<h1>摄影艺术家:爱新觉罗.华熔(微信名:8848)Photographic artist: Aixinjueluo. Hua Melt (WeChat name: 8848)</h1> <h1> 四川省摄影家协会会员,四川省高校摄影协会理事,成都市图片库首批签约摄影师,四川省摄影家协会函授学院客座教授。入选中国收藏家协会首批“百名中外摄影名家签约计划”。</h1> <h3> Member of Sichuan Photographers Association, director of Sichuan University Photography Association, Chengdu Photo Gallery first signed photographer, Sichuan Photographers Association Correspondence college Visiting professor. Selected as the first batch of Chinese Collectors Association "hundreds of Chinese and foreign photographers signed the program."</h3> <h1> 爱新觉罗·华熔,启字辈,是努尔哈赤第十三代孙。华熔老师自幼喜好绘画与摄影,曾于1969年率先自己配制彩色药水冲洗彩色照片。1970年试装成功第一台黑白电视机。从第一版PS就开始使用,是全国最早的一批PS使用者。1994年自购了一台柯达数码相机DC40,从此开启了几十年的数码摄影之路。他奉信“宁愿为新事物受苦,不愿做个落伍者”的座右铭。<br> 华熔老师从拿起相机开始,就没放下过自己热爱的摄影事业,一直在摄影这条道路上不断学习不断成长。谈起摄影有一大堆自己的创意与想法。并且专研变革,让自己的作品独特而新颖,成为摄影爱好者们值得借鉴和学习的榜样。<br></h1><h1><br></h1> <h3> Enuero Hua melted, the starting generation, is Nur Nurhachi 13th Generation Sun. Hua Melt teacher from childhood favorite painting and photography, in 1969 took the lead in preparing their own color potion flushing color photos. The first black and white machine was successfully tested in 1970. From the first version of PS began to use, is the country's first batch of PS users. Since the purchase of a Kodak digital camera DC40 in 1994, it has been a decades-old road to digital photography.</h3><h3> He was honored with the motto "would rather suffer for something new than be a laggard". Hua Melt teacher from picking up the camera, has not let go of their love of photography career, has been in the road of photography continue to learn to continue to grow. Talking about photography has a lot of ideas and ideas of its own. And the study of change, so that their own works unique and novel, photography enthusiasts worthy of reference and learning role models.</h3> <h1><font color="#010101"> </font><font color="#ff8a00">华熔老师的座右铭:宁愿为新事物受苦,不愿做个落伍者。</font><font color="#010101"></font></h1> <h3> Hua Melt Teacher's motto: Would rather suffer for new things than be an outdated person. Huarong teacher ' s motto:would rather suffer for new things over be a laggard.</h3> <h1> 华熔老师从第一版PS起步,现在可以挑战全国抠图高手。</h1> <h3> Hua Melt teacher from the first version of PS started, can now challenge the National master. Huarong started from the very simple version of PS. He is a master of PS now.</h3> <h1> 华熔老师摄影作品获奖无数。这个作品《激情脱缰》组照获得 “自有我主张”Sony《华夏人文地理》数码摄影大赛特别设置的“Sony数码影像特别大奖”(奖金5 万)。</h1> <h3> Hua Melt Teacher's photography works won numerous awards. This work "Passion Runaway" group won the "own I Advocate" Sony "Huaxia Humanities Geography" Digital photography competition special set up the "Sony Digital Imaging Special Award" (bonus 50,000).</h3> <h1> 华熔老师曾在迪拜举办个人影展。开幕典礼时向王室成员赠送他的绘画作品《八骏图》,还向中国领事馆赠送了摄影作品《荷花》。</h1> <h3>Mr. Hua rong once held a personal film exhibition in dubai. At the opening ceremony, he presented his painting "eight horses" to the royal family and his photographic work "lotus flower" to the Chinese consulate.</h3> <h1><font color="#ff8a00">华熔老师的摄影理念:与人不同。要拍别人没有拍过的,或者没有想到的,或者忽略的,或者别人拍不出来的,或者司空见惯,但没有发现的美。</font><font color="#010101"></font></h1> <h3>Hua Melt Teacher's photography concept: different from people. To shoot something that no one else has ever photographed, or that has not been thought of, or ignored, or that others can't, or that is commonplace, but not found in beauty.</h3> <h1> 所以,华熔老师摸索出一种被他称为”摄画”的独创方法。