

<h3>🎵:Peppa pig S1E6</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Max,let's make the aircrafts in future with some simple materials.They may not look like regular papper airplanes,but they are guaranteed to fly very well every time.May be you can find this kind of aircraft in the science fiction film about the aliens.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Gather tools and materials.</h3><h3>We'll need:Paper straws,scissors,cardstock and clear tape.</h3><h3>Cardstock is a kind of paper that harder and thicker than the usual construction paper.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>We went to the stationer for the materials that ruler,cardstock and paper straw.<br></h3> <h3>Step1:Cut the card stock.</h3><h3>Start by cutting two strips that size up as length of 20cm and 12cm,both width of 1cm.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Step2:Tape the strips.</h3><h3>Tape the ends of the strips together to makea circle.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Step3:Create two circles.</h3><h3>Tape the ends of each strip together to create a circle.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Step4:Assemble the plane.</h3><h3>Use a piece of tape to secure the end of the straw inside the large circle.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Step5:Secure both ends.</h3><h3>Securing the small one to the opposite end of the straw.(维基知道找的步骤,简化下来成这样,为什么要用 secure,算了记住吧 )</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Step6:Get ready for lift off</h3><h3>The airplanes are ready for flight.We can assemble several in different colors and let the flying competitions begin.</h3><h3>试了好多次,的确飞的很远。</h3> <h3>We can imagine the aircraft in future,they must be faster and more advanced .The straw is the cockpit,the pilots could stay in it and drive the aircraft.</h3> We play some games with the aircrafs.<br><h3>Max讲了一个关于飞机失事的故事,👦No one can drive it,no one can come in bcs...,I want to give you a story,Once upon a time,there was a people,she(还是个女的)went into the aircraft.She pushed a ⏺ and the aircraft went up up up,then fell down.The end.🤯</h3><h3>👱🏻‍♀️So this story tell us,if you don't know what use of a ⏺,don't touch it.</h3> <h3>Roud and round.</h3> <h3>狮子座的掌控欲总是很强哈,简单的游戏,总是他设计规则👦</h3> <h3>Max,you should hold your drumsticks in the right way.Use your thumkin and pointer to pinch the stick,then use the other fingers to surround the stick,just hold the part near the bottom of the sticks.</h3>