<h3>2018年11月8日,我有幸去德州十中参加了“德州市初中英语教师基于学科核心素养的文化意识培养教学研讨会”,观摩了王亚楠老师和Chris老师的优质课。两节阅读课,两种截然不同的授课风格,两种语言文化背景碰撞出了美妙的火花。</h3> <h3>来自德州十中的王亚楠老师为我们带来的是外研版八年级上册Module 11 Unit 2 In Englad, you usually drink tea with milk. </h3><h3>王老师通过Small Talk:“What do you know abou England?"导入本节课主题,然后出示课文中图片并提问”What do you think will we learn in this class?"</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><br></h3> <h3>在Reading环节,王老师提出了一个了个全新的概念:Fishing-bone reading. In my opinion, he main idea of the whole passage is the fish spine, idea of each paragraph is the fish bone and the details of each paragraph is the meat. All of these three parts makes up a full and beautiful passage. </h3> <h3>在Fast reading环节,王老师让学生分别用1分钟和3分钟时间去发现全文的Topic sentence和每段的Main idea。王老师课后解释说,本篇文章内容比较简单,是关于英国生活的四个方面,学生阅读起来不会存在困难,所以用了很短的时间来处理。</h3> <h3>在Caredul reading 环节,王老师为每一自然段设置了一个问题。分别为:</h3><h3>1) How do people greet each other in England?</h3><h3>2) What is afternoontes?</h3><h3>3) How do people eat fish and chips? </h3><h3>4) What do people do when they wait for bus? </h3><h3>学生在6分钟内阅读文章并回答问题。</h3> <h3><br></h3> <h3>之前我在公开课上处理这一环节的时候,通常是阅读之后要求学生回答问题、查对答案,然后就结束了。</h3><h3>而王老师在给出每一个问题的答案之后,都会有与该问题或本段大意相关的问题和图片,以此来加深学生对于英国人和英国文化生活的理解。</h3><h3>比如在Paragraph 1, How do people greet each other in England? 学生的回答是You must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time and when you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use their first names.然后王老师出示了贝克汉姆的照片,让学生分别以陌生人和朋友的身份来称呼贝克汉姆。</h3> <h3>在After reading 环节,王老师让学生分别找出英国人/英国生活方式、德国人/德国生活方式和中国人/中国生活方式的特点。通过对比不同国家的异同点,让学生更加深入地理解不同文化背景下的人与生活。</h3> <h3>在Writing环节,王老师要求学生以国外女生的身份介绍一下在中国的生活。这是一个学生非常熟悉的话题,肯定有很多事情可以写。德州十中学生的书写也是很惊艳。 </h3> <h3>接下来是Chris老师的英语阅读课Charlotte`s Web, Chapter I, Before breakfast。更准确地说,这是一节Novel reading class. Chris老师诙谐幽默,充满激情,为我们呈现了一节精彩而充实的阅读课。</h3><h3>本节课的第一环节是Brainsyorm。我猜是不是国外老师都喜欢Brainstorm这一环节,因为我的大学外交老师也是经常让我们Brainstorm,brainstorm, brainstorm...哈哈哈,跑题啦...</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>接下来是One minute summary。 学生们小组合作,一起阅读,并找出第一章的主要内容。</h3><h3>这一环节看似简单,实际上难度很大。因为对于中学生来说,这真的是一篇好长好长的文章呀。惭愧的说,在Chris老师规定的时间内,我自己也没有去耐心地读完这一章节,然而现场的学生们做到了。</h3> <h3>接下来是Detail reading. <h3>Chris 将学生分为六组,通过掷色子的方式分给每个小组一个帽子。One number, one hat, and surprisingly, one paper sheet in each hat. </h3><h3>有趣的是,六顶帽子中有一顶是绿色的。为了让学生接受,同时了解文化的差异,Chris老师展示了英国人带绿色帽子的图片,其中就有敬爱又和蔼的伊丽莎白女王二世。</h3><h3>六顶帽子,六项不同的任务。小组成员分工合作,寻找答案,然后与全班同学分享结果。这样,全班可以在最短的时间内对文章有了更全面的理解。</h3><h3>同时,在每一小组回答完问题后,其他组的同学还可以提出问题。</h3><h3><br></h3></h3> <h3>最后,Chris老师解释,每一顶帽子都具有不同的含义:<h3>Black-dislike/negtive;</h3><h3>yellow-positive;</h3><h3>green-something new; </h3><h3>red-feelings; </h3><h3>white-facts; </h3><h3>blue-control. </h3><h3>这是在会议中会经常用到的方法,讨论一项方案的时候,每个人要考虑它的积极方面、消极方面、新的切入点、感情/情绪、事实以及控制方式。Chris老师巧妙地将其用到了教学中。</h3></h3> <h3>Chris老师在课后说:“My lesson, the idea is to encourage creative thinking, critical thinking. Ther is one group, the black one.. She was unhappy because the question is what do you dislike. She said I like the book, I like the story. So she must think critically about the story. The idea of my class is to encourage and help to develop the students critical and creative think. And I want to encourage them to talk to each other. I want to give them some confidence in their English ability. Today I really think the students did a great jod by the way. When I met them just before class — I met them for the first time, I don`t know these students, I met them at 9:15, when I started talk to them, they are all very quuiet. And I started asking them about the story, they were afraid and said nothing. I told my boss, I was a little bit worried because the students seemed so quiet. But in class they did a great jod. And I think not only today if you give your students the chancet o speak, they can speak more than (you could think). They did a really good jod, right? Were you surprised? They can really give some ideas, difficult vocabulary, communicating with each other. Give your students the chance. I want the students the think creatively, I want them to think critically, I want to give them the confidence. So I want to develop critical thinking, give them more confidence. I been in China 11years, I`ve seen hundreds of Chinese teachers` classes. Usually you don`t give the students chance to speak. Not enough. But if you give them the chance, they can do it! They can surprise even you. So my class is to make them think, give them confidence, and give them the chance to speak."<h3><br></h3><h3>简单来讲,Chris老师就是要求学生在课堂上尽可能地动脑筋去思考,创造性地思考,批判性地考。要鼓励他们去说,给他们机会去说。同时要给他们信心。</h3></h3> <h3>在下午的演讲中,Chris老师始终强调English ony inside and outside your classroom. </h3><h3>此外,他还生动形象地为大家解释了中国人对于英国人和英国文化甚至英文单词的误解。</h3><h3>三个小时的全英文演讲,丝毫没有枯燥之感,讲到English flag 🏴,绅士及唐顿庄园和英国足球的时候,我甚至也跃跃欲试的想要站起来回答Chris的问题。</h3><h3>三个小时眨眼就过去了,我也真真体会到了什么叫做意犹未尽。</h3>