<p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">几年前姐姐和姐夫送绘妈妈一个特别的生日礼物,就是这本神秘花园,但是这本神秘花园当时没有颜色,只有图案。多年来妈妈坐在桌前,精心设计,认认真真地进行色彩搭配,一笔一画地精心描绘。每一幅画都是花一个星期以上完成的,经过她的不懈努力,神秘花园终于穿上了彩衣 几乎每一幅画都倾注了她的心血。今天是她的生日,她给自己送了一份杰作,也教会了我们什么叫坚持不懈,什么叫一丝不拘。妈妈的神秘花园充满了爱和温暖,就像她多年来给我们的关爱和温暖一样,让我们生活在这个美丽的神密花园里,祝妈妈生日快乐🎊🎁</span></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">自从两年多前我发表了妈妈这本“神秘花园”之后,已有三千多人欣赏了妈妈的杰作。感谢大家对妈妈的画的赞美,你们的鼓励和支持也给了妈妈动力把剩余的的二十七张画涂描完成,为大家呈上一本完整的“神秘花园”。这些新完成的画比以前的更加细致,色彩和线条搭配更加完美,真难以想象这是一个年过八十的人的作品,真为有一个这么一个多才多艺的妈妈而骄傲,希望大家喜欢,多给妈妈点赞,鼓励她再继续涂描下一本。</span></p> <p>A few years ago, my sister gave my mom this “Secret Garden” coloring book as her birthday gift. This seemingly ordinary gift turns out into an extraordinary creation through my mom’s gifted hands. Over the years, she dressed up the black and white “garden” with colorful flowers. Everyday, I saw her sitting in front of the desk, with the book opened and a pile of coloring pencils carefully separated into groups. It took her an average of two to three weeks to finish just one page. She started the work on her 80th birthday and finally completed on her 83rd birthday. Over the years, she had to stop a few times due to illness but she has never given up. She rewarded herself with a gift of her own, a creation of this beautiful “Secret Garden”. As you flipped through the pages, you will be amazed at the perfect color coordination and the harmony and peace reflected from the pictures. I am so proud to have a mom with such a gifted hand and most of all, she taught me love, patience, persistence, details, and dedication. These are the most valuable characters that she demonstrated in her life and pass on to her children. </p> <p>妈妈写的字条</p> <p>这是原来的画</p> <p>以下是新加的画</p>