<h3>🌟指读第十周海尼曼易十本</h3><h3>🌟理解性阅读:科一:What lives in a shell</h3><h3>🌟音频:ORT7</h3><h3>🌟动画片:小猪佩奇4集</h3><h3>🌟计算题一篇</h3><h3>🌟Topic today: Octopus&Squid&Cuttlefish</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>软体动物家族</h3> <h3>各种章鱼鱿鱼乌贼</h3> <h3>Octopus parts</h3> <h3>Anatomy of the squid</h3> <h3>🍃Facts:</h3><h3><ol><li>Molluscan(软体动物)</li><li>喷墨能力:Cuttlefish > Octopus > Squid</li><li>Octopus has 8 limbs, cuttlefish & Squid have 10 Limbs(tentacles/arms)</li><li>They eat clams, oyster, mussels. Their enemies are crab, fish, and other animals.</li><li>Octopus usually don't swim, but to crowl on the sea bed, other two will swim</li><li>Octopus will pull off his arm when there is danger, and his arm will grow</li><li>Octopus doesn't have bones. Cuttlefish & Squid has bones inside. </li><li>Two raws of suction cups under the octopus to help it walk and eat.</li></ol></h3> <h3>🍃Activities</h3><h3>1. 读中文书帮助理解</h3> <h3>2. 看图片听妈妈讲fun facts。</h3><h3>3. Read other books。遗憾的是,小家伙居然不看科二的octopus, 要看另外一本科一</h3> <h3>4.没办法,只好顺带把节肢动物的中文部分也讲了</h3><h3>5.最后,给爸爸总结性的讲了今天的fun fact</h3> <h3>🌟妈妈学习</h3> <h3>❤每天提醒自己:不要功力心,不要偷懒,好好备课。要根据孩子兴趣来做规划。快乐陪伴每一天</h3>