把中国传统工笔画的细致入微和摄影艺术的光影效果,油画的豪放雄浑气势,再辅以拍电影和3D的手法来烘托刀光剑影、战马嘶呜、气吞山河的豪情壮志。用“画不惊人死不休”的精神,准备用他的余生来精心打造”三国演义”(60册精品连环画)这部宏篇巨著。这里是他已经完成的作品《三国演义故事之长坂坡》。</h1> <h3> So, Hua melt teacher found out what he called "photography" of the original method. The subtle and light effects of Chinese traditional brushwork, the extravagance and grandeur of oil painting, supplemented by the use of film and 3D to bake swords, War Horse hiss, Shan ambition. With the spirit of "painting is not amazing death", ready to use the rest of his life to carefully build the "kingdoms" (60 books of fine comic strips) this macro masterpiece. Here is the work he has completed, "The Kingdoms of the story."</h3> <h1> 下面这幅《关云长千里走單骑》入选了加拿大建国150周年全球华人150名摄影师影展。 The following is the "cloud long thousand Miles Ride" was selected for Canada's 150 anniversary of the global Chinese 150 Photographers Film Festival.</h1> <h1><font color="#ff8a00">关于摄影是什么?喜欢什么类型的摄影?华熔老师认为:摄影是快乐、是健康、是以摄养摄。拍摄自己熟悉的、喜欢的、有内涵、有深度、有故事的、有创意的作品。所以,华熔老师创作出一系列和普通摄影作品迥然不同的摄影作品。 </font><font color="#010101"></font></h1> <h3>What is it about photography? What type of photography do you like? Hua Melt teacher thought: Photography is happy, is healthy, is to take the camera. Take pictures of yourself that you are familiar with, like, have connotations, have depth, have stories, and have creative works. Therefore, Hua Melt teacher created a series of and ordinary photography works very different from the photographic works.</h3> <h1> 一、《关云长千里走哈雷》现代文化与戏剧文化的碰撞。 First, "Cloud long thousands of miles away from the Thunder" modern culture and drama culture collision.</h1> <h1>二、《虞姬和楚霸王》,熟悉的历史故事的穿越,看到平行世界的另一边。Second, "Yu Ji and Chu overlord", familiar historical story of the crossing, see the other side of the parallel world.<br></h1> <h1>备注:成都京剧研究院演员演出。Note: Chengdu Peking Opera Research Institute actor performance.</h1> <h1> 三、《机车美女的热血与青春》。极具有视觉冲击力。 Third, "locomotive beauty of the blood and youth." Extremely visually impactful.</h1> <h1>四、《昨天的一百场战争之一的海湾战争》。作品诞生于2004年,很超前。这是华熔老师运用MaYa与PS做的画册。Iv. "Gulf War, one of yesterday's 100 wars". The work was born in 2004 and is very advanced. This is a picture book made by Hua Melt teacher using Maya and PS.</h1> <h1> 五、《舞台剧照》捕捉舞台上演员的动感展现,展现慢动作流线型梦幻瞬间。 Five, "stage stills" to capture the stage of the movement of the show, showing the slow motion streamlined dream moment.</h1> <h1> 上面这幅摄影作品不是PS的,是摄影艺术家华熔一次性拍摄的。表现的是阿根廷探戈大师在成都第二届探戈艺术节后留在国内教授探戈的场景。 The above photographic work is not PS, is the photography artist Hua Melt one-time shooting. Performance is the scene of Argentine Tango Masters staying in the country to teach tango after the second Tango Art festival in Chengdu.</h1> <h1> 下面这部分作品是华熔老师专门为原成都军区战旗文工团拍摄的剧照,用于战旗文工团画册和节目单。 The following part of the work is the Chinese melting teacher specifically for the original Chengdu Military Region banner literary troupe shot, used in the banner of the literary Troupe album and programme. </h1> <h1> 下面张名叫《双飞燕》的作品,是华熔老师约战旗文工团一个青年演员拍的。在2017年意大利国际摄影展上获得了评委推荐特别奖。 The following is a work called "Shuangfeiyan", is a Chinese melting teacher about the banner of the flag literary troupe a young actor shot. Received a special award from the judges at the 2017 Italian international photography exhibition.</h1> <h1>六、《川戏的倩丽魅影》。 Six, "Chuan Opera of the Magic Shadow."</h1> <h1>备注:四川省川剧院演员演出。Note: Sichuan Chuan theatre actor performance.</h1> <h1> 七、《中国武术》。 Vii. "Chinese wushu".</h1> <h1>八、《中国风》。