen Fisher</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Fly fly butterfly,</h3><h3>Fly fly butterfly,</h3><h3>Fly fly butterfly,</h3><h3>Fly up in the sky so high. </h3><h3>CATERPILLARS!</h3><h3>What do caterpillars do?</h3><h3>Nothing much but chew and chew.</h3><h3>What do caterpillars know?</h3><h3>Nothing much but how to grow.</h3><h3>They just eat what by and by</h3><h3>will make them be a butterfly,</h3><h3>But that is more than I can do</h3><h3>however much I chew and chew. </h3> <h3>第一种是类地行星(岩石行星),主要由硅酸盐岩石组成,它们分别是水星、金星、地球、火星。第二种是类木行星(气态巨行星),主要由氢和氦组成的气体构成,它们分别是木星和土星。第三种是冰巨行星,主要由水、氨与甲烷组成的冰状固体构成,分别是天王星和海王星。</h3> <h3>汉代之前,称为太白、明星或大嚣,另外早晨出现在东方称启明,晚上出现在西方称长庚。直到西汉时期,天文学家司马迁在观测金星时,发现金星的颜色为白黄色,因此与当时的“五行”学说联系在一起,正式命名为金星。</h3> <h3>在西方罗马神话中,金星名字的来源是维纳斯(Venus)</h3> <h3>“荧荧如火、亮度与位置变化甚大使人迷惑”古人认为火星位置较难预测,亮度不稳定,所以将其命名为荧惑星。在西方罗马神话中,因火红之色而取名“Mars”(音:马尔斯),他是罗马神话中的战神——玛尔斯。</h3> <h3>正月十五元宵节来了,而今年正月十五的满月,恰好是全年度最大的满月,又被大家称作“超级月亮”。那么,超级月亮到底是啥,长什么样,又会在什么时候才有呢?</h3>