<h3>On Nov.12th,2018,arranged for Jinghe New Town Middle School District,and after the recommendation,four teachers participated in the 4th China Education Innovation Expo in ZhuHai. During the 4days,we learnt so much and opened our eyes widely!<br></h3> <h3>2018年11月12日,在西咸新区泾河新城中学大学区的组织下,经初中英语名师工作室选派,叶珊、舒侨、薛娜和李晓敏一行4人在珠海参加了为期4天的第四届中国教育创新成果公益博览会,这次参会让我们大开眼界、收获满满。</h3> <h3>第四届教博会有3000多项教育界、企业界、公益界和高等师范院校的申报成果、1500项参展成果,以及800多场不同规模的活动.</h3> <h3>There are more than3000 declared achievements from education、business、charity and higher normal universities,1500 achievements and 800 activities at different scale.</h3> <h3>第一天下午,我们观摩了来自于全国各地优秀的教育创新成果。</h3> <h3>其中“新基础教育”的研究着眼于基础教育,但却更融入学生生活,如将四季的活动与科技创新教育纳入了学校整体课程。</h3> <h3>On the first day,we observed excellent educational innovations from all over the country.<br>Among them,the project named New Basic Education is stressed on the basic education. But it's closer to students' daily life. Like they hold the different activities about 4seasons and science tech into the school-based courses.</h3> <h3>看看未来教室是什么样子的?<br>What will the future classroom be like?</h3> <h3>未来的自我领导力起着越来越重要的作用。</h3> <h3>The “leader in me” plays more and more important role in the future.</h3> <h3>再来看看地域特色课程和创新课堂</h3> <h3>Next,let's see the special courses and innovation classes.</h3> <h3>还有一些其他的课题成果。<br>Of course,there are many other results about various projects.</h3> <h3>第二天,我们听取了关于“核心素养”以及“乡村教育发展”的系列报告.</h3> <h3>The next day,we listened to the reports on “core competence” and “the Dvevlopment Education in Village”.</h3> <h3>The headmaster Shen Xuancheng,a Chinese teacher in Junoir School,made us understand how to combine the core competence to the daily teaching.<br>其中申宣成校长,作为一名初中语文老师,他使我们更明白了如何将“核心素养”与日常教学相结合。<br></h3> <h3>Because of Wang Xiqiao,we got to know Moon Exploration College. To our surprise,we begin to believe the affect of the core competence on Junior High School.<br>通过了解王熙乔的“探月学院”,我们更惊叹于核心素养对一所新型全日制高中的影响.<br></h3> <h3>我们作为乡村教师,会面临很多问题和困难,但是听了各位专家的报告,我们也坚信农村教育将会是未来教育的样板.</h3> <h3>As teachers in rural area,we may face many problems and difficulties. However,after listening to the experts' reports. We are sure that rural education will be the model of the future education.</h3> <h3>来自乡村的四位校长给我们留下了很深刻的印象。<br>来自贵州的吴雄校长建立了一所学生喜爱的寄宿制学校---堪称石旮旯里的奇迹.他认为学生是来学校玩的。</h3> <h3>The reports from four headmasters of rural area impressed us deeply.<br>The headmaster named Wu Xiong set up a borading school which is loved by students. He thinks that the purpose of coming to school for students is to plays.</h3> <h3>来自甘肃的王富贵校长给我们介绍了村小课程的建设和区域联盟的经验。他以“苹果酵素口感探索”为例,从而达到了知识落地生活,培养思维的能力。</h3> <h3>The headmaster named Wang Fugui is from GanSu province.<br>He introduced us school based course and the experience of regional cooperation.</h3> <h3>另一位来自陕西的李芳芳校长,以她的个人成长之路为例,让我们明白如何突破自我?只要一路主动,就会一路阳光,身体力行才能带动他人。</h3> <h3>Another one named Li Fangfang is from ShaanXi. By sharing the experiences of her personal growth,we undersatnd how to improve ourselves. As long as we are always active,the sun will shine for us!</h3> <h3>最后一位王珂校长,一位青年才俊,他多年置身于公益教育,用他的实际行动让我们明白“美丽生活家,终身学习者!”</h3> <h3>The last one is Wang Ke who is such a young talent headmaster. He devotes to charity education. What he did moves us deeply.</h3> <h3>通过紧张的学习和参观,我们思想上深受触动,精神上备受鼓舞,相信我们在以后的教学活动中,我们会用新的教育理念、新的教学方法去实践、去反思。<br>学无止境,共勉!<br></h3> <h3>By learning and visiting,we are touched and inspired in thoughts and spirit. We believe that we will practice and reflect with the new educational ideas and ways during the teaching activities!<br>Learn as much as you can!</h3> <h3>编辑 李晓敏 叶珊 舒侨 薛娜</h3>