
<h3>是这样的,如果等到别人手机里的照片发给我,我可能会因为照片太多放弃发朋友圈了。但是坚决要为公司打call, 如此大场面的summer camp不是寻常组织可以做到的!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>It was an amazing job to bring 8000+people from all over the world. Everything was perfectly great and FUN! <span style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">We are a huge 伐木累.</span></h3> <h3>Treat other people the way they want to be treated. ——Adam</h3> <h3>Korea design team</h3> <h3>BEST fish &amp; chips!!!</h3><h3>谁说英国黑暗料理界老大的,我都吃胖了!</h3> <h3>Lorde!!! We are driving Cadillacs in our dreams. lol</h3> <h3>室友from NY. 纽约Style都是白天躺帐篷,晚上通宵喝酒…</h3> <h3>室友 from India. 第一天就带我混入印度team的一个每天带妆睡的神奇女子</h3>