<h3>王金涛博士的讲座!Dr.Wang Jintao's lecture!👍👍👍</h3> <h3>混合式培训学习方式!A mixed way of training and learning!✊</h3> <h3>他提出的教师培训中存在的问题!He points out the problems of teachers' training!😃</h3> <h3>Three deficiencies and three improvements.😃</h3> <h3>Three big actions!👍</h3> <h3>凌云志博士的讲座开始了!It is Dr. Ling Yunzhi's lecture!😄😄😄</h3> <h3>The easiest way for PPT designing!👍👍👍</h3> <h3>The most useful way to make PPT!✌✌✌</h3> <h3>A useful website for music!👏👏👏</h3> <h3>A useful website for books and PPT!✊✊✊</h3> <h3>A useful app for making a video!👍👍👍</h3> <h3>A useful way for words of PPT!👏👏👏</h3> <h3>A useful website for pictures!✌✌✌</h3> <h3>非常感谢亲爱的教授们、专家们、老师们!!!👍👍👍Thanks a lot,dear teachers,specialists and professors!!!</h3>