2018中国风中秋嘉年华 时装秀


<h3><b><i><font color="#010101">2018中国风中秋嘉年华于9月23日在加拿大湾隆重开幕。来自悉尼各界的嘉宾,文艺团体和众多的观众参与了活动。这对传播中国传统文化,促进澳洲多元文化的发展,建设和谐澳洲无疑起到积极的推动作用。The 2018 Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Carnival was grandly opened on September 23 in the Canada Bay. Guests from all walks of life in Sydney, literary groups and numerous audiences participated in the event. This will undoubtedly play a positive role in spreading Chinese traditional culture, promoting the development of Australia's multiculturalism, and building a harmonious Australia.</font></i></b><br></h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><b><i>常青艺术团演出</i></b></h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><b><i><font color="#b04fbb"> 欢迎转载 谢谢分享 </font></i></b></h3>