贝加尔湖的深秋是“童话”!The late autumn of Lake Baikal is a fairy tale!


<h3></h3><h3>《俄罗斯》,这个名字在我心中一直都有一种朦胧的向往,比如《莫斯科郊外的晚上》</h3>《红梅花儿开》《喀秋莎》等歌曲,我是何等的熟悉;“莫斯科郊外的晚上”真的那样宁静迷人吗?列宁斯大林柴可夫斯基等名字,简直如雷贯耳;卫国战争中牺牲的‘保尔柯策金,不用翻开《钢铁是怎样练成的》,你的名言我至今都能倒背如流。你国度的人民现今生活怎样?<h3>世界上也许没有一个国家,能够像俄罗斯一样如此勾起我们这代人怀旧的情怀。<br></h3><h3></h3><h3>于2018年9月10日,我终于踏入了这个辽阔的国土。</h3><h3>"Russia", the name in my heart has always been a hazy yearning, such as "night outside Moscow"</h3><h3>"Red plum blossom" "katyusha" and other songs, I am how familiar; Is "night outside Moscow" really that peaceful and charming? Lenin, Stalin, Tchaikovsky and other names are like thunder through my ears; Sacrifice in the great patriotic war 'Paul koce gold, do not have to open the "how the steel is trained", your famous words I can recite backwards so far. How are people living in your country today?</h3><h3>Perhaps no other country in the world evokes the nostalgia of our generation as much as Russia.</h3><h3>On September 10, 2018, I finally stepped into this vast territory.</h3> <h3>它是世界上最古老的湖泊,存在超过2500万年。它是世界上最清澈的湖泊之一,水下40米历历可见。它被契诃夫誉为“瑞士、顿河和芬兰的神妙结合”。它是西伯利亚的蓝眼睛,贝加尔湖。</h3><h3>这里生物多样性相当丰富,上千种动物里有80%为特有种,其中贝加尔海豹世界上唯一的淡水海豹。联合国教科文组织于1996年将贝加尔湖列为世界自然遗产。</h3><h3>It is the oldest lake in the world and has existed for more than 25 million years. It is one of the clearest lakes in the world and can be seen 40 meters underwater. Chekhov called it "the magical combination of Switzerland, the don river and Finland." It is the blue eye of Siberia, Lake Baikal.</h3><h3>The biodiversity here is quite rich, 80% of thousands of animals are endemic, among which baikal seal is the only freshwater seal in the world. Lake Baikal was listed as a world natural heritage site by UNESCO in 1996.</h3> <h3>每逢九月份,秋天就会如期降临贝加尔湖,西伯利亚的林海会在某一个夜晚突然变黄,然后从蓝色贝加尔湖岸漫开 。</h3><h3>漫过空寂无人的原野,漫过东正教堂的钟声,漫过伊尔库茨克的街巷。</h3><h3>Autumn falls on Lake Baikal every September, and the Siberian forest suddenly turns yellow one night and then overflows the blue shores of Lake Baikal.</h3><h3>Over the empty fields, over the bells of orthodox churches, over the streets of irkutsk.</h3> <h3>秋天的俄罗斯,就是是上帝馈赠给人类的一幅美得淋漓尽致的画卷,我虽然不能和贝加尔湖的秋天比美。我这个初学摄影的黄棒(外行),装模作样的把相机固定在三角架上,把相机按FUNC键,用上下方向键选“驱动模式--用左右方向键选15s,相机就可以延迟15秒、打开快门、快速跑到镜头前…</h3><h3>只为了能把自己拍进秋色里,好做个美篇,等老得走不动的时候,可以随时翻开看看,回忆一下自己曾经来过这里,也是一种精神上的快乐!</h3><h3>Autumn Russia is a picture of incisively and vividly presented by god to human beings. Although I can't compare the autumn beauty of Lake Baikal with that of Lake Baikal. I, a novice photographer (layman), pretend to fix the camera on the tripod, press the FUNC key on the camera, and use the up and down direction keys to select "drive mode" -- use the left and right direction keys to select 15s, the camera can delay 15 seconds, open the shutter, quickly run to the lens...</h3><h3>Only in order to be able to take their own into the autumn, good to do a beautiful article, such as the old can not walk, you can open at any time to see, remember that he had come here, is also a kind of spiritual happiness!</h3> <h3>沉醉在西伯利亚的秋,徜徉在如梦如幻的世界。气温只有2度,忘记了冷! 天高水澈,即使是独自一人行走在广袤的湖边,也不会觉得孤寂。</h3><h3>Intoxicated in the Siberian autumn, wandering in the dreamlike world. The temperature is only 2 degrees, forget the cold! The sky is high and the water is clear. Even if you walk alone on the vast lake, you will not feel lonely. heavy</h3> <h3>没有人能不被这美丽的景色所迷醉。这里容不下其他的杂念。在奔驰着的路途中。一切都像是一幅画,一个梦幻!</h3><h3>No one can avoid being intoxicated by the beautiful scenery. There is no room for other thoughts here. On the way. Everything is like a picture, a dream!</h3> <h3>贝加尔湖给人的印象总是那么的清澈透明,温柔的湖水总是那么令人赏心悦目。</h3><h3>Lake Baikal always gives the impression of being clear and transparent, and the gentle water is always so pleasant to look at.</h3> <h3>俄罗斯导游说贝加尔湖的秋极为短暂,每年从第一片树叶变黄开始到之后的寒风滚滚,仅仅只有半个月左右的时间,贝加尔湖的冬天极为漫长而寒冷,下次再见这么美的秋天,便要等上一年的光景。</h3><h3>The Russian guide said that the autumn of baikal lake is very short, from the first leaves turn yellow to the cold wind rolling every year, only half a month or so, the winter of baikal lake is very long and cold, the next time I see such a beautiful autumn, I will have to wait for a year.</h3> <h3>有人说,《贝加尔湖畔》这首歌,歌唱的除了爱情,还有重游故土的沧桑。