<h3>It would be deeply descent today, one backpack was transfered , €5</h3><h3>今天把行李寄送到28公里外的下一站,要走很多山路哦!</h3> <h3>Iron cross ahead。people left the rocks were brought from their home, it means leaving their sin behind. It is a big day for a lots of prople. </h3><h3>在这个大十字架处,人们在这里把从家里带来的石头留下,当是卸下自己的旧恶,轻心前行。这里也是整个Camino的最高点。</h3> <h3>他在用巴利文念三皈依</h3> <h3>日晷</h3> <h3>My twin is a tree</h3><h3>和我撞衫的树</h3> <h3>Support of Camino</h3><h3>为朝圣者提供水果,看着给钱</h3> <h3>After Iron cross, scenery starts being stunning! Even uneven trail challenged our knees and toughs, we still love to do it again! </h3><h3>过了大十字架,风景大不同,即便高差起落、长距离的不平行走,令膝盖和大腿、臀部肌肉第二天哼哼小曲儿,我们依然无怨无悔!愿再走一次!</h3> <h3>The village is no electric, but charming</h3><h3>这个小地方没电,但是大家都向往,气氛很好</h3> <h3>Blooming spring in fall</h3><h3>秋天里的春天</h3> <h3>Every single village is being very well maintained , with very good service ! </h3><h3>每个小村都呈现着美好和魅力!每一个!</h3> <h3>午饭小馆</h3> <h3>Elsa ,21 yr, with her Mom 64 yr. 25km per day at least . Austrian. Veggetarian. </h3><h3>奥地利母女,素食者,Elsa学药剂的,妈妈退休了。非常舒服的母女。</h3> <h3>Power of the flood</h3><h3>水的力量</h3> <h3>So sweet</h3><h3>黑莓好多、好甜</h3> <h3>That shows how the blister are produced. </h3><h3>论水泡是如何炼成的</h3> <h3>Drive way looks quiet and patient . </h3><h3>给多一种选择走camino哦.</h3> <h3>Molinesaca! Charming ! Quiet! Stunning pretty! Will stay here next time!</h3><h3>进大城市前7公里的一个很商业、但依然安静、美丽到梦幻的村,下次再来,一定要住!<br></h3> Molinaceca municipal albergue locate out of the town. Tents, bunkbed in tarraza.<br><h3>公立驿站,有支好的帐篷、户外的上下铺,睡着应该非常好</h3> <h3>28 kms hiking in Mountain. So tired! </h3><h3>即便寄了包,还是好累!而大部分的朝圣者,是背包,32公里一天啊!我们是28公里没包,都水泡和肌肉痛,晚上吃了止疼药,睡觉</h3>