

<h1><b><font color="#1564fa">我为什么要学习?</font></b></h1> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">希望娃娃们再接再厉! </font></b><br></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa"> 周三南瓜派制作,孩子们一饱口福,体验西方文化!</font></b><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>非常感谢Messi爸爸的文章推送。 正是考虑到过洋节的弊病和负面影响,我们才在此次万圣节活动中进行充分讨论、并根据实际情况进行创新: 1. 必须要有严肃的文化培训课:节日的起源、形式、意义阐述----这就是我们的外教课堂引导、有学案、有作业 2. 我们没有选取“Trick or treat”这个传统活动,一方面不想干扰其他班级正常上课,一方面这项活动氛围不足(我们不是在社区环境中),同时大孩子对这项活动的兴趣不会太大; 3. 关于备受诟病的装扮:我们在上上周的家长短信就进行了指导,装扮主题有七大类。虽然恐怖角色是其中一种,但我们有意提醒大家尽量不要进行这么装扮,而可以朝自己崇拜的名人、喜欢的影视角色,甚至是传统中国元素靠拢。咱们的孩子们也非常给力,装扮的服装都青春洋溢,富有文化气息,如徐嘉慕的“庄子”扮相、牛治曈的“西部小牛仔”、王雨林的“超人”、黄宇鸿帅气的“哈利波特”、林滟桐的“白色小仙女”以及侯姝羽的“小草帽”装扮等,每个人都是一道靓丽的风景线! 4. 此次万圣节我们的主打活动是做“南瓜派”、“南瓜灯”以及将南瓜派派送给老师们。请外教教我们动手做美食,不仅是一堂地道的西方糕点课,同时也是一节极棒的语言课!国际班同学有必要多多接触一些西方烹饪方式和技巧,扩大视野,也学习新的技能。而在食堂门口推销我们自己做的派,孩子们更是需要热情、大胆的推销能力!同学们是和老师们用英文交流、问答,根据老师的回答送出派的!他们的主动和大方,很让我开心和骄傲!很多羞涩的孩子,在短短几十分钟的推销中,走出了自己的胆怯,获得了大大的满足和快乐! 孩子们有机会在学校有设计的规划中进行一些西方节日体验,有助于他们到了国外后的融入和共情,感谢家长们背后的理解和支持!我们也会更加注意此类活动的开展!</b></font><br></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">我们的Zack和Alyssa细心地拿来纸巾和上午特别预留的南瓜派,一块一块分发到孩子们桌子上,开始了晚上的Movie Night,孩子们十分开心! 有妈妈代表给大家买的旺仔牛奶、棒棒糖,有自己做的正宗南瓜派,更有两位外教陪同一起看万圣节经典高清英文字幕电影[爱心] 希望孩子们通过这一系列的活动,对西方节日活动有一定的体验,同时在语言上收获特定词汇和句型。 </font></b> </h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">One of the very best things for speeding up language learning is watching movies, with subtitles, in the target language. Of course, the content needs to be appropriate, and the level shouldnt be too far above the students current skills. But if chosen properly, it is a useful and enjoyable way to learn. If any parents would ever like recommendations of good English movies to watch over the weekends, I would be happy to send a short list </font></b><br></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">外教给孩子们的每月评价。</font></b><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>@所有人 Allison: Allison is a model student. She is wonderful in class and has taken on a new responsibility of helping other students in&nbsp;class. We have her seated at the front of the classroom so she can help other students perform as she does! Keep up the awesome work and you will achieve great things!&nbsp;加油,乐于助人的好孩子 Lancy: Lancy is a really smart student! I know this because he was one of only 3 students in the class to make it into the Spelling Bee (a fantastic achievement). He is very&nbsp;knowledgeable&nbsp;but his lack of organization is really holding him back. I worked with Lancy this week on&nbsp;better&nbsp;structure and I hope it can improve further. Once he feels more organized with himself, he can get excited about learning! Right now he doesn't want to try hard. Let's motivate him more on both ends; parents and teachers! Thank you!一定要提升物品整理能力!你能因此做更好!</b></font><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>@所有人 Josh: Josh's focus has improved but he needs to work more on his organizational skills. 提升物品整理能力!He must write down everything that's on the board. 认真做笔记,不要偷懒He must keep his papers organized in his folders, and keep his notes in order. 笔记要整理好Then, he can improve more. Until that time, he is still lagging in class. I would encourage him to review his English notes at home on the weekend.周末回家复习笔记 You can do it, Josh. We believe in you!