<h3>🎵Peppapig S2</h3><h3>📽Sheepshearing,Farm vehicles.</h3><h3>Allibaba's farm</h3><h3>🇨🇳识字</h3> <h3>I sealed an envelop with a letter in it in advance.I pretend to unseal the letter from my pen pal who living on a farm.Read the letter to Max and ask him some questions.Max did understood and remenbered the words very well.</h3> <h3>mill,barn,farmer house,green house,water tower,granary,stable,kennel,cow shed,coop.</h3> <h3>Peppapig Long grass</h3> <h3>All About Farms and Barn Animals<br>Farms are businesses that raise animals. As farmers operate their businesses, they often grow food, too. Some of the food grown on farms feeds farm animals, and other food is sent from the farm to feed people. A visit to a farm might involve meeting many different animals that live there. You might see cows, pigs, chickens, horses, sheep, goats, and donkeys living on farms. Animals such as horses can also help with work on the farm, although farmers do most of this work with machines on modern farms.<br>跟我讨论了一下那些动物可以吃🤔说Bule whale,dolphin,cat,dog....</h3> <h3>Duck</h3><h3>Most of the farm ducks are of a breed called "Pekin". It is harder to tell a male from a female with the Pekin ducks because they look almost the same. The male has two to three curly feathers on top. Pekin ducks have white or cream colored feathers and orange colored bills. These ducks do not fly and do well in captivity. They are also excellent for egg and meat production. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Which is the male and which is the female ?<br>The males (drakes) are usually the brightly colored ones while the females (ducks) are usually a dull-colored brown so that they can hide be camouflaged from their enemies when they are in their nests.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The Wood Duck in the picture is an example of the colorful male. The males use their colorful plumage to attract females. However, they will lose or molt their colorful feathers when the females are busy hatching the eggs. The males will now look like the female in color and will be unable to fly temporarily. They will molt again in early Fall (autumn) and get back their colorful feathers and be able to fly again. The females also molt. They replace all their feathers, get new ones after their babies or ducklings are hatched.<br>Importance of ducks to human.<br>Ducks, like other animals, are useful to human beings. They provide us with eggs and meat to eat. Some ducks provide us with feathers are used for stuffing quilts and pillows. The feathers are usually from the Eider duck. Thus, the name "eiderdown" for stuffed quilts. To line their nests, the females pluck feathers from their breast. Their feathers are harvested in Iceland where they are found everywhere along the coast and are a valuable source of income for the people here. Eiders feed on mussels, sea snails, crabs, shrimps, barnacles, catch fish, dig for snails and eat other small crustaceans and some sea-weeds.<br><br></h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">Do you know what affects duck's production of eggs?</h3><h3>The production of eggs is affected by daylight. When there is more daylight, the ducks will lay more eggs. In the months of July to December when daylight is short, they slow down their production of eggs. Sometimes, they stop laying eggs completely during these months. To prevent this from happening, farmers use artificial lighting so that the ducks have about 17 hours of light a day to produce eggs efficiently.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Female ducks are called hens and male ducks are called drakes.<br>Ducklings are born ready to leave the nest within hours of hatching – their eyes are open and they are able to find some of their own food.</h3> <h3>Sheep</h3><h3>People kept the sheep for its wool to keep warm and the meat as food. They provide us with both food, leather, clothing and give us the materials for by-products, such as soap, lanolin, glue and catgut.Catgut is used in stringing tennis and badminton rackets. Lanolin is natural oil found in the sheep's fleece which is used to make cosmetics and candlewax. Sheep need hay or grass to eat and lots of fresh, clean water to drink. Sheep also need special minerals to help keep them healthy. Farmers usually place sheep in a barn to sleep, and they allow sheep to run in a pasture during the day. </h3><h3>Female sheep are called ewes, male sheep are called rams, and baby sheep are called lambs.<br>A female goat is called a doe.<br>Goats are great swimmers.<br>Some wild goats can climb trees and can walk along a ledge not much wider than a tightrope.</h3> <h3></h3><h3>Not all rams have horns. There are hornless breeds too. In some breeds, even the ewes have horns. <br>Although most sheep are raised for meat and wool, the East Friesian is a dairy sheep raised for production of milk in Germany. It has white wool and white faces, ears, and legs all clean of wool and a "rat-tail" that is thin and has no wool on it.