

<h3>🌟指读第十周海尼曼易10本。录喜马拉雅。</h3><h3>🌟理解性阅读:科一Baby whale drink milk.</h3><h3>🌟音频:ORT6/7。小猪佩奇</h3><h3>🌟数学计算一篇</h3><h3>🌟Topic today:Dolphins/whales</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>1. Learned how many whales and dolphins are there on earth.</h3><h3>2. Learned about the anatomy of a dolphin: Lung, air hole, skeleton, flapper, intestine, heart, fin. Also learned about the way dolphin make the sound and get the echo back.</h3><h3>3. Comparing with shark, what are the differences:&nbsp;</h3><h3><ul><li>Shark is fish, so use gill to breath in the water.</li></ul> Dolphin/Whales are mammal, use lung and air hole to breath the air.<br><ul><li>Shark lay eggs, while dolphin/whales get borned alive.</li><li>Most of sharks have 8 fins, dolphin/whales have less.</li></ul>4. Behavior:&nbsp;</h3><h3><ul><li>Dolphin like to live in groups, which called pods. The number for one pod may be almost 1000.<br></li><li>Dolphins like to eat fish, squire, and have teeth. Some whales like blue whale don't have teeth, instead it has baleen to filter the food and swallow directly.</li><li>Blue whale is the biggest animal on land, it weighs 25 elephants</li><li>Dolphin can not hold the breath for long time, and they swim very fast, so they do dolphin jump to quickly breath.</li><li>Some Whales can hold breath under water for around 1 hour, and they have 2 air hole at the top of the head. When it breath, the air mixed with water drops will squirt really high that people call it sprout.</li><li>Male dolphin is bigger than female. And it takes 11-12months for a mother dolphin to carry its baby inside the belly. And feed baby dolphin milk for 1-2y</li></ul>4 we read the book named : baby whale drink milk.</h3> <h3>🌟妈妈学习:2a11-12主题应用课。继续备课动物月内容。</h3> <h3>❤不要功利心不要偷懒。积极备课,做好陪伴每一天</h3>