<h3>今天天气真好!</h3><h3>阳光明媚!</h3><h3>心情美美的!</h3><h3>It is really a wonderful day today.</h3><h3> Bright sunny!</h3><h3>Brings me a good mood!</h3> <h3>出发时发现轮胎低气压,在加油站加气!</h3><h3>4个25美分一次,加了两次仍显示低压,儿子说换一家再试一试,成功!看来在美国,加气站也有“歪货“!</h3><h3>We found there is a low tire pressure signal on the car dial .</h3><h3>After we filled up the air twice at four quarters a time, low pressure signal still exists.My son said we better try it again at another gas station, finnaly we made it! It seems like there is also “bad goods “ like quality issue in the United States. </h3> <h3>从新泽西到美国首都华盛顿有350公里,昨天已经定好宾馆和停车位,Well, it's 350 kilometers from new Jersey to Washington, D.C. fortunatrly We booked a hotel and a parking spot yesterday.</h3> <h3>路上车辆比较多,但是一路畅通!</h3><h3>There are quite a lot cars on the road, but no traffic jam!</h3> <h3>听音乐,看风景!</h3><h3>Enjoying the music, enjoying the view!</h3> <h3>喜欢一路的风景,好美!</h3><h3>The view is so terrific, I liked it!</h3> <h3>玩自拍🤭taking self-pic time<br></h3> <h3>儿子开车,一路相伴,感觉好幸福!My son
drives the car, hapiness filling in the air!<br></h3> <h3>从高速路到服务站可以从道路左侧出去,服务站可以为双侧行驶的车辆服务,与中国的服务站不同,这样不需要太多服务站 ,</h3><h3>,同时还具掉头功能! To the service station from highway can take a way by left road,The service station can serve the vehicles from both sides.it's a bit different from China. It saves fund on building less service stations! Cars can also make U turns here!</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>服务站好漂亮,但今天不营业,不知为何?</h3><h3>The service station looks not bad, </h3><h3>while it is out of service today, I don't know why.</h3> <h3>继续前行……</h3><h3>go on…</h3>