<h3></h3><h3>we are so lucky to call this beautiful country our adopted home. Having the opportunity to get out and experience nature at its finest is one thing; but sharing that with the person you love is truly amazing!</h3><h3></h3> <h3>2005-8-19,We helicamped here first time in our life.</h3> <h3>第一次近距离欣赏神山</h3> <h3>The tent we used then is still in use by us now</h3> <h3>We were waiting in the snow and wind for four hours to capture this view this September. </h3> <h3>2012年8月3日,the second time we visited this park, we had better camera and better weather, we enjoyed every single moment of this trip</h3> <h3>Lake magog sunrise</h3> <h3>2016.3.16-18,We came here for AT skii. We stayed at the beautiful and comfortable lodge. The weather was very good, we skied during the day and enjoyed Northern lights and countless stars in the evening, delicious food of course every day!</h3> <h3>The most romantic place to enjoy wilderness</h3> <h3>Northern lights</h3> <h3>再见了,Mount Assinibione</h3> <h3>2018.9.12-14,I camped here with a group of seven photographers, we encountered snow falls and cold weather.</h3> <h3>We helped each other to keep warm waiting for the magic moments after the storm passed by</h3> <h3>早餐味道不错</h3> <h3>摄影的艰辛</h3> <h3>Returned with happyness and look forward to</h3><h3>Coming back again soon</h3><h3><br></h3>