<h1>摄影师:梁剑Photographer Liang Jian.</h1> <h1>摄影师梁剑,中国摄影家协会会员。摄影专题主要是甘肃省86个县民俗文化和百姓生活,他发表了许多图文并茂的“梁剑图说中国”记录民俗文化作品。摄影师梁剑用自己的镜头,拍摄记录了许多珍贵的历史遗址资料,为弘扬中华民族历史文化做出了卓越的贡献。</h1> <h3>Photographer liang jian, member of China photographers association. The photography topic is mainly about the folk culture and people's life in 86 counties of gansu province. He has published many works of documenting folk culture in "liang jian's illustration of China" with abundant pictures and texts. With his own lens, photographer liang jian has recorded many precious historical sites and made outstanding contributions to the promotion of the history and culture of the Chinese nation.</h3> <h1>一、甘肃天祝县白牦牛。甘肃天祝县是世界上唯一有白牦牛的地方。白牦牛已成为天祝县的旅游品牌。白牦牛只能放养在高海拔的山上,成为一道靓丽的风景线。</h1> <h3>Gansu Tianzhu County White yak. Gansu Tianzhu County is the only place in the world where there are white yaks. White Yak has become Tianzhu County's tourism brand. White Yak can only be stocked in the high altitude of the mountain, become a beautiful scenic line.</h3> <h3>Gansu Tianzhu County White yak. Gansu Tianzhu County is the only pl</h3> <h1>二、山丹军马场。Shandan military horse farm.</h1> <h1> 山丹军马场是当前世界最大和历史最悠久的马场。公元前121年由西汉骠骑将军霍去病始创,距今2130多年,也是当今世界最古老的单一组织。山丹军马场面积2195平方公里(比两个香港特区稍大),在原苏联顿河马场解体后,山丹马场占据了世界第—的位置。</h1> <h3> Shandan Racecourse is currently the largest and oldest racecourse in the world. 121 BC by the Western Han Dynasty Hussars general Huo to the disease was founded, more than 2,130 years ago, is also the oldest single organization in the world today. The Shandan Racecourse covers an area of 2195 square kilometers (slightly larger than the two HKSAR), and after the collapse of the former Soviet Don Racecourse, the Shandan Racecourse occupies the world's No.</h3> <h1>三、石窟系列。Grottoes series.</h1> <h1>炳灵寺石窟。Bingling temple grottoes.</h1> <h1>炳灵寺石窟,位于中国甘肃省临夏回族自治州永靖县西南约四十公里处的积石山的大寺沟西侧的崖壁上,西晋初年(约公元3世纪)开凿在黄河北岸大寺沟的峭壁之上,正式建立于西秦建弘元年(420年)。2014年6月22日,在卡塔尔多哈召开的联合国教科文组织第38届世界遗产委员会会议上,炳灵寺石窟作为中国、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦三国联合申遗的“丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道的路网”中的一处遗址点成功列入《世界遗产名录》。炳灵寺是我国著名的第五大石窟,也是丝调之路上著名的旅游文化景点。它处在佛教东传过程中丝绸之路黄河段,成为那段历史的重要见证,也是重要的历史遗迹。摄影师梁剑比较完整地记录了炳灵寺石窟文化,它们成为研究炳灵寺石窟文化的珍贵资料。</h1> <h3>Bingling Temple Grottoes, located in the Yongjing County of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu province, China, about 40 kilometers southwest of the Jishishan on the west side of the cliff, in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty (about 3rd century AD) dug in the north bank of the Yellow River, the great temple ditch above the cliff, officially established in the West Qin Jianhong year (420 years). At the 38th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, held in Doha, Qatar, on June 22, 2014, the Bingling Temple Grottoes were successfully included in the World Heritage List as a site point in the "Silk Road: The road network of Changan-Tianshan corridor", which was jointly declared