<h3><div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">大蒲扇—外婆满满的爱</font></div>盛夏来临,暑气逼人,半夜从梦中惊醒,大汗淋漓,停电了,空调打不开,困得受不了,又迷迷糊糊的地入睡。一阵熟悉的歌声在耳边响起,那是外婆哄我睡觉的儿歌,伴随着手中大蒲扇轻轻地摇动,清爽的微风拂过我那幼小的身躯,一阵清凉透过全身,打个哈欠,伸个懒腰,撅起小嘴,露出一丝微笑,接着酣然入睡。记得小时候无数次外婆摇着蒲扇唱着儿歌伴我入眠,每当看到蒲扇一种莫名的情感油然而生,那是外婆满满的爱。大蒲扇—民间的工艺品,传统文化瑰宝,随着社会的发展,如今几乎失传,不见踪迹。今偶遇一老奶奶,精神抖擞,倚门静坐,手中娴熟地编织着我久违的大蒲扇。我上前与老奶奶攀谈,并详细观察老奶奶在做的细致活。老奶奶和蔼可亲,并娓娓道来大蒲扇的制作工艺及流程。<br></h3> <h3>备料:麦秸,荞麦秸,蒜芯皮均可制作蒲扇的原材料。麦秸杆租,脆,易发黄,不算上乘之料;荞麦秸细,韧性较好,但也易发黄,算是中等之材;蒜芯皮作为原料,具有韧性好,强度高,成品不易发黄,独特的馨香具有驱蚊之效,算是上乘之料。除此之外,还有另一种材料,那就是棕叶茎。<br></h3> <h3>材料处理:农历五月几乎是小麦、荞麦、蒜芯同时成熟的季节,一些具备制作手艺的老婆婆就会把采来的原材料进行相应的处理,今天我们以蒜芯为例来说明一下具体的处理过程。采蒜芯的时节应拿捏精准,大约以蒜子成熟为准。此时蒜芯外面那层纤维韧性最好,不老不嫩,不然影响制作以及成品品质。采来的蒜芯应放在屋内隔阳晾干,约八九成干时小心掰下外层纤维皮,入沸水浸泡,去除蒜味及杂质,同时也起到漂白作用。出水后又置于屋内,让其自然晾干,如此重复几个轮回蒜芯皮洁白如霞,仿佛一条条银丝带。这便得到蒲扇的原材料。棕叶茎的处理,相对比较简单,但要求也不低,从棕树上砍下几扇叶子,拿回家,也让它自然晾干至六七成,然后去掉叶子仅留叶子边上的茎,这种茎富有弹性,作为制作蒲扇的骨架以增强其强度,使成品更有型,然后用一种自制筛锯,把它加工成粗细均匀的长条备用。打造工艺制作蒲扇的工具并不多,也不讲究。一把剪刀、针线、一把带柄的小钻头足矣。一把蒲扇成品的好坏,不但取决于材料是否优良更主要依赖于个人的手艺。作为一项精细活,制作过程非常讲究。首先将蒜芯皮用剪刀小心翼翼地剐掉内层凹凸不平的部分,仅留外部较坚韧的部分,同时注意力度。处理好的蒜芯皮不厚不薄,各处均匀,然后用小钻头仔细地划掉较宽的地方。同样使蒜芯皮宽度均匀,不然会影响品质。<br></h3> <h3>万事开头难,做蒲扇也不例外,但在老奶奶的手中似乎并不难,只见她把经过精心处理的蒜芯皮一片一片,小心翼翼地按照一定的规律娴熟的编织起来,蒜芯皮以粽叶茎为骨有序编织在一起,非常美观。一天下来能编织几尺,两三天后一把蒲扇所需的基本部件就完成了。接着用针线将一圈圈的扇圈订起来,最后构成一个大蒲扇。这还只是蒲扇的雏形,接着还要制作扇柄,讲究的还要需要加上一些装饰品,常常都是由精美的刺绣组成,不知老奶奶是否也懂这绝活。<br></h3> <h3>产品特色:历经三五天一把精致的蒲扇打造完毕,看到自己的劳动成果,老奶奶会心地笑了,这也算是人生价值的一种体现。用蒜芯皮制成的蒲扇古朴、精致,典雅,错落有致的花纹非常有规律,整体看起来不失协调,可以说是恰到好处,极具观赏性,是一件难得的工艺品,说起功用,大蒲扇不但可以扇风纳凉还可以用来驱蚊驱虫,相当实用。<br></h3> <h3>文化寓意:从大蒲扇的结构看,错落交织的纹路,象征着一家人相互团结,协作共创,由内至外由小到大蜿蜒伸展意味着整个民族着手现在,放眼未来,在曲折的道路上一直走向未来。做蒲扇如刺绣,只有具备吃苦耐劳,坚忍不拔的工匠品质才能够完成。在感谢工匠们给我们带来完美作品的同时,也感叹中华民族伟大的文明和丰厚的文化。<br></h3> <h3><font color="#ed2308">Big Pu Fan-The great love of my grandma</font>
Summer was coming, the air was pressured, I waked up in the middle of the night from the dream, sweat dripping. Air conditioner can not work without power, I was sleepy, and went to sleep. A familiar song sounded in my ears, it was my grandmother's song of sleeping. The big fan was gently shook by her hands and the fresh breeze brushed my little body, a cool through the whole body. Yawned and gave a stretch, Pouted my lips, smiled, and fell asleep. I remember many times when I was a child my grandmother rocked the fan and sang the rhymes with me. Whenever I saw the Big Pu Fan a kind of inexplicable emotion burst into my head, it was my grandmother's love.