<br>In France, milk from Roquefort sheep is used to make Roquefort cheese. Sheep's milk is different from cow's milk. It contains more protein and has a higher fat content. Then there is the East Friesian Sheep that is bred for its milk.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Sheep-shearing usually happens every spring on a farm. A sheep-shearer will use a special tool to give the sheep a close haircut, removing the wool to sell it. This means that their fleece are shaved off. Spring is chosen because it is no longer cold and therefore the sheep can do without its fleece which it needs to keep warm in winter. The fleece has to be removed in one single piece. This requires a very skilled person to do. The shearer must also be strong enough to hold the sheep in place while he is shearing it. A good shearer might take less than 5 minutes to do this. He can shear as many as 125 sheep a day !!(看剪羊毛视频)</h3> <h3>Turkey</h3><h3>The turkey is the largest bird on the farm. The male turkey is called Tom or cock. The female is called a hen and the baby is called a poult. A young male is called Jake while a young female is called Jenny. <br>The male turkey has a long wattle at the base of the bill and additional wattles on the neck. Turkeys are omnivores. They feed on insects, plants, corn, wheat and seeds.<br>Turkey meat is very popular during certain festivals in certain countries, like Thanksgiving in the United States and Christmas dinner in most European countries.</h3> <h3>Cow</h3><h3>A farm may raise cows for milk or beef. A dairy farm usually keeps many cows and milks them two or three times each day, collecting the milk to sell. Farmers feed cows a special mixture of grains that will keep them healthy and help them produce lots of milk. Farmers take good care of their cows to keep them healthy, often letting them roam in pastures during the day and when they aren't being milked. Cattle raised for beef are not milked. Farmers take special care of the cattle to help them grow into big, strong animals. When the cattle grow to a certain size, farmers send them to a different market facility. Cows on a farm usually sleep in barns.WHAT DO COWS GIVE US?</h3><h3>Cows give us milk, leather and meat.</h3><h3>Milk can be made into other dairy products :</h3><h3>butter, cheese, yogurt.</h3><h3>Cows can recognize their names (though they may not come when called!).<br>Cows have a memory of about three years.<br>Cows are social animals who form bonds with each other. In a herd of cows, many will form cliques together.</h3><h3>Cows can sense a storm coming and will lie down.</h3> <h3>Chichen</h3><h3>Some farms have chickens, either for eggs or meat. Chickens on a farm need a chicken house to keep them safe from other animals. If chickens have an outdoor area for wandering, they usually stay healthier and happier. Chickens also like to scratch and forage, so some farmers give them an outdoor place with mulch on the ground. Hens, female chickens, will produce eggs, and the farmer collects them. A farmer who wants to raise chicks will need hens and a rooster, a male chicken. The hens will lay eggs, and the farmer can either leave them with the hens for hatching or collect them to hatch them in an incubator.<br>A chicken has a comb on the head and two wattles under the neck. The male has a larger comb compared to the female. The male is called a rooster. The female is called a hen while the young are called chicks. The female is usually ready to lay her first eggs when she is around six months old.</h3><h3>The morning call your hear on the farm every morning is actually the rooster crowing "cock-a-doodle-doo". The female is called a hen and she goes "cluck-cluck". The young are called chicks and they go "chick-chick".<br>Chicken eggs come in different colors like white, brown, blue or bluish green and pink. The unique blue eggs come from the Araucana breed, from South America. Most chickens will stop laying eggs when the weather is cold. They will start laying when it gets warmer again.<br>Chickens eat worms, insects, seeds, grains, snails, slugs, fruits, vegetables and many other foods. The gizzard which is a part of the stomach contains tiny stones to help grind up the food.</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"><br></h3><h3>The chicken is the closest living relative to the T-Rex.<br>Some breeds of chickens can lay colored eggs. The Ameraucana and Araucana can lay eggs of green or blue.</h3><h3>Chickens have over 200 distinct noises they can make for communicating.</h3> <h3>Gizzard:A part of a bird’s stomach that breaks down food into smaller pieces.</h3> <h3>Farm vehicles and farm equipments.</h3><h3>A swather, or windrower, is a farm implement that cuts hay or small grain crops and forms them into a windrow. (工作视频)</h3> <h3>Captivity-when a person or animal is kept in a prison, cage etc and not allowed to go where they want.</h3><h3>Animals bred in captivity.</h3><h3>Camouflage-the type of green and brown clothes, paint etc that soldiers wear to make themselves more difficult to see.</h3>