by China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Bingling Temple is the famous fifth grotto in China, and it is also a famous tourist cultural attraction on the road of silk tune. It is in the process of Buddhism eastward, the Silk Road Yellow River section, has become an important witness of that history, but also an important historical site. Photographer Liang A more complete record of bingling Temple Grotto Culture, which has become a valuable material for the study of Bingling Temple Grotto culture.</h3> <h1>天梯山石窟。石窟的始祖,位于祁连山天梯山上。The ancestor of the Grotto, the Ladder Mountain Grotto, is located on the ladder mountain in the Qilian Mountains.</h1> <h1>麦积山石窟。Maiji mountain grottoes.</h1> <h1> 大象山石窟。位于天水市甘古县境内,距县城五华里处,为石胎泥塑大佛。Big elephant mountain grottoes. Tianshui city is located in gangu county, from the county seat five huali place, for the stone tire clay model Buddha.</h1> <h1>四、大佛Buddha.</h1> <h1>天堂寺宗喀巴大佛,世界之最的大佛,高23米、宽9.52米,为木雕刻,此像在雕刻过程中,曾出现放光等奇迹。Temple of heaven zongkaba Buddha, the world's largest Buddha, 23 meters high, 9.52 meters wide, for wood carving, this image in the process of carving, has appeared in the radiance and other miracles.</h1> <h1>五、甘肃永登县鲁土司衙门里面的老壁画(国家级重点保护文物)。Gansu yongdeng county lu tusi yamen inside the old murals (state key protected cultural relics).</h1> <h1>永登壁画历经六百余年,壁画形象生动,构思奇巧,层次分明、栩栩如生,画面着色牢固,虽历经沧桑,仍然色彩鲜艳、光彩夺目。Yongdeng murals after more than 600 years, murals vivid image, the concept of qiqiao, clear, vivid, solid color picture, although the vicissitudes of life, still bright color, dazzling.</h1> <h1>六、北魏壁画,也是珍贵的历史文物Mural paintings of the northern wei dynasty are also precious historical relics.</h1> <h1>七、丝绸之路。Silk Road.</h1><h3></h3> <h1>月牙泉。Crescent spring.</h1> <h1>莫高窟。Mogao grattoes.</h1> <h1>玉门关。Yumenguan.</h1> <h1>马蹄寺。Malatya beige.</h1> <h1>丝绸之路上的丹霞地貌。Danxia landform on the silk road.</h1> <h1>张掖大佛寺,国家级文物。Zhangye dafu temple, a national cultural relic.</h1> <h1>《丝路花雨》剧照。《丝路花雨》是甘肃省歌舞剧院在中国1979年版、2008年版的经典舞剧基础上再次创排的大型舞剧,并在2016年首届丝绸之路(敦煌)国际文化博览会开幕式演出,向世界民众演绎经典丝路文化。Still from silk road flower rain. "Silk road flower rain" is a large-scale dance drama created and arranged by gansu provincial song and dance theater on the basis of Chinese classic dance dramas in 1979 and 2008 editions. It was also performed at the opening ceremony of the first silk road (dunhuang) international cultural expo in 2016 to present the classic silk road culture to the world.</h1> <h1>古长城。Ancient great wall.</h1> <h1>这一组照片是摄影师梁剑在丝绸之路上拍摄的汉长城和明长城遗址。可以看到风沙和岁月已经把它们埋没在沙漠中隐约可见,被侵蚀得很厉害。摄影师梁剑呼吁有关部门介入这些珍贵遗址的保护,不要让它们消失得无可寻觅。This set of photos is taken by photographer liang jian on the silk road of the sites of the Great Wall of the han dynasty and the Great Wall of the Ming dynasty. You can see that the wind and sand and the years have buried them in the desert looming, eroded very badly. Photographer liang jian called on authorities to intervene in the protection of these precious sites and not to make them disappear beyond search.