中华古风服饰,历史悠久,底蕴深厚。Chinese dress has a long history and profound heritage.


<h3>中国服饰是源远流长、博大精深的中华民族文化,如同耀眼的星座,光耀了悠悠五千年。 其中的许多精华,被代代相传,价值历久而弥新,这就是我们所说的国学文化经典。它是古老文化的智慧结晶,是中国文化和中华精神形成的基本根源。也是我们应该生生不息传递的瑰宝。国庆来临之际,选择了一部分民族服饰,做一个电子相册,让这些别具特色的民族文化,屹立在世界民族之林,赢得世界的尊重与羡慕!<br></h3><h3>Chinese dress is a long history, extensive and profound Chinese national culture, like the dazzling constellation, shimmer for 5,000 years. Many of them are handed down from generation to generation, and their values are everlasting. This is what we call the classics of Chinese culture. It is the wisdom crystallization of ancient culture and the basic root of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit. It is also the treasure that we should spread from generation to generation. National Day comes, chose a part of national costume, make an electronic album, let these distinctive national culture, stand in the world national forest, win the world respect and envy!<br></h3>