Big Pu Fan-Folk handicrafts, traditional cultural treasures, with the development of society, now almost lost, no trace. Today I encounter an old grandmother who are energetic, lean against the door and sit, her hands was weaving my long-lost big fan skillfully. I went up to talk to her and observed her detailed work. Her was affable, and narrate the production process of the Big Pu fan with me.
Raw materials: wheat straw, buckwheat straw and garlic cork are all raw materials of Big Pu Fan. Wheat straw thick, brittle and yellow, it was not a kind of good material; buckwheat straw is fine, its toughness is good, but also easy to yellow, it was a medium material; garlic core skin as raw material, with good toughness, high strength, the finished product is not easy to yellow.The unique aroma has repellent effect, is the superior material. In addition, there is another kind of material, that is palm leaf stem.<br></h3> <h3> Material processing: the fifth month of the lunar calendar is almost the season when wheat, buckwheat and garlic core matured at the same time. Some old ladies who have the skills to make the materials will deal with the raw materials accordingly. Today we take garlic cork as an example to explain the process. The season to pick garlic should be accurate.When the garlic matured. At this time the toughness of outside fiber is the best, not old and tender, the quality of raw materials will affect the production and the quality of finished products. Garlic cores should be kept in the room to dry without sun light. about 80 to 90 percent dried. You must break off the outer fiber skin carefully and then soak it into boiling water in order to remove garlic smell and impurities, it also bleach the garlic. Then get it out of water and place it in the cool room, let it dry naturally, After several above processing,the color of garlic skin is as white as a cloud , as if a silver ribbon. This gives you the raw materials for the fan. The processing of palm leaf stems is relatively simple, but it calls for great care too. After cut several leaves from palm trees, take them home, and let them dry to 60% or 70% naturally, and then remove the stems from the leaves.This kind of stem is elastic. As a skeleton to enhance the strength and shape of the finished product, then use a homemade saw make the stems into a uniform thickness shape. The tool of making fan is not many, and it is easy to get. A pair of scissors, needles and thread, a small bit with a handle is enough. The quality of Pu fan depends not only on whether the material is good or not, but also on the skill of the individual. As a fine work, the production process is very fastidious. First, the uneven part of the inner layer would be cut off from garlic skin with a scissor in a suitable strength. leaving only the outside tough part, while paying attention to the strength. The processed garlic core skin is not thin and evenly distributed, and then the wider area is carefully crossed out with a small bit. Also make garlic skin width uniform, otherwise it will affect the quality. Everything was difficult at the beginning as well as making a Pu fan, but it did not seem so difficult in the hands of the old woman. She pick up a piece of garlic core skin treated accordingly and carefully woven in accordance with certain rules.Garlic core skin orderly braided together with palm leaf stems which as a bone.It looks very beautiful. You can weave a few feet one day, After a few days the basic parts of a Pu Fan are finished. Then stitch the fan ring together, and finally form a large Pu fan. It was only the rudimentary shape of the Pu fan, and then it was necessary to make the handle, sometimes it should add some ornaments which made up of fine embroidery, I wonder if the old woman knew the trick.</h3> <h3> Product features: after three or five days a delicate fan made, see their own labor results, grandma will smile, this is a reflection of the value of life. The Pu fan made of garlic skin is simple, exquisite and elegant, its patterns are very regular, the overall look is not out of harmony. It can be said that it is just right, highly ornamental, and a rare handicraft.
Usage and function, Large fan is not only used to cool the wind but also be used to repel mosquitoes and insects, and it is quite effective.
Cultural implication: from the structure of the Big Pu Fan, the intertwined lines symbolize the unity and cooperation of the family, and the winding extension from small to large from the inside to the outside means that the whole nation word hard and looks forward to the future. And they had been moving toward the future in the twisted road. The craftsmanship seems embroidery, It can only be accomplished by a craftsman with hard work and perseverance. While thanking to the craftsmen for bringing us the perfect works, we also admire the great civilization and rich culture of the Chinese.<br></h3>