Forever Angel 永远的天使


<h3>著名影星,奥斯卡影后,世人敬仰她为“人间天使”。身为好莱坞最著名的女星之一,她以高雅的气质与有品味的穿着著称。1999年,她被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第3名。赫本晚年投身于慈善事业,是联合国儿童基金会亲善大使的代表,1992年被授予“总统自由勋章”。作为亲善大使,她不时举办一些音乐会和募捐慰问活动,造访一些贫穷地区的儿童,足迹遍及亚非拉许多国家。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>A famous film star, Oscar winner, admired her as "angel" in the world. As one of Hollywood's most famous actress, she is famous for its elegant temperament and have good taste in. In 1999, she was the American film institute elected in one hundred to the greatest actress third place. Dedicated to the charity, Hepburn old age is the representative of the United Nations children's fund, UNICEF goodwill ambassador in 1992 was awarded the "presidential medal of freedom". From time to time as a goodwill ambassador, she held some concerts and fundraising sympathy activities, visit some poor areas of children, in many countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.</h3> <h3>赫本的形象典型极了,俏皮的刘海,美妙的下巴,灵动的眼神,轻盈的小骨架,永远的平底鞋,紧束的腰身,飘逸的裙摆。</h3> <h3>那时多么幸福的时刻!</h3><div>Those were such happy times,</div><div>就在不久以前。</div><div>And not so long ago.</div><div>我想知道他们曾去何处,</div><div>How I wondered where they’d gone.</div><div>但我所有深爱,</div><div>But they’re back again,</div><div>他们现在又回来,</div><div>Just like a long lost friend.</div><div>正如老友失散又重聚。</div><div>The song I love so well.</div> <h3>我所有美好的记忆</h3><div>All my best memories,</div><div>清晰的重现。</div><div>Come back clearly to me.</div><div>有一些仍能使我激动不已,</div><div>Some can even make me cry,</div><div>正如从前一样,</div><div>Just like before,</div><div>仿佛昔日又重来。</div><div>It’s yesterday once more.</div> <h3>我所有美好的记忆</h3><div>All my best memories,</div><div>清晰的重现。</div><div>Come back clearly to me.</div><div>有一些仍能使我哭出来,</div><div>Some can even make me cry,</div><div>正如从前一样,</div><div>Just like before,</div><div>仿佛昔日又重来。</div><div>It’s yesterday once more.</div> <h3>回头看</h3><div>Looking back on how it was,</div><div>岁月如何消逝</div><div>In years gone by,</div><div>这些过去的好时光,</div><div>And the good time that I had,</div><div>使今天显得令人哀伤。</div><div>Makes today seem rather sad.</div><div>变化多大啊!</div><div>So much has changed.</div> <h3>Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find them at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.</h3><div><br></div><div>记住,如果你在任何时候需要一只手来帮助你,你可以在自己每条手臂的末端找到它。随着你的成长,你会发现你有两只手,一只用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。</div> <h3>For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.</h3><h3><br></h3><div>若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的好处;若要优美的嘴唇,要讲亲切的话;若要优雅的姿态,走路时要记住行人不只你一个。</div> <h3>I&nbsp;believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and… I believe in miracles.</h3><div><br></div><div>我喜欢修指甲,我喜欢打扮,我喜欢哪怕在闲暇时也涂唇膏穿盛装,我喜欢粉色。我相信快乐的女孩最漂亮。我相信每一天都是新的一天……我相信奇迹。</div> <h3>I&nbsp;decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.</h3><h3><br></h3><div>很早以前,我就已经决定,无论遇到什么情况,都要坦然的接受生活;我从来没期望过它会对我青眼有加,虽然如今我已拥有如许多我不曾奢望过的东西。其实很多时候,他们都是那么悄无声息的降临到我的生活中,我甚至都不曾去寻找过。</div> <h3>Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>珍惜生活,不管发生了什么,不管遇见谁都要享受这次经历。在我看来,过去的经历让我懂得珍惜现在,我不愿在对将来的忧虑中蹉跎眼前的时光。</h3> <h3>The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>女人的魅力不在于外表,真正的美丽折射于一个女人灵魂深处,在于亲切的给与和热情。一个女人的美丽随着岁月而增长。</h3> <h3>Throughout the whole life of Hepburn, she has been frustrated and brilliant, but she has always praised the warmth and purity. Hepburn's life was shining because of his appearance, brilliant and brilliant because of his talent. Over the years, she has been shining like an angel to the world. She is a well deserved immortal goddess.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>纵观赫本这一生,她却始终褒守温暖、纯良。赫本的一生,因外表而闪耀,因才华而卓越,因人格而不朽。 这些年来,她就如天使一般光照人间,真是当之无愧的不朽女神!</h3> <h3><a href=""target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"></i>“罗马假日”遇见永远的天使</a></h3>