&nbsp; Celing:&nbsp;Celing&nbsp;continues to show great effort in class. Thank you for your patience and hard work! You are one of our top students.&nbsp; Lukas: Lukas is a smart student but he talks too much in class! 课上话太多!I want to see&nbsp;a more&nbsp;serious . 要严肃认真专注He does well for himself in the classroom but there are other students that are at a lower level than him. So, his talking can be distracting to others.注意尽量不要干扰到别人 I also want Lukas to focus on his penmanship. 书写要改进Bad penmanship can take away from great answers! You can do it, Lukas!</b></font><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>@所有人 Tom: As I mentioned before, Tom needs to work the most on his reading skills. 阅读能力亟待提升!I worked with him one on one this week and it went very well. He can feel more confident if he practices his reading at home! We have a lot to learn in class, so we dont have much individual reading time during the week. This is why its important to read more at home! 在家多做阅读I will continue to work with Tom and get him caught up to the rest of the class! Keep up the good work, Tom!!&nbsp; Tony: Tony is one of the best students in the class! He is inquisitive and thoughtful. I still want him to focus more注意力更集中 and try to help others who need it.&nbsp;有可能就多帮助别人一起学吧! Coco: Coco is growing more and more! 进步巨大!She has improved and I hope to see more of that in the next few weeks. Let's stay on this path and I know you'll do a great job!</b></font><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>@所有人 Kristina: Kristina is such a pleasure to have in class. She listens very well and she is the most organized student! 最有收拾本领的学生!I love her notetaking skills! 笔记超棒!She sets a great example for other students! She received some of the highest marks on her tests. Kristina, please feel free to help others around you in need! 请有空多多帮助别人哦!Thank you!&nbsp; Momo: Momo is learning a little slower than others in the class. This is okay because she is a great student and a good listener. 会听课的好学生She just needs to study English more and she will do great in a short time. 英语上多花时间We love Momo's enthusiasm.激情慢慢 She has shown the biggest improvement in oral English. Great job, Momo!</b></font><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>Alyson: Alyson is improving a lot.进步特别大 We think she is one of our most enthusiastic and ambitious students! She often excels in more ways than others. But she has a small behavioral problem (loss of focus).要提升注意力 This could come from the intense and strenuous weekly schedule.注意休息,劳逸结合好 I don't want Alyson to lose . With her perseverance, she could be the most improved student in the class. Right now we will have to wait and see how she learns in the next few months.&nbsp; &nbsp; Aileen: Aileen is doing better in class. But I am afraid that her shyness is holding her back from more success.你的害羞可能会让你停滞前进 I want Aileen to ask more questions 多问during our lessons. Then she can feel more comfortable and practice the things she is having a difficult time with.&nbsp; &nbsp; Grace: Grace is still shy but she is getting better at speaking! 口语有进步!Great job, Grace. Keep pushing yourself and you can become even better!&nbsp;继续努力!! &nbsp; Gin: Gin is a great student. He has good listening skills 听力不错and he is patient and respectful 既有耐心又尊重老师in class. I think he is on his way towards the top percentage of the class. Keep up the good work!