The Third Day


<h3>培训第三天,还是八点开始,七点起床,吃了DIY的早餐,匆匆赶往上课的教室!喜欢拍马路,今天拍的早晨的马路放低了镜头凸现北语校园的马路!上学途中偶遇我大宁夏女侠客,果然不俗,犹如部队训练有素的士兵,步伐一致,整齐划一!赞一个,宁夏团队!</h3> <h3>我偷拍被发现了!</h3> <h3>补充一下:她们的早餐丰富且实惠,六元一盘!</h3> <h3>笑的灿烂,运气肯定很好!</h3> <h3>宁夏来的女子美地很!</h3> <h3>今早的课8点到12点都属于Attul。他是英国人,据我判断是个混血儿,估计也是个muslim。他的课给我最大的启发就是能让学生主动参与课堂活动,完全被他的课堂活动所吸引!他也是个表情帝!</h3> <h3>表情帝</h3> <h3>这是Attul今天课开始的游戏,很有趣,你想成为什么动物,猜对方想成为什么动物?</h3> <h3>I guess she may want to be a peacock because of her colorful sweater. But I was wrong.</h3> <h3>How to start and end your class?This question is really worth thinking. Do you usually say class begins and then directly start your class? If you say yes,how can you let your ss love your class? No way. So, use at least five minutes to try different ways to warm up your every class, which can make your ss be interested in your lesson. Then, of course, their scores will be improved because interest is the best teacher. I have confidenc to say that because my ss love me and my class so they really perform well in their English exams. We perform well in Attul's class because of our love of his class. </h3> <h3>ways to start a lesson</h3> <h3>表情帝大哥</h3> <h3>best teacher in the world </h3> <h3>We benefited a lot from him.</h3> <h3>ways of learning</h3> <h3>Agree or not? not. Teacher first</h3> <h3>Remember to explore the library of Reading University for this book.</h3> <h3>你说啥哩?</h3> <h3>我说了算!!!</h3> <h3>oh no</h3> <h3>丢沙包,丢给谁谁回答问题。回去买个沙包丢。</h3> <h3>未曾谋面但交流过多次的吴可女士给我们做行前培训!</h3> <h3>大家多注意,别碰黄线!</h3> <h3>没事不怕,有事也不怕,有祖国撑腰!但,别干坏事!我爱你中国🇨🇳</h3> <h3>国家留学基金委主任讲话,要求大家好好学习,不忘初心,不忘自己的身份!</h3> <h3>接下来的一小时还是Attul的课,I wonder If He is from a circus. A good teacher use everything He can find to serve his class.</h3> <h3>回归学术!</h3> <h3>his charm in class</h3> <h3>We love you, Attul.</h3> <h3>午餐总是漫长的等待,因为人太多!看着大学生觉得年轻真好!我也年轻,好好努力吧!吃个手抓饭?</h3> <h3>我们生活的世界很美好,你只需要一颗发现美的心!感恩生活,感恩遇见!</h3> <h3>下午的课是雅思小王子赵鹏老师的课,他的风格比较独特,一开始让我们做dictation, 我真的受到了打击!</h3> <h3>标准答案!</h3> <h3>我写的!😩</h3> <h3>之后他让几位同学做了在教学中遇到的困惑的presentation,给人最震撼的是来自重庆一中的张云建同学的分享,100%的学书派,看似80后,但教书已20年有余!准备评正高!瞬间觉得自己得更努力了!</h3> <h3>人家的创意和用心,图片剩余张数有限,仅放两张,大家共勉,向优秀的人学习!</h3> <h3>我不是吃货,但晚上终于吃上了几天来未吃到的汤面!吃完感觉每个细胞都是欢快的!</h3> <h3>晚上两个半小时的课是Tim给我们分享的Reading周边的旅游景点包括伦敦!他对英国历史非常了解,信手拈来!</h3> <h3>只能发最后一张图片了,为生活干杯🍻感恩一切,珍惜倒数第二期的学习机会好好努力,Barry于北语14号宿舍楼104@11:50,20190111与大家共勉!</h3> <h3>Barry and Wolter</h3><h3>Drinking,</h3><h3>talking,</h3><h3>laughing, </h3><h3>maybe sometimes tearing. </h3><h3>Finally getting drunk </h3><h3>Two cute men. </h3><h3>by Selina</h3> <h3>Always believe that something good will happen!</h3>