

<h3>视频:无<br>音频:peppa pig第一季<br>游戏:若干<br>绘本:若干</h3><h3 style="font-family: PingFangSC-Regular; color: rgb(37, 80, 129); font-size: 0.34rem; line-height: 1.8em; text-align: justify; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;"></h3> <h3>今天户外的几个游戏由几个妈妈分工完成,每个妈妈都准备了小游戏,孩子们玩的 都很开心,妈妈们都很给力。今天的内容还算丰富</h3> <h3>game1:Hopscotch<br>Write the numbers on paper and place it on the ground (the existing grid on the ground just like the hopscotch), collect color sticks and make a lot of shapes with these sticks---umbrella, house, high buildings</h3> <h3></h3><h3>game2:Hide and seek Hide and seek is a pupilar children’s game in which any numbers of player. The seeker must close the eyes and count to 20 slowly, 1,2,3 and keep counting till it reaches 20. Before the seeker opens the eyes, you must say “are you ready, i am coming”, the hiders must find somewhere to hide before seeker finishes counting. Seeker tries to find hiders forllowing the footprints made by them Look, we find some footprints, who made them. I guess it is coco/sophia/kitty’s. We follow them, maybe we can find where they hide. How smart we are. Person leave footprints behind when they walk on the ground....i find tou, your footprints lead me here. <br></h3><h3></h3> <h3>game3:the three pigs M:kids.let’s play the game”the three pigs”.who want to make a straw house? C:me M:ok.you can build a straw house here.and who want to build a wood house? S:me.me M:ok.Sophia.you will build a wood house here.then who want to build a stone house? T&amp;K:me.me M:ok.ok.you can build a stone house there. ......... M:Are you ready.can we begin the game? Kids:yes.yes M:now.i am a big wolf.oh look.there is a straw house.and a little pig lives in it.wow.i would like to eat it.little pig,let me in. C:no M:no?but i will blow you house down.whirr...oh.the little pig run down the road. M:look.this house is made of wood,little pigs.let me in. C&amp;S:no.no. M::then i will blow you house down.whirr...oh.the two little pigs run down the road. M:oh.i find another house,what is the house made of? T:it is made of brick.it is a brick house. M:three little pigs.let me in. Kids:no.no.no.you are not our friend. M:then i will blow your house down.whirr....oh no. i can not blow it down.i will clim the ladder and go into the house by the chimney. Kids:there is the fire.假装生火🔥 M: oh no.i would better run away. Kids:chase that big bad wolf.make it go away. 灰溜溜地逃跑,被他们追赶<br></h3> <h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>game4:The eagle catches chickens I am a big white hen. Now it’s time for me to lay eggs. I sits on my eggs by covering my eggs with my warm feather. A few days later, the eggs begin to shake. Crack , crack , crack, the eggs crack open, out popped four little chickens-------it’s you four. You four are my baby chickens. I am your mother and I love you, So I will do my best to protect you. But look, there is an eagle high in the sky. The eagle has very large hooked beaks, strong muscular legs and powerful claws. And the eagle’s eyes are extremely powerful, This enables eagle to spot potential food from a very long distance. So pls be careful when we go outside to find worms. Some eagles prefer to capture fish, some eagles capture birds or chickens. Look, the eagle is coming towards to us, pls stand behind me. I will start a fight with the eagle to protect you. Eagle caught one of chicken, the rest will go to rescue him. The other chickens toss the stones (pretend the eggs are stones) to eagle and finally rescue their brother/sister.<br></h3><h3></h3><h3></h3> <h3></h3><h3>game5:Three legged race Three legged race involves two participants completing a race with the left leg of one runner stragged to the right leg of another runner The object for the partners is to run together and without falling over to the finish line I am going to show you how to play, strech out one of your legs,if it is your left leg, i will step out my right leg, tie them together with the stipe. We can practice first, we must keep in step. If your left leg goes first, My right goes first at the same time.One, two, one... be careful not to fall down. Safety first is the principle. Before we start the game, we’d better do some excersis to warm up, follow me. Circle your feet, roll your head, shake your arms, jump on the spot... Are you ready to start to play the game....stand behind the starting line. We will race to the finish line over there<br></h3><h3></h3> <h3><span style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;">其他:Spot the nest of the ants<br></span>We found a small hill where have several holes. The hole is the door to ant’s nest. Some ants are bushing carrying the seeds to their nest. The winter is coming, so they are collecting the food for winter in advance. Inside the hill, there will be many tunnels for ants. Don’t stamp on the hill otherwise you will break ant’s nest.</h3> <h3>readings</h3>