

<h3>🌟指读ORT2-1~2-10,录电台</h3><h3>🌟理解性阅读ORT9,2本</h3><h3>🌟动画片:blippi: sink or float; Snowmobile</h3><h3>🌟Topic: Animal year</h3><h3>Today, we learned about 12 animal years.</h3><h3>首先用中文说了一遍:子鼠丑牛寅虎卯兔辰龙巳蛇午马未羊申猴酉鸡戌狗亥猪</h3> <h3>And then, we talked about the animal years of family members.</h3><h3>Annie was born in the year of horse. Mum was born in the year of pig(boar). Dad was born in the year of rat. </h3><h3>What about Grandparents?</h3><h3>Grandma was born in the year of rooster. Grandpa was born in the year of goat. Granny was born in the year of monkey, right?</h3><h3>No, granny was born in the year of dog.</h3><h3>How do you know that?</h3><h3>Granny told me before.</h3> <h3>🌟Phonics: Short e</h3><h3>Annie speak our -et and -ell very quickly. Mum was amazed of that, so clapped hand hard and long. Annie got encourage a lot. She was proud of herself.</h3> <h3>🌟妈妈学习:第四季4-5</h3>