<h3><font color="#b04fbb"> </font><font color="#39b54a">亲爱的自己</font><font color="#b04fbb">,当你看到这</font><font color="#b04fbb">的时候你已经长大</font><font color="#b04fbb">。我不知道未来的这六百多天的日子里你要经历些什么,不过既然已经跋</font><font color="#b04fbb">涉了十多年,最后这两年里希望你要拼尽全力。 </font></h3><h3><font color="#b04fbb"> </font><font color="#39b54a"> 亲爱的自己</font><font color="#b04fbb">,只有你自己最清楚,过去的分分秒秒你付出了多少,浪费了多少。最后的二年里希望你平静自己的心。即便自己不是绝顶聪明,也要相信勤能补拙。
</font><font color="#39b54a">亲爱的自己</font><font color="#b04fbb">,未来的日子里请不要轻言放弃。你难免会有失败的时候,因为不只你一个人在努力。但请你相信付出一定会有回报,你要记得跌跌撞撞才是生活,你要把每一次的失败当成下一次成功的路基,你要坚持。当然你也会取得一些进步,那样的时候请你不要放松,因为你放慢了脚步的时候别人并没有。你进步的原因是你之前落下了很多,所以别人在走的时候你需要跑,别人跑起来的时候你就要加速。你没有资本去骄傲。
</font><font color="#39b54a"> 亲爱的自己</font><font color="#b04fbb">,你需要一个目标。你已经小小的了解了为目标去奋斗的路上并不觉得疲累,所以请你继续追赶。可以是一个城市,一所学校,一个人,或者是一个梦想。总之你需要它来鞭策你变成更好的人。在逐渐缩小距离的同时,再辛苦也觉得值得不是吗?
</font><font color="#b04fbb"> </font><font color="#39b54a">亲爱的自己</font><font color="#b04fbb">,未来的日子里请你管住自己。不上网并不会折寿几年,你喜欢的书也不是只卖一年就会绝版,还有你的手机也并不是长在身上的器官,离开这些你一样活的好好的。还有你那时常泛滥的情绪,请你控制自己的心情。不管你是否经历过,或者还在计较些什么,请你不要继续挣扎,你知道自己曾经输在哪里,所以不可以再摔倒一次。请你知道不是你现在所承受的伤痛就叫生死劫。以后你还要走很长很长的路,还不是时候。你可以有喜欢的人,但请你把TA放在心里。熬不下去的时候花一分钟去想念,然后记得TA还在努力,你不坚持就会离TA越来越远。所以,你要加油 </font><font color="#b04fbb">
</font><font color="#39b54a"> 亲爱的自己,</font><font color="#b04fbb">再动人的情</font><font color="#b04fbb">歌,再凄美的故事也不适合高二的你。听英文</font><font color="#b04fbb">歌可以练听力,摇滚可以提神,轻音乐能缓解</font><font color="#b04fbb">压力。躲在被子里看小说绝对比看报纸看新闻累眼睛。所以当个文艺青年不是不好,是你现在还不够资格。</font></h3><h3><font color="#b04fbb"> </font><font color="#39b54a">亲爱的自己</font><font color="#b04fbb">,虽然以后的日日夜夜你要早起晚睡,你要改变自己很多的习惯,你要忍受寂寞。但是还是请你记得要对自己好一点。记得每天喝一杯牛奶,喝茶好过喝咖啡。记得经常锻炼身体会慢慢变好。记</font><font color="#b04fbb">得不可以暴饮暴食。记得阴天的时候奖励自己一个大大的微笑,并且带上伞不要淋湿。记得濒临崩溃的时候抱紧自己,告诉自己就快结束了,不能放弃。
</font><font color="#b04fbb"> </font><font color="#39b54a">亲爱的自己,</font><font color="#b04fbb">你知道自己没有显赫的背景,没人能为你铺出一条康庄大道,你也没有其它的选择。对你而言通往未来的路只有一座叫高考的独木桥,而这一</font><font color="#b04fbb">路只能靠你自己披荆斩棘。你要知道你身上背</font><font color="#b04fbb">负的不只是你一个人的命运,还有为了你日夜操</font><font color="#b04fbb">劳</font><font color="#b04fbb">的</font><font color="#b04fbb">家人,都是你必须偿还的债。你没有理由也</font><font color="#b04fbb">没有</font><font color="#b04fbb">时</font><font color="#b04fbb">间</font><font color="#b04fbb">不努力了。最后一搏,只许成功,不许失败。</font></h3><h3><font color="#39b54a"> 亲爱的自己,请你加油。 🌻🌻🌻</font><br></h3> <h3> <font color="#ed2308">Dear self, when you see this message, you are a sophomore. I don't know what you'll be going through in the next 600 days, but since you've been trekking for more than a decade, I hope you'll do your best in the last two years.</font></h3><h3><font color="#167efb"> Dear myself, only you know best, the past every minute you pay how much, how much wasted. I hope you calm your heart in the last two years. Even if you are not brilliant, still believe that industry can make up for clumsiness.</font> <font color="#39b54a"> Dear self, please don't give up in the days to come. There are times when you are bound to fail, because you are not alone in your efforts. But please believe that there will be a return to pay, you must remember that stumbling is life, you want to each failure as the next successful roadbed, you want to adhere to. Of course, you will make some progress. Please don't relax at that time, because when you slow down, others don't. The reason for your progress is that you have missed a lot before, so you need to run while others are walking, and accelerate when others run. You have no capital to be proud.</font></h3><h3> <font color="#808080">Dear self, you need a goal. You've learned a little bit that you don't feel tired on the way to your goal, so please keep catching up. It can be a city, a school, a person, or a dream. Anyway, you need it to motivate you to be a better person. In gradually narrowing the distance at the same time, no matter how hard it is worth it?</font></h3><h3> <font color="#ed2308">dear myself, in the days to come, please take control of yourself. Not online will not be a few years of life, you like books will not only sell a year will be out of print, and your mobile phone is not growing organs, without these you live as well. There is also your constant flood of emotions, please control your own mood. No matter what you've been through or what you're worrying about, please don't struggle. You know where you've lost, so you can't fall down again. Please know it's not the pain you're suffering right now. It's life and death. You'll have a long way to go in the future, not yet. You can have someone you like, but please keep TA in your mind. Take a minute to miss when you can't, and then remember that TA is still trying, and that if you don't stick it out, you'll be farther and farther away from TA. Therefore, you have to cheer on your dear, again moving love songs, no matter how sad the story is also not suitable for you sophomore. Listening to English songs can practice listening, rock can be refreshing, light music can relieve stress. Reading a novel under a quilt is definitely better than reading a newspaper. Therefore, it is not bad to be a young man of literature and art, because you are not qualified now. Dear expression, although you have to wake up and go to bed every day and night, you have to change a lot of habits, you have to endure loneliness. But please remember to be nice to yourself. Remember to drink a glass of milk every day, tea is better than coffee. Remember to exercise regularly and slowly get better. Remember not to overeat. Remember to reward yourself for a big smile on a cloudy day and take an umbrella without getting wet. Remember to close your arms when you are on the verge of collapse and tell yourself that it's almost over and you can't give up.</font></h3><h3> <font color="#39b54a"> Dear self, you know you have no illustrious background, no one can pave the way for you, and you have no other choice. For you, the road to the future is only a single wooden bridge called the college entrance exam, and you can only do it on your own. You need to know that you are burdened with not only your own fate, but also the family who work day and night for you, are all debts you must pay. You have no reason or time not to work. One last fight, only success, no failure. </font></h3><h3> <font color="#ed2308">Dear self, please cheer.</font><br></h3>