<h3>摄影:九爷</h3><h3>Photography is by jiu ye</h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p style="text-align: right; ">厦门之旅六</h3></font></h3><p style="text-align: right; "><font color="#010101">Xiamen tour iv</font></h3> <h3> 从北方两个多小时飞来厦门,下午去了处于浩瀚的大海、风景如画的环岛路上的曾厝垵,这里汇聚着整个厦门所有的经典小吃,街道两傍依次摆着海蛎煎、烧烤海鲜、鸭肉饼、章鱼小丸子、土笋冻等等,不仅仅是小吃,还有各种点心干果类食品以及各种花类茶水,可以随意品尝饮用,除此以外还有多种纪念品。非常狭小的巷子内,走过的人都非常高兴,望着美味飘香的食物,个个都有馋涎欲滴的表情……</h3> <h3> More than two hours to fly from the north of xiamen, the afternoon went to in the vast sea, the picturesque was on huandao road in adjacent An, the xiamen all gathered here. Reports are classic snacks, street two this time with a non Fried, grilled seafood, duck meat pie, small octopus balls, bamboo shoots frozen soil and so on, is not only a snack, along with a variety of snack dried fruit kind of food as well as a variety of flower tea, can taste the drink, besides there are many kinds of souvenirs. Very narrow alley, the people who passed by are very happy, looking at the delicious fragrance of food, all have the expression of greedy......</h3> <h3> 曾厝垵很小,周围有多条道路可以进去,基本上绕一圈就可以走完,但要是把每个小店都逛上一下,那也许得花上一整天呀。</h3> <h3> Once adjacent An is small, with several road can go in and around basically around a circle can go out, but if put on each store shopping, that may have to spend all day ah.</h3> <h3>永远别问一个吃货吃了没,这对吃货来说根本不是问题,要问就问吃饱没?</h3> <h3>Never ask a foodie if he's had enough. It's not a question of whether he's had enough?</h3> <h3> 曾厝垵建制沿革,别名“曾里”,又称“曾家沃”、“曾家湾”,至今已伍佰多年历史。明朝时,系海澄月港商船之泊地,海澄开往海外的船舶需至厦门查验,停靠于曾厝垵避风候讯。(方言“沃”指泊船海湾,“湾”指舟楫出入港口。)</h3> <h3> Once adjacent An system evolution, alias "once", also known as "home," and "Ceng Guwan", its total has years of history. The clarification of the Ming dynasty, is a sea in hong kong-invested vessel anchorage ground, sea dearing to overseas shipping to xiamen inspection, have docked in adjacent An feng hou. (the dialect "wo" refers to the bay where ships dock, and "wan" refers to the number of ships moving in and out of the port.)</h3> <h3>吃货最高境界,眼见为食。</h3> <h3>The highest form of food is what you see.</h3> <h3>在吃货的这条不归路上,人类,从来都不孤单!</h3> <h3>On the road of the foodie, human beings are never alone!</h3> <h3>吃货就像一列火车,狂吃。狂吃 狂吃!</h3> <h3>Foodies are like a train, eating like crazy. Eat like crazy!</h3>