</h3><h3>追溯贝加尔湖的历史,原来,早在西汉时期,它就是中国古代北方游牧民族主要活动地区,是苏武宁死不屈情愿牧羊也不投降匈奴而遭流放的“北海”,是大唐的“小海”,直到清雍正时期,贝加尔湖才彻底脱离中原王朝缰土版图。</h3><h3>Some people say that the song baikal lake, in addition to love, but also to revisit the vicissitudes of life.</h3><h3>Trace the history of the Lake Baikal, originally, in the early western han dynasty, it is the main activity area, the ancient Chinese northern nomadic people's surrender to surrender Su Wu rather shepherd the huns and exiled "north sea", is the "small sea" datang, until the qing yongzheng period, Lake Baikal completely from the central plains dynasty rein soil map.</h3> <h3>凝视这里的山山水水,我们仿佛看到燃起的狼烟,和那金戈铁马,刀光剑影的殊死搏杀;仿佛看到生灵涂炭,饿殍遍野,人们的血泪斑斑,仿佛看到风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复返的易水河畔荆轲远行……</h3><h3>Staring at the mountains and rivers here, we seem to see the burning smoke, and the gold and steel horse, sword and shadow of the life-and-death fight; As if to see the lives of people, die of hunger everywhere, people's blood and tears, as if to see the wind xiao xi cold water, strong people go xi never return to jingke river far away...</h3> <h3>然而,不管是古老中国还是沙俄,不管是苏武,或是十二月党人和他们的妻子,西伯利亚这片广袤的土地上,贝加尔湖这深遂的湖水,这浩荡的长风,亘古的长天,肃立的群山,都默默的见证了他们的苦难和坚贞,在这片土地上,都将世世代代永远传诵着关于他们的故事……</h3><h3>However, whether in ancient China or Russia, whether Su Wu, socialists and their wives, or December Siberian this vast land, the deep Lake Baikal, this mighty changfeng, ancient sky, mountains stand, silently witnessed their suffering and firmness, on this land, from generation to generation will always told the story of their...</h3> <h3>在贝加尔湖的东岸,一片白桦林中,所有的建筑都是原始的木质结,古朴而醇厚,一座座不同历史时期的小木屋,童话世界一般地矗立在那里。</h3><h3>On the east bank of Lake Baikal, in a forest of birch trees, all the buildings are primitive wooden knots, old and mounds, wooden cabins from different historical periods, where the fairy-tale world stands.</h3> <h3>这个地方,冬天的平均温度是-38°C,天越冷,这里就越美。</h3><h3>老天真的是太给面子了,秋天的第一场雪降临了,这是摄影人梦寐以求的礼物!</h3><h3><h3>This place, is the average temperature in the winter - 38 ° C, the cold days, here is more beautiful.</h3><h3>God is really too much to face, the first snow fall, this is the photographer's dream gift!</h3></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3></h3> <h3>住森林、睡木屋、湖边野炊,体验当地生活,人与自然和睦相处。</h3><h3>Live in a forest, sleep in a wooden house, have a picnic by the lake, experience the local life, people and nature live in harmony.</h3> <h3>我高兴得又唱又跳:多想某一天 ,往日又重现,我们流连忘返 ,在贝加尔湖畔!</h3><h3>I am happy to sing and dance: think of one day, the past and again, we linger on Lake Baikal!</h3> <h3>特别庆幸自己选择了来这里旅行。而且这次住的很好,都是暖气开放,喜欢这种慢悠悠的旅行,一点都不累,面包特别好吃,永远也忘不了海鸥飞到肩上,吃我手里面包的场景,忘不了注视你的小松鼠,忘不了漂亮的“套娃”。静谧的湖水,纯洁的海鸥,连离开都舍不得了……</h3><h3>I am especially glad that I chose to travel here. And this lives very well, it is central heating to open, like this kind of slow and leisurely travel, not tired at all, the bread is particularly delicious, will never forget the seagulls fly to the shoulder, eat the scene of bread in my hand, forget to gaze at your little squirrel, forget beautiful "nesting doll". Quiet lake, pure seagulls, even can not give up to leave...</h3> <h3>当听到空姐广播,飞机正在下降。请您回原位坐好,系好安全带, 收起小桌板,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。所有个人电脑及电子设备必须处于关闭状态。我才终于舍得说出了…"再见 ! 俄罗斯,再见了!贝加尔湖 " 。</h3><h3>When the stewardess broadcast, the plane was descending. Please go back to your seat, fasten your seat belt, put away the tray table, and adjust the seat back to its normal position. All personal computers and electronic devices must be turned off. I finally willing to say..." Good bye! Goodbye Russia! Lake Baikal ".</h3> <h3>每本书都是一个世界,这是世界上最美的书!</h3><h3>Every book is a world, this is the world's most beautiful book!</h3> <h3>后记:这组片是由酸酸自编自导自拍完成的作品,当时气温只有几度,为了捕捉那些美的瞬间,在雪花飘飘的寒风中,依旧是穿得那么单薄……</h3><h3> 感谢欣赏</h3><h3> 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Post: this group of pieces is made up of acid and acid self-directed selfies, when the temperature is only a few degrees, in order to capture those beautiful moments, in the wind blowing snow, is still dressed so thin...</h3><h3>Thank you!</h3><h3>🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹</h3>