Viii. "Chinese style".</h1> <h1> 九、《旗袍》。 Nine, "Cheongsam."</h1> <h1>八、图片故事《花样年华》。Eight, the picture story "Fancy years."</h1> <h1> 华熔老师从摄影前期创意,布灯到后期制作都比较精通。他拍摄题材广泛,无论是纪实风光,还是体育抓拍,舞台摄影,商业摄影,创意摄影,后期制作都略知一二。有人喻之为可能是成都市为数不多的“万金油”。 Hua Melt teacher from the early stage of photography creativity, cloth lights to post-production are more proficient. He filmed a wide range of subjects, whether it is documentary scenery, or sports capture, stage photography, commercial photography, creative photography, post-production are Beckham. Some people described for what may be the few "golden oil" in Chengdu.</h1> <h1>纪实:送京剧到学校。Documentary: Send Peking Opera to school.</h1> <h1><font color="#ff8a00">什么样的作品才是好作品?华熔老师认为:有视觉冲击力的,能够使人久久回味且几年后仍然记忆犹新的作品和主题突出发人深思,能够引起共鸣的作品。华熔老师的作品,就是这样的作品。</font><font color="#010101"></font></h1> <h3>What kind of work is a good work? Hua Melt Teacher believes: there is a visual impact, can make people long aftertaste and a few years later still remember the works and themes prominent thought-provoking, can resonate with the work. Hua Melt Teacher's work, is such a work.</h3> <h3>获奖经历</h3><h3>1997年7月在北京, 荣获为庆祝香港回归而举办的有奖佳能杯《电脑绘画大赛》一等奖。(用ps处理相片)</h3><h3>1999年10月, 荣获《中国首届艺术设计大展》一等奖。同时还获全场优秀奖。</h3><h3>2005年, 《荷 花》获四川省第12届摄影艺术展铜牌奖。</h3><h3>2006年4月,《激情脱缰》组照获得 “自有我主张”Sony·《华夏人文地理》数码摄影大赛特别设置的“Sony数码影像特别大奖”(奖金5 万)。</h3><h3>2008年10月,《中华武术博大精深》获得“我的中国符号全国摄影大赛” 一等奖</h3><h3>2008年12月,获《大众摄影》2008全国十佳摄影师称号。</h3><h3>2009年获《国际首届数码摄影世界杯》西班牙组优秀奖。</h3><h3>2010年获四川省高校摄影协会《德艺双馨奖》。</h3><h3>2011年获《现代五项世界杯摄影大赛》一等奖。</h3><h3>2012年获《国际体育舞蹈节摄影大赛》一等奖。</h3><h3>2013年获《美丽大邑》金奖。(奖金2万) 。</h3> <h3>The award-winning experience in Beijing in July 1997 was awarded the first prize of the prize-winning Canon Cup "computer painting Contest" to celebrate the return of Hong Kong. (with PS processing photos) in October 1999, won the first prize of "China's inaugural Art Design Exhibition".</h3><h3>At the same time also won the award for excellence in the field.</h3><h3>In the 2005, Lotus was awarded the bronze medal of the 12th photography art exhibition in Sichuan Province.</h3><h3>In the April 2006, "Passion Runaway" group won the "own I Advocate" Sony "Huaxia Humanities Geography" digital photography competition specially set up the "Sony Digital Imaging Special Award" (bonus 50,000).</h3><h3>October 2008, "Chinese wushu extensive and profound" won the "my Chinese symbol National Photography Contest" first prize December 2008, won the "Volkswagen Photography" 2008 National Top ten photographers title.</h3><h3>2009 won the "International first digital photography World Cup" Spanish Group Excellence Award.</h3><h3>2010 by the Sichuan University Photography Association "German Art Double Xin Award".</h3><h3>2011 won the first prize of the modern five World Cup photography contest.</h3><h3>2012 won the first prize of the International Sports Dance Festival Photography contest. 2013 won the gold Medal of "beautiful Dayi". (bonus 20,000).</h3> <h1>答谢:摄影艺术家:华熔Thanks: photography artist: Hua Rong.</h1> <h1>CHINESE FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER 74nd: Photograper Aixinjueluo.Hua rong(Wechat name:8848)</h1> <h1>国际摄影协会北美俱乐部 主编:孙秋林 监制:肖利 2018年12月25日 International Photography Association North America Club Editor: Sun Qiulin producer:xiao li Dec 25.2018</h1> <h1>说明:所有图片均受版权保护。如有必要,请联系摄影师华熔。All the pictures are subject to copyright. Please connect with photographer Hua Rong if necessary.</h1>