

<h1><font color="#ed2308"><b style=""> </b><b style=""> 为了丰富校园文化生活,提高学生英语水平,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强同学们的团结合作精神和集体主义意识。旬邑县实验中学于2018年12月11日在学术报告厅二楼举行了“七八年级英语话剧表演”。</b></font></h1><h3><b></b></h3><h3><br></h3><h1><b><font color="#ed2308"> In order to enrich campus cultural life, improve students’ English level , stimulate students’interest in learning English, enhance students’ spirit of solidarity and cooperation and collectivism, Xunyi Experimental Middle School held an English talent show on the second floor of the academic lecture hall on December 11, 2018.</font></b></h1><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3><h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> 本次活动由英语组承办,七八年级全体师生参加,每班报送一个节目。担任本次活动的评委有:教研处主任赵秋红老师,数学教研组组长崔卫红老师,政史地教研组组长燕军峰老师,理化生教研组组长张磊老师,术科教研组组长秦晓娜老师,还有九年级的两位英语老师张娟和文凤。<br></b></font><font color="#ed2308"><b> <br></b></font><font color="#ed2308"><b> This show was organized by the English group and attended by all teachers and students from Grade 7and Grade 8. One program per class. The judges were: Zhaoqiuhong, Director of the Teaching and Research Department; Cuiweihong, Director of the Mathematics Group; Yanjunfeng, Director of the Political Group; Qinxiaona, Director of the Technical Group; and two English teachers in the Grade 9, Zhangjuan and Wenfeng.</b></font></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b>  活动前,各小组按照抽签的顺序依次登台表演。话剧配以参赛班级精心准备PPT和背景音乐,与话剧的表演交相辉映、相得益彰。演员们的表演精彩生动、形象逼真,表情丰富,博得了观众的阵阵喝彩。《睡美人》,《灰姑娘》,《狐假虎威》,《新守株待兔》,《音乐之声》,《西游记》和《花木兰》等诸多童话和影视节目改编的话剧都得到同学们的好评。这些剧目,主题鲜明、表演风格各异。<br></b><b> Before the show, the groups performed on the stage in the order of drawing lots. The drama was matched the participating classes with PPT and background music, and the performances of the drama reflected and complemented each other.The performances of various groups were very realistic. The props were complete, the expressions were rich, and the characters were reversed, adding the dramaticism to the play. It won the applause of the audience. Among them, "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "Fox and Tiger", "New Watch and Waiting for the Rabbit", "Voice of Music", "Journey to the West" and "Huamulan" and many other fairy tales ,films and television programs had been adapted. </b></font></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> 首先是七年级二班表演的《新守株待兔》,俏皮可爱的孩子们博得了阵阵掌声。<br></b><b> At first , the "New Watch and Waiting for the Rabbit"from Class 2 Grade 7, it won the applause of the audience by their amazing actions. </b></font></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> 看,七年级四班的《灰姑娘》上场了。<br></b><b> Look, Cinderalla from Class 4 Grade 7 is coming.</b></font></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b style=""> 而《灰姑娘》中那个被反串的傲慢、妩媚的继母形象及其出色的表现,更是引得现场惊叹声与赞叹声此起彼伏,大家都被他的演技深深折服……<br></b><b style=""> In "Cinderella" , the boy who dressed as a woman, was very excellent and outstanding.</b></font></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b>  大家看看这个反串后妈的演技怎么样?<br></b><b> How about the acting skills of the stepmother who is actually a boy?</b></font></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> 七年级三班《三打白骨精》的创新表演则惹得师生捧腹大笑,一段《甩葱舞》式的“紧箍咒”真是叫人匪夷所思。<br></b></font><font color="#ed2308"><b> The innovative performance of "Three Bones" of Class 3 Grade 7 had caused teachers and students to laugh . A "Stirring Curse" was really interesting.</b></font></h1><h3></h3> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> 见过这样的西天师徒吗?<br></b></font></h1><h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> Have you ever seen such master and apprentices?</b></font></h1> <h1><b style=""><font color="#ed2308">  《狐假虎威》舞台设计精巧,演出中的“小动物”们活泼、调皮、可爱、乖巧。<br></font></b></h1><h1><b style=""><font color="#ed2308">“Fox False Tiger" was performed. The design was exquisite. The "small animals" were lively,</font></b></h1> <h1><b style=""><font color="#ed2308">  瞧,观众多开心啊!</font></b></h1><h1><font color="#ed2308"><b></b></font><b style=""><font color="#ed2308"> Look, how excited the audience are!</font></b></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b>  八年级二班带来的《音乐之声》,大家被老师和可爱的孩子们的歌声深深打动。<br></b></font><font color="#ed2308"><b> The "Voice of Music",which is from Class 2 Grade 8. The beautiful songs touched our. hearts a lot."</b></font></h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">  八年级三班的《花木兰》主题鲜明、表演风格独特。花木兰代父从军,巾帼不让须眉的传神表演,感人至深。<br></font></b><b><font color="#ed2308"> "Huamulan" of Class 3 Grade 8,has its ...topic and unique style. Mulan joined the army, the good woman did well in the army, we were deeply moved. </font></b></h1> <h1><font color="#ed2308"><b> 八年级一班《睡美人》的表演,服装精美、清新脱俗,充满了童话般的浪漫色彩。<br></b><b> "Sleeping Beauty", which is from Class 1 Grade 8, it was full of romance with beautiful clothes .</b></font></h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">为使班级参演的话剧更加精彩出众,演员们使出浑身解数,唱跳打闹各种形式应有尽有。这些创造性地设计、改编和表演,不但使学生的创新思维和创新精神得到了充分的锻炼,而且学生的个人能力也得到了充分的发挥。<br></font></b><b><font color="#ed2308"> The actors tried their best to make their group’s plays more exciting and outstanding. They sang and played in various forms.Students designed creatively and actively. Students’ innovative thinking and spirit were fully exercised, and students’ personal abilities were fully utilized.</font></b></h1> <h1><b><font color="#b04fbb">  获得本次活动一等奖的班级是:八年级3班和七年级3班;获得二等奖的班级是:八年级2班和七年级4班;获得的三等奖的班级是:八年级1班,4班和七年级1班,2班。李新刚校长和许玉青副校长为学生们颁发了奖品。<br></font></b><b><font color="#b04fbb"> Group Award and Best Performance Awards.The class that won the first prize for this event are: Class 3, Grade 8 and Class 3 Grade 7. The classes that won the second prize for this event are: Class 2 , Grade 8 and Class 4 , Grade 7. The classes that won the third prize for this event are : Class 1,Grade 8, Class 4 ,Grade 8 ,Class 1 Grade 7, Class 2,Grade 7. The students who won the Best Performance Award were: Zhaoxuzhuo, Wensifan, Zhangyang, Liusisi , Wenzhuoxin, Wangxinyi, Zhouzhou, Chengguo .<br></font></b><b><font color="#b04fbb">Headmaster Lixingang and Vice Headmaster Xuyuqing praised the students with prizes. </font></b></h1> <h1><b style=""><font color="#b04fbb">  许校长对本次活动进行了总结,她充分肯定了孩子们在这次活动中的精彩表演,也对这次活动幕后付出的英语组成员进行了深深的感谢。她深信孩子们的潜力是无穷的,希望今后给孩子们创造出更多的这样的机会。<br></font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#b04fbb"> Vice Headmaster Xu summed up the event. She fully affirmed the children's wonderful performance in this event and also deeply thanked the members of the English group who paid behind the event. She was convinced that the potential of children was endless and hoped to create more opportunities for children in the future.</font></b></h1><h3><br></h3> <h1><b><font color="#b04fbb">  此次活动的举办不仅增进了同学们之间的友谊,也加深了同学们对彼此之间的认识。为同学们提供了一个展示自我的平台,使更多的学生迸发出了对学习英语的火花。学校生活不仅意味着学习,也意味着与不同的人相处,以及合作。见贤思齐,取长补短,同时,展示出一个更优秀的自我。<br></font></b><b><font color="#b04fbb"> This activity not only enhanced the friendship between the students, but also deepened the students’ understanding of each other; It also provided a platform for students to show themselves.More students showed their interests in English learning . School life means not only learning, but also getting along with different people and working together. Every student should learn from each other and try to be a better person.</font></b></h1>