

<h3>🌟指读ORT1-46~1-55</h3><h3>🌟理解性阅读ORT9-1&amp;9-2,美猴王20页</h3><h3>🌟动画片:alphablocks 5集</h3><h3>🌟自然拼读-ack</h3><h3>🌟Daily Game: Witch story.</h3><h3>We both are witch, and Annie emphasized that we are not nasty witch, but good witch who are always willing to help people.</h3><h3>And the monster which lives in 黑风山(美猴王刚看完后遗症)took her cape. She asked Big witch for help.</h3><h3>Then the big witch turned into Monkey King and fly to 黑风山 to fight with that bad monster and get the cape back.</h3><h3>Annie the little witch suggested the big witch to turn to the dragon so that the dragon can blow the fire while flying.</h3><h3>The big Witch beat the monster and get the cape back successfully.</h3><h3>Then the two witches have a dance party to celebrate the victory.</h3><h3>🌟妈妈学习:身体欠佳,一直没有系统学习。最多就是学了一点日常表达。</h3><h3>❤抓进度,不焦虑。积极备课,快乐陪伴每一天。</h3><h3><br></h3>