</h1> <h1>《无情的沙漠》。巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠。这个沙漠也吞食了曾经美好的家园,希望它不会变成第二个罗布泊</h1><h1>。The ruthless desert. Badain jilin desert and tengger desert. The desert is also devouring what was once a beautiful home, and hopefully it will not become a second lop nur。<br></h1> <h1>八、最美祁连山。The most beautiful qilian mountains.</h1> <h1>祁连山,是青海省东北部与甘肃省西部边境的山脉,位于中国青海省东北部与甘肃省西部边境,有多条西北-东南走向的平行山脉和宽谷,是庞大山系。它的山系东西长800公里,南北宽200~400公里,海拔4000~6000米,共有冰川3306条,冰川厚度达300多米,面积约2062平方公里。为保护生态,现在已不让上山。所以这组照片极为珍贵。</h1> <h3>Qilian Mountain, a mountain range in northeastern Qinghai province and the western border of Gansu Province, is located in the northeast of Qinghai Province and Gansu province on the western border, there are many northwest-southeast direction of the parallel mountains and wide valleys, is a huge mountain region. Its mountain area is 800 kilometers long, north and south wide 200~400 kilometers, elevation 4000~6000 meters, a total of 3,306 glaciers, glacier thickness of more than 300 meters, an area of about 2062 square kilometers. To protect the ecology, it is now not allowed up the mountain. So this set of photos is extremely precious.</h3> <h1>祁连山脚油菜花。Rape flower at the foot of qilian mountain.</h1> <h1>在祁连山上,当地人养马鹿和梅花鹿。山上还有野生的岩羊。On the qilian mountains, local people raise red deer and sika deer. There are also wild rock sheep on the mountain.</h1> <h1>马鹿。Red beer.</h1> <h1>梅花鹿。Dika deer.</h1> <h1>这是珍贵的野生岩羊照片,极不容易拍到。This is a rare photograph of a wild rock sheep.</h1> <h1>九、甘肃裕河国家级自然保护区Yuhe national nature reserve, gansu province.</h1> <h1>川金丝猴。Sichuan snubnused monkey.</h1> <h1>大鲵。Giant salamander.</h1> <h1>十、其他摄影作品。Qther photographic works.</h1> <h1>纳木错高山上嗷嗷待哺的三只小鸟。Namtso mountain hungry for three birds to feed。</h1> <h1>布达拉宫The potala palace.</h1> <h1>老水车。The old water wheel.</h1> <h1>《国家的脊梁》,工业文化遗产。The backbone of the nation. Industrial cultural heritage.<br></h1> <h1>钢筒作业。Steel cylinder operation.</h1> <h1>《向幸福出发》兰州马拉松比赛。"To happiness" lanzhou marathon.</h1> <h1>十一、风光篇。Scenery article.</h1> <h1>十二、独自骑行,大美西藏。Cycling alone, great beauty Tibet.</h1> <h1>摄影师梁剑2009年一个人驾驶125摩托车前往川藏进入青藏。驶出到格尔木,又去敦煌返回兰州,30天8000公里。Photographer liang jian drove 125 motorcycles to sichuan and Tibet in 2009. Drive out to golmud, then dunhuang return to lanzhou, 30 days 8000 km.</h1> <h1>让我们记住他,记住这个《图说中国》弘扬民族文化的摄影师梁剑。</h1> <h3>Let's remember him and remember this photographer Liang, who promotes national culture with the picture of China.</h3> <h1>答谢:摄影师梁剑。Thanks for photographer Liang Jian.</h1> <h1>CHINESE FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER 70nd: Photograper Liang Jian.</h1> <h1>国际摄影协会北美俱乐部 主编:孙秋林 监制:肖利 2018年11月28日 International Photography Association North America Club Editor: Sun Qiulin producer:xiao li Nov 28.2018</h1> <h1>说明:所有图片均受版权保护。如有必要,请联系摄影师梁剑。All the pictures are subject to copyright. Please connect with photographer Liang Jian if necessary.</h1>