&nbsp; &nbsp; Alan: Alan needs to raise his hand and ask questions in class.举手多问问题! He is still shy. I know he doesnt understand some of the material we learn, but he isnt asking any questions. 不懂也不问,怎么提升呢?He will have a hard time if he never speaks up. I will work with him more, one on one, as hes at the bottom of the class currently.&nbsp;老师还会更多帮助你 &nbsp; Rain: Currently, Rain is in the middle of the class. He is a great student and has learned a lot, but he can push himself more and quickly jump to the best in the class. 对自己还不够狠啊!He has many of the tools needed for success. Now he must focus a little harder.注意力要更集中 &nbsp;</b></font><br></h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>Messi: Messi has improved tremendously over the last few weeks. 进步飞速!He asks so many questions and pushes himself. 爱问问题、对自己狠!This is what we want to see! He has learned and retained more than any other student and his grades prove that! Thank you for being such a wonderful role model to all the other students! Congratulations!!&nbsp;是同学们学习的好榜样!</b></font><br></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">优秀笔记</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">2018.11.4 1. 带长裤、准备礼服(提前购买黑皮鞋、黑皮带、长短黑袜子) 2. 期中考试来临(11.8/11.9 下周四五)全面复习,劳逸结合,减少娱乐和外出 3. 德育作业:学生及家长亲子沟通本的照片展示(主题:期中考试或其他) 4. 关于外教评价总结: 1)孩子们普遍取得很大进步,这一点毋庸置疑。这是和所有同学、两位外教的努力分不开的! 2)需要特别注意的几个问题: 一、物品收拾问题。物品整齐或者混乱,是内心的反映。每周把一周学案带回家复习,一定能学好、学扎实! 二、笔记问题。老师上课会强调什么需要做笔记,孩子们一定不能偷懒,课上记不下来课下也要借同学笔记抄完。记完笔记呢??周末带回去看笔记、复习笔记,怎么能学不好呢? 三、听课。不该说的话不说,该回答问题时积极主动。有的同学正好相反,自己既不专注,又干扰其他同学和课堂。老师很不喜欢这样的学生在课堂里。而该安静听课安静听课、该勤奋做笔记就勤奋做笔记,该积极发言就积极发言的孩子特别受到老师的欢迎。也必然学得好、学得快乐。 四、努力完成作业。外教作业较之中方作业,不算多的,但张张学案是精华,也是外教根据课堂和学生程度量身定做的!因此一定要努力完成每一张学案, 并且收集好随时复习,不懂就问。 欢迎大家沟通、交流!</font></b><br></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">候姝羽 临近期中考试,希望你能在考试中认真审题、细心答题,多多加强四小科的练习和复习,相信自己的实力,争取取得更优异的成绩!</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">黄宇鸿</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">王之晏。 期中考试即将来临,期望你在考试前认真复习,巩固基础知识,提高应变能力,以奋发的精神,放松的心态迎接考试,争取自已的优秀成绩! </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">牛治曈 </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">𧝁春格 复习周认真完成老师布置的作业,并对这半学期的学习做了经验总结和思考🤔,并为接下来的学习做了远景目标和规划![机智][耶] </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">徐嘉慕 好好复习,不浮躁。考试中仔细认真思考,盼你每次都有进步,加油吧我的宝贝! </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">洪笠宸 这周的腰伤让你错过了一些课程,但我很高兴看到你能利用空余时间补遗漏的知识点。考试临近,班里学习气氛浓厚,希望你戒骄戒躁,努力进取,取得优异成绩。 </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">付英杰 孩子,学业优异的人,往往不是天才, 而是勤勤恳恳,低头奋斗的人。合理安排时间,提高效率,祝期中考试取得优异成绩!</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">李永锦 这次万圣节活动给了让孩子主动去了解国外的文化,开阔视野。只有不断接受新知识新氛围的洗礼,才能更加坚定自己的目标,树立对自己原生文化的自信。感谢海外为孩子提供的这个平台。 </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">黎小钿 希望保持良好的学习状态去迎接期中考试,考出自己理想的成绩。加油💪 </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">方林希 用紧绷而不紧张的学习心态面对每一次的挑战 突破自己 寻找新的起点 加油吧! </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">林艳桐 轻松应对期中考试[拥抱]保持一颗平常心[爱心]在父母眼里你永远是最棒的[强][强][强] </font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">王泓辰</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">瞿骏杰</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#1564fa">孙许涵 </